Jāliyya tul-Kadr - Imām al-Barzanjī

Discussion in 'Poetry' started by Abu Hamza, Jun 1, 2016.

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  1. Abu Hamza

    Abu Hamza Well-Known Member

    This is a recitation of Imām al-Barzanjī's poem on the companions of Badr [rađiy'Allāhu anhum] entitled:

    Jāliyya tul-Kadr bī Dhikrī Asmāi Ahl il-Badr

    This particular recitation is in al-Madinā al-Munawwara [على ساكنها افضل الصلاة و السلام].

    From 4 minutes 23 is the mention of Sayyidunā Abū Bakr al-Şiddīq followed by the rest of the Ashara Mubashara & Sayyidunā Hamza, then the tempo changes - beautiful

    رضي الله عنهم


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