Biography: Ibn Atayillah as-Sakandari

Discussion in 'Siyar an-Nubala' started by abu Hasan, May 17, 2006.

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  1. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    Imām Tājuddīn Abū’l Fađl Aĥmed ibn Muĥammad ibn Ábdu’l Karīm ibn Ábdu’r Raĥmān ibn Ábdullāh ibn Aĥmed ibn Ýīsā ibn al-Ĥusayn ibn Áţā-Allāh as-Sakandari : Jidhāmi by descent, Maliki in fiqh, Alexandrine by domicile and buried in Qurāfa - he was a Sufi who followed the Shadhilī Ţariqah.

    Shaykh Zarrūq says that he was a master in many disciplines – tafsir, ĥadīth, fiqh, grammar, and the science of principles. He was a great spokesman of the sufis, a great preacher whose speech was of immense benefit to a multitude, who then followed him in his path. This was foretold by his Shaykh Abū’l Ábbās al-Mursī as he himself relates in Laţāyif al-Minan: ‘The shaykh told me: Be steadfast. By Allāh if you do so, you shall be a mufti in both the madh’habs – that of shariáh the external and tariqah the internal.’ It is also reported from him [Shaykh Abū’l Ábbās] that he said: ‘By Allāh, this young man will not pass away before being a great sermonizer who invites people towards the path of Allāh’ He is also reported to have said: ‘By Allāh, you shall reach great heights, By Allāh, you shall have a great stature.’

    He passed away - Allah's mercy upon him - in the month of Jamādī al-Ākhir, in the year 709 AH.

    Among the books he wrote, the following are very famous:
    1. At-Tanwīr fī Isqāţi’t Tadbīr
    2. Laţayif al-Minan (A biography of his Shaykh Abū’l Ábbās al-Mursī and his shaykh Abū’l Ĥasan ash-Shādhilī)
    3. Tāj al-Árūs
    4. Miftāhu’l Falāĥ fi’dh Dhikri wa Kayfiyati’s Suluk
    5. Al-Ĥikam
    6. Al-Qawl al-Mujarrad fi’l Ismi’l Mufrad
    [Ibn Ájībah, Īqāž al-Himam]
    Last edited: May 19, 2009

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