Shaykh Farid al Baji, Tunisia

Discussion in 'Multimedia' started by AbdalQadir, Dec 29, 2015.

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  1. AbdalQadir

    AbdalQadir time to move along! will check pm's.

    actually no one really knows what can introduce someone to deoband these days. there are all sorts of things, poor dramatics and performances by shayateen like taarik zaleel, other performances by junaid jamshed, muhannad, "authentic" najdiized literature and conmerchantry of their elders, aamir khan & bollywood, abp news and mehmood madani, whatever. anything can introduce anyone to deoband these days. they're like a cancer that has spread badly!!

    i came across this site:

    on the Mawlid -

    i think mr keller can be credited to this hybrid sect of deobarelwis or neobandis (i coined this one after reading his tripe, along the lines of neo-nazi or neocon), at least in the west, and they are increasing by the day. ironically, the shaytan misses out the fact that we too are dead set against this evil group which apparently swings both ways!!

    another article on Mawlid -


    the molvi accidentally spells out the TRUE minhaj of his sect in this article on Islamic finance here:

    emphasis mine.

    i couldn't have said it better myself about how the deobandis treat their "akaabir". only i speak in the more important context of iman itself, and don't just restrict myself to Islamic finance.


    irony at its finest once again - they say it's the salafis and Barelwis who hurt deen, when in reality it's them

    among the table of contents -

    that's a dedication to you brother, abu Hasan

  2. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    frankly, was the shaykh introduced to deoband through muhannad or their other literature?

    does the shaykh know the following?

    - deobandis believe that it is not muHal for Allah ta'ala to lie? (sub'Hanahu wa ta'ala)

    - deobandis consider celebration of mawlid as a bid'ah, and even indulge in character assassination of the king of irbil and slandering him - even though major historians have praised him as a pious, just and generous king. see duwal al-islam, al-ibar, siyar, tarikh al-islam (all 4) of dhahabi, ibn khallikan citing from ibn al-athir, ibn kathir, ibn imad among major ones.

    - deobandi leaders scorned celebration of mawlid and to this day revile ulama of ahl al-sunnah for the same.

    - deobandis are actually wahabis following the hanafi madh'hab.

    - deobandis consider istighatha and istimdad as bid'ah or even shirk (polytheism?)

    - deobandis believe that awliya and prophets are dead and cannot hear. those who have said that the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam is alive have said that it is a special life.

    - deobandis believe that nidaa ya RasulAllah (as a form of istimdad/istighatha/shafa'ah) is also shirk.

    - deobandis consider visiting maqams of awliya and seeking barakah, wasilah as bid'ah or shirk.

    - deobandis have severely wahabised view about the knowledge of RasulAllah sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam, to the point that their top-dogs have written in their books that RasulAllah sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam does not even know what is behind the wall.

    - deobandis consider that respect to RasulAllah sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam should be only as much as one regards their elder brother.

    - the book deobandis consider as faith itself - ayn iman - ismayil dihlawi's tafwiyatu'l iman is not just a straight lift from ibn abd al-wahhab's but rather worse as it has a number of blasphemies.

    - that deobandis defend and praise wahabi founder, shaykh najdi.

    - celebrating mawlid is like celebrating birthday of krishna, an idol whom hindus worship as god.

    - deobandis believe that if hypothetically another prophet comes after the advent of our Prophet sallALlahu alayhi wa sallam, there will be no effect on his being the seal of all prophets.

    - deobandis believe that the meaning "seal of Prophets" as a "chronologically last prophet" is the idea of commoners and laymen.

    that modern deobandis like tariq jamil have no compunctions whatsoever in explicit tajsim that can put arab-wahabis to shame; such as:

    - Allah ta'ala can descend upon the earth and grab every person by his shoulder and shake him (al iyadhu billah)

    - Allah ta'ala can come - and tariq jameel keeps making dua to "come and show them.." even though devbandis

    - tariq jameel keeps making dua that he would 'grab Your legs' [addressing Allah ta'ala]

    and various other such tajsimi descriptions. we seek Allah's refuge. ta'ala Allahu `uluwwan kabeera.


    may Allah ta'ala humiliate and annihilate deobandis.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2015
    Aqdas and Ghulam Ali like this.
  3. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    as usual, uninformed - hence not to blame. it is the same about all sunni ulama in the west and arab-lands UNTIL they are aware of the kufr of devbandis and still consider them blameless and innocent like angels, as mr.keller did. keller's ghayrah (or lack of it) - shame on him - even after acknowledging that a certain statement is disgusting and no muslim would tolerate for their father, he has no problems with that being said for RasulAllah sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam.

    firstly, devbandis, by their own admission are maturidis - so it is obvious that the shaykh is uninformed.
    Unbeknown likes this.
  4. IbnKhan786

    IbnKhan786 New Member

    1:35 - jamhur 'ulama asha'ira:...deobandiyin - Shaykh Farid al-Baji

  5. Wadood

    Wadood Veteran

  6. Wadood

    Wadood Veteran

    A true Sunni Scholar, a Sunni Tiger, a Hasani Sayyid, from Tunisia
  7. Wadood

    Wadood Veteran

    must listen

    AbdalQadir likes this.

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