A Confusion regarding applicability ( specificity, generality ) and contextualization of the aayats.

Discussion in 'Tafsir' started by Aarif Ali, Aug 22, 2016.

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  1. Aarif Ali

    Aarif Ali New Member

  2. Aarif Ali

    Aarif Ali New Member

    A Confusion regarding applicability ( specificity, generality ) and contextualization of the verses of the Quran

    Many a times it is seen that the verses of the Quran that the Ahle Sunnat take as a source for their Aqeeda mainly their views on relations with the Badmazhabs are brushed aside by saying that it applied only in a particular context . for example 5:51 48:29 98:6 (need specific replies regarding these aayat ) interpreted in articles like these .




    the internet seems to be inundated with articles like these

    the reader may become confused as which wisdom of the Quran he should apply in his life and whether he should read the asbaab un nuzool of each verse from different tafseers and also refer the articles of the pseudoMuhaqqiqs and suleh kul types to form a definite opinion

    need some solid proof for the viewpoint of ahle sunnat on the applicability dilemma .

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