ali Hassan Khan

Discussion in 'Refutation' started by YaMustafa, May 14, 2015.

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  1. YaMustafa

    YaMustafa Well-Known Member

    RAHIMAHULLAH for ibn uthaymeen?

    (not very strong in arabic so apologies if i misunderstood/took out of context)
  2. Qais786

    Qais786 New Member

    @Ghaznawi , not going to be saying ,you will find out in the debate
  3. Ghaznawi

    Ghaznawi New Member

    @Qais786 Who are the people of "our side"? Who does it consist of?
  4. Qais786

    Qais786 New Member

  5. Ghaznawi

    Ghaznawi New Member

  6. Qais786

    Qais786 New Member

    @Ghaznawi no thats totally false, debate will go ahead.

    الحمد لله رب العلمين و الصلاة و السلام على من ليس على الغيب بضنين و آله و صحبه أجمعين. و بعد:

    السلام على من اتبع الهدى

    لقد ذكرت العديد من القضايا التي تحتاج إلى توضيح.

    أولا، مطالبة موقفنا: لا تمكن لنا المناقشة عن غاية و حدود علمه الشريف صلى الله عليه و سلم إن كنت لا تثبت هذه الصفة للأنبياء أصلا. يعني لا بد لنا إثبات الأصل قبل المباحثة عن الفرع و العقل السليم يقتضي هذا. لذلك عليك توضيح رأيك و إعتقادك حول أصل اعتقاد علم الغيب للأنبياء عليهم السلام: هل هذا الاعتقاد صحيح في ضوء الكتاب و السنة أم لا؟ إن كان صحيحا، فما الحكم الشرعي من شخص ينكره؟ و إن لم يكن كذلك، فما هو حكم الشخص الذي يحمل هذه العقيدة؟

    ثانيا ، هذا الموضوع له عدة مجالات عندنا. وهي ملخصا: كل من ينكر علم الغيب أصلا للأنبياء هو كافر بسسب إنكار النصوص الصريحة و أصل النبوة . أما حدود و غاية علمه صلى الله عليه فقد إختلفوا علماء اهل السنة فيها و نعترف ذلك الإختلاف. ولكن سوف نفسر وبعبارة واضحة عقيدتنا في ذلك ولكن تجب عليك أولا الإجابة على ما كنت تعتقد و تقول حول إثبات علم الغيب للأنبياء أصلا أي مجردا بدون القيود من الحد و الغاية ، كما هو موضح في النقطة الأولى.

    ثالثا ، كل ما نقلت من الإمام أحمد رضا خان رحمه الله كان من مصدر ثانوي - أي من كتاب لم يكتبه الإمام نفسه. إن يراد إثبات نقطة علمية يجب علينا الرجوع إلى المصادر الأولية، أي الكتب التي كتبها الشخص نفسه مثل الفتاوى الرضوية في حالة المحدث البريلوي رحمه الله.

    رابعا، ما حكم إطلاق لفظة "علم الغيب" على علم الأنبياء مطلقا أو مقيدا عندك كما استعمل الشيخ إبن العثيمين رحمه الله "علم الغيب النسبي" لغير الله في مواضع عديدة؟ هل أنت على منواله أم لا؟

    و صلى الله على حبيبه الأعظم و آله و صحبه
  7. Ghaznawi

    Ghaznawi New Member

    @Qais786 Are you sure? As far as I've heard, Abdul Qadir bottled it? Apparently he's delaying it and the debate is not going ahead...
  8. Qais786

    Qais786 New Member

    @Ghaznawi Ali hasan wanted more time, he said june, so it will be next month
  9. Ghaznawi

    Ghaznawi New Member


    Wasn't this debate supposed to be happening on the first weekend of May? Well, it's the first weekend of May...

    Can anyone update us as to what is happening?
  10. YaMustafa

    YaMustafa Well-Known Member

    From his Facebook page:

    Ali Hassan Khan
    8 February at 23:03 · Edited ·
    Bismillahi Ir-Rahman Ir-Raheem.

    Debate will insha Allah be in May on topic: Do Prophets have Ilmul Ghayb?

    When date is set, I will inform for brothers and name of psltalk room for brothers to listen live.

    I ll see if brothers can do live streaming.

    Ali Hassan KhanBrother only 5 people and cab listen live...I'll try to sort livestrwm
    8 February at 23:40 · 4
  11. Abu Hafsah

    Abu Hafsah New Member

    Any date set for the debate or is it undecided as yet??
  12. Brother Barry

    Brother Barry Veteran

    I guess we will only really see how the cooky crumbles on the day
  13. kaydani1

    kaydani1 Active Member

    Mawlana Abdul Qadir has been offered assistance regarding the debate from his teacher, Shaykh Muhammad Asrar Rashid. He was contacted regarding this via his classmates. He said, "Jazaka Allah khayran", yet he is insisting to others that he will go to the munazra on his own. However, I have heard that he is claiming that if he contacted Shaykh Yasin, the latter would be willing to help. We will see if this is true?

    The door of Shaykh Asrar Rashid remains open!
  14. MuhammadSaeed

    MuhammadSaeed New Member

  15. qattarridawi

    qattarridawi New Member

    It does not give me an edit option unfortunately, I guess one of the moderators can delete the comment? Tell Haroon Sultan I'm sorry ❤️❤️
  16. qattarridawi

    qattarridawi New Member

    I think Haroon Sultan should return back to the Qur'anic ayah quoted and verify the information he recieves before making threats to others. I did not expect this from Someone as 'learned' as him. Nevertheless i will edit the post and remove his name and my inferiority complex comment in order to lift the blame he is putting on another brother.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2015
  17. agent-x

    agent-x Well-Known Member

    Surely IF Abdul Qadeer asks Shaykh Asrar for help he would assist?

    I dont think anyone in the UK (amongst the young British born scholars) is as well equipped to debate as Shaykh Asrar is.

    I do not know much of Abdul Qadeer but he MUST prepare himself well and seek help from those that are better than him at debating as its not a personal thing, he is representing us all like him or hate him.

    A brother mentioned Shaykh Yaseen yes he is knowledgeable but in fairness he has nothing on Shaykh Asrar when it comes to debating.

    If this is a ploy by Abdul Qadeer to get known he's has gone about it the wrong way
  18. Abu Aleshba

    Abu Aleshba Active Member

    Add to that students/followers of young scholars on forums shooting from the hip, going in all guns blazing, like a bull in a china shop.
    Wadood likes this.
  19. Ethical_Barelvi

    Ethical_Barelvi Active Member

    Sad state of affairs to be honest with you, Sunni-barelvis will never learn so many divisions within us. Our Madressah progamme and stduent enrichrement for social development is the poor 'est' in the United Kingdom.

    Every Chaudary, Badalee, is a Allamah Saab and coming up with new debate challenges..
    just wanting his little raise to go home wth end of the day, it so typical of us we will never ever learn. The deviants are laughing at us.

    Shame on Us ALL.
    Nur al Anwar and CHISHTI like this.
  20. qattarridawi

    qattarridawi New Member

    Sacred you seem obsessed to know who everybody is you should stick to reading confessions of an economic Hitman and attending Naqshbandi music academy Washwood Heath weekly.

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