How to learn and improve on arabic reading skills

Discussion in 'General Topics' started by Unbeknown, Jan 20, 2019.

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  1. Unbeknown

    Unbeknown Senior Moderator


  2. Nawazuddin

    Nawazuddin Veteran

    simple way to start off with is learn 7 types of ma`rifah, 8 types of mabniyaat and 16 types of ism e mutamakkin as in nahv mir. also figure out the irab when it's mahallan, taqdeeran and lafzan. at the outset know that jumla for your purpose is four types: ismiyyah, feliyyah, zarfiyyah and shartiyyah.

    just master these and you will be more than half way home, in-shaa-Allah!

    after you know these, do as Shaykh Abu Hasan has stated below.
  3. Noori

    Noori Senior Moderator

    that is why learning sarf very well is important, if you can identify the root letters and the seeghah then you will be able to understand many derived words (mushtaqqat) without looking them up in dictionaries. however, arabic is a very rich leanguage with regards to vocabulary, even experts need to look up into dictionaries. Don't forget that even the companions raDiAllahu a'nhum used to ask RasulAllah alaihi afDalus salaat wat-tasleem for the meanings of some words they did not know, while they were the most eloquent people among the arabs.

    initially you will have to, but don't totally depend on translations, first try to understand the text yourself, and if you do not get the meanings then go to translations, and compare.
    these books are not meant to teach you how to read arabic, rather you should be able to read arabic to understand these books; without basic grammer skills you will merely reading or listening to translations. if you have only learned basic verb conjugations (tasrif/gardan) with some beginner level nahw then reading these books is not a good idea. i mean if you want to be able to read yourself, if that is not the target then why not read bahar e shariat. also for usul not only grammer is a must but also some understanding of mantiq, and ma'ani.

    if you are reading with a teacher alone, Whether face to face or online, you should read the text and your teacher should correct the ibaarat and explain the meanings. also, if you have not read noor al Idhah then starting with quduri won't be a good idea. noor al idha is simpler than quduri.

    Disclaimer: i am a beginner, and sharing my personal experiences and thoughts, they may not match with the opinions and suggestions of experts/teachers. i went through the similar situation as brother mentioned in his query.
  4. SunniSaifi

    SunniSaifi New Member

    I am indeed grateful that you brothers have used time to reply my message.
    Because of my current situation, like full time job, i do not have the chance to enroll a madrassa apparently.
    I study online individually with a sunni mufti from PK.

    Noori brother, my arabic vocabulary is very weak, for example i did click on the link of brother abu hasan, and found myself not able to understand many words in the child story, should i use dictionary for every word i do not understand ?

    Brother abu hasan, many of the books you have send, could i use a english/urdu translation for understanding the meaning.

    Currently i am reading quduri and usul shashi with teacher.

    I hope you will overlook my faults and questions, but i just want to learn in a effective and good way, knowing that i only have 1-3hours of study in working days.

    I think i can learn alot from you here.
  5. Noori

    Noori Senior Moderator

    this is what sidi abu Hasan suggested to me along with the link below.
  6. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    Noori likes this.
  7. Noori

    Noori Senior Moderator

    you will learn as you progress inshaAllah. there are few things though which will increase your capability of reading without airab.

    1) you have to be very good at sarf. if you are good at nahw but not sarf then it will be very difficult. the best way, as it is the practice in madaris, is to practice identification of seeghah from Quran along with reading sarf books; a lot of practice from Quran. I personally believe that if you have completed and understood following books then you have good understanding of sarf

    i) meezan wa munshai'b,
    ii) sarf e bhutral,
    iii) ilm us sighah (urdu or farsi),
    iv) fusul e akbari (mainly khassiyyat e abwab),
    v) taiseer abwab us sarf by khadim hussain rizvi,
    vi) and ta'lilaat e khadimiyyah - khadim hussain rizvi hafizahullahu ta'ala.

    note that you need to learn by heart ilm us sighah or sarf e bhutral

    2) you also have to be very good at nahw, if you have read and well understood following books then you are good to go
    i) nahw e meer
    ii) hidayat'un nahw

    you should be able to read arabic without a'irab before you begin kafiyah and sharh jami, therefore I did not include them in the list

    3) in the beginning you will find it difficult to read without ai'rab but make it necessary upon yourself that you always read the books without ai'rab .

    Here I disagree with sidi abu Hasan, not because I know better than him, his knowledge, as well as command over Islamic sciences, is extraordinary, whereas i am a below average student. however, it is my personal experience, reading books with tashkil will not help you until you are already good at sarf and nahw, this is the learning curve that I went through and I am still learning. if you have doubt about tashkil of some words you can always look into another copy which has tashkil (ai'rab).

    you will have to look into the urdu translation to understand the meaning, but gradually this need will go away except for new vocabs that you will look up in dictionaries. if you are able to understand the meaning of the text, it is a sign that you are applying the rules you have learned in sarf and nahw.

    4) as sidi abu Hasan mentioned, read hadith sharif, riyad us saliheen is a good start, with or ideally without tashkil

    5) read fiqh and hadith books in front of your teacher, your teacher will notice what are your weak points, he will stop and guide you on those specific places, so it is very important.

    6) you must finish a couple of insha books taught in dars e nizam, such as tariqah jadidah

    7) read small story books for kids in arabic without tashkil

    8) follow some sunni arab shuyukh on facebook and read some of their posts. do not spend too much time on facebook.
  8. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    how did you learn to read enough as enuff and laugh as laaf?
    if you read urdu, how did you learn to differentiate between is (this) and us (that) and the many other things without any diacritics?

    after you learn basic grammar, the best option is to read texts with tashkil/iyrab for practice. start with the hadith of RasulAllah sallALlahu alayhi wa sallam - as it is the speech of the most eloquent arab.

    then try some simple books with tashkil - even fiqh books are good for practice. [many published works have typos, even dar minhaj editions]

    riyaD al-salihin:
    PDF link.

    hadiyyah alayiyyah:
    PDF link.

    sharh al-muqaddimat of sanusi:
    PDF link.

    ayyuha'l walad of imam ghazali:
    PDF link.

    bidayatu'l hidayah of imam ghazali:
    select #88.
    PDF link. (within the ZIP folder)

    dar minhaj edition: PDF link.

    anwar al-muhammadiyyah, abridged mawahib - nab'hani
    PDF link:

    al-adhkar of imam nawawi
    PDF link:

    kifayatu'l akhyar:
    PDF link.

    hadayiq al-anwar
    PDF links:

    i'anah al-mutawajjih al-miskin - zarruq

    these few titles may not make you an expert in reading arabic without diacritics, but certainly they will improve your reading skills. besides, you will learn far more valuable things in the above books.

    wa billahi't tawfiq.
    Ghulaam likes this.
  9. SunniSaifi

    SunniSaifi New Member

    yes brother, i read both.

    Eventhough i read better english, but my teacher is from Pakistan, so he uses sometimes books from PK.
  10. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    do you read english or urdu?

    please understand. it is a serious question.
  11. SunniSaifi

    SunniSaifi New Member

    Assalamu 'alaykum, as a student of knowledge, how can one be better to read texts without i'raab.
    I have problems to read without i'raab eventhough i have read sarf and nahw and tarkeeb.

    Please, i am need of good counsel.

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