English translation of "Jashne Aamade Rasool"

Discussion in 'Poetry' started by Muslimah, Mar 27, 2007.

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  1. Muslimah

    Muslimah New Member

    Jazakallah but no i did not do it myself it was sent to me in an email, so i felt i should share it with other brothers and sisters.
  2. masha Allah. Nice translation! Did you do it yourself? :)

    CHISHTI Well-Known Member

    Jazaak Allaah sister, brings a tear of joy and lifts the hearts of the lovers of the Beloved Sall Allaahu Aleyhi Wa Sallam
  4. Muslimah

    Muslimah New Member

    JASHNE AAMADE RASOOL - Celebrations of the coming of the Messenger
    [ translated from Urdu ]

    Celebrations of the coming of the Messenger
    The flower of Lady Aminah

    When the master was about to come
    The maidens and boy servants of Paradise began to rejoice

    The light spread everywhere
    With the coming of the Chosen One came life to us all

    O Halima in your lap has arrived
    The Messenger of both worlds

    Celebrations of the coming of the Messenger
    The flower of Lady Aminah

    Some would praise his face
    Some would praise his locks of hair

    Seeing this, Aminah began smiling
    Eve and Mary too began rejoicing

    Lady Aminah began saying to everybody
    The prayer has been accepted

    Celebrations of the coming of the Messenger
    The flower of Lady Aminah

    Festive music was sounded
    Songs of happiness were heard by all

    Everywhere shouts of 'peace on him'
    Today the Beloved of God has been born

    Thereafter Gabriel announced
    This truly is the Messenger of God

    Celebrations of the coming of the Messenger
    The flower of Lady Aminah

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