Deobandi Fabrication in Nashr ut Teeb

Discussion in 'Bibliophile's Corner' started by Aqdas, Nov 6, 2009.

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  1. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

    let's hope the haughty deobandis that are all over the net take note and provide answers as to why they are taking parts out of their elders' books.
  2. sunnistudent

    sunnistudent Veteran

    Deobandi Fabrication in Nashr ut Teeb fi Dhikr il Nabbiyal Habeeb

    Continuning their practice of fabricating Islamic books , deobandis have now fabricated a book written by one of their cult leaders!

    Ashraf ali thanvee al deobandi wrote Nashr ut Teeb fi Dhikr il Nabbiyal Habeeb.
    [The Radiating Scent in the Beloved Prophet’s Dhikr]

    This book has some contents about which deobandis are not comfortable .

    Allama Mohammed Ali Mustafwi [ Pakistan] has found out few fabrcations done by deobandis in the latest edition of Nashr ut Teeb , published by Darul Ishaat, Karachi, Pakistan. Upon further analysis more fabrications were discovered . Here two such fabrications is being presented.

    In india the responsibility of publishing this fabricated edition was given to Dar Al Kitab, Deoband, which has successfully published this fabricated edition

    Ashraf Ali Thanvee al deobandi writes in the introduction to Nashr ut teeb: “ It is written in the introduction to the book hisn e hassen that the author of Burdah was struck with paralysis .When all medical help became useless, then he wrote this burdah for blessings( barakah) . He was blessed to see( vision of ) prophet( sal allahu alayhi wa sallam).The prophet ( sal allahu alayhi wa sallam) moved his hand ( over the body) and he was immediately cured”. [ Nashr t Teeb, page 2]

    It is seen that this incidence has been mentioned by Allamah Muhammed bin Muhammed Al-Jazri Al-Shafi'ee ( died 833 AH) in his book hisn e haseen and it clearly proves that prophet is dafi’ al-bala’I wal- waba’I wal-qahti wal- maradi wal –alam,
    [One who repels calamities, epidemics, droughts, ailments and anxieties.]

    The deobandi scholar Rasheed Gangohi said that Darud Taj should not be recited as it is shirk because it contains this line “ dafi’ al-bala’I wal- waba’I wal-qahti wal- maradi wal –alam”. This was refuted by many scholars of Ahlus sunnah.

    Whenever a sunni lay man had debate with deobandi scholars ,on prophet being called dafi’ al-bala’I wal- waba’I this evidence was presented to the deobandi scholars , reminding them that this has been mentioned in the book written by their own cult lader.

    Deobandis were always in an awkward situation to face this evidence . So,in this latest edition of Nashr ut Teeb, the foreward has been removed because it mentioned this incidence.

    In chapter 21, Ashraf ali thanvi al deobandi has written a poem in Arabic and he himself provided the urdu translation of this poem.The poem begins with “ dastigiree kijiye meray nabee , Kashma kash mein tum hee ho meray nabi

    [ Nashr ut Teeb, chapter 21 , page 194]

    Help me O Nabi !, in times of difficulty you are the one to help me .The poem is lengthy and shows istighatha practiced by Ashraf ali thanvi. This was one of the evidence presented by the sunni layman to deobandi scholars showing the permissibility of istighataha.

    Since istighatha is shirk as per other deobandis and they would not like to call their leader as mushrik , they have deleted this complete poem from the new edition.


    Plz note: scans can be see at the above link

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