'Merry Xmas' from Ali jifri

Discussion in 'Refutation' started by Umar99, Jan 17, 2018.

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  1. AbdalQadir

    AbdalQadir time to move along! will check pm's.


  2. AbdalQadir

    AbdalQadir time to move along! will check pm's.

  3. AbdalQadir

    AbdalQadir time to move along! will check pm's.

    christian priest, brother of catholics and protestants, ali jifry's (qaatalahullah) message of christmas this year. this year he's graduated from mere wishes to drooling over church pictures.


    as i mentioned in an older post, he's forgotten the talqeen he did at a Muslim grave once.

    if ali jifry dies in his current state, he should be buried in a catholic or protestant graveyard, as he has declared them to be his brothers. let him be buried with those he loves and believes to be his brothers

    as hadith informs - you will be with those whom you love
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2014
  4. AbdalQadir

    AbdalQadir time to move along! will check pm's.

    this guy's on a roll.

    he didn't even miss the orthodox christian on 7 jan, right in the month of the birth of the Prophet, 3alaihis salam


    and he proudly links to this piece on his page as well - http://www.alittihad.ae/wajhatdetails.php?id=76784


    also on his facebook and twitter page

    this only applies to matters of furoo3 but these pseudo-christian-missionaries are trying to use it to justify their perennialism and sulah kulliyat.

    for all intents and purposes, there is really no difference between jifry and tahir.
  5. AbdalQadir

    AbdalQadir time to move along! will check pm's.

    what can the possible reason or reasons for this be?

    what purpose would it serve Muslims?

    does it serve the christians any purpose?
  6. Wadood

    Wadood Veteran

    back in 2009, i posted this story of Habib Ali' s meeting with the former Coptic pope on Sunniport, but someone swiftly deleted it.
  7. Ghulam

    Ghulam Veteran

    Can you please change the title of the thread to Sayyid Jifri. I shouldn't be changing Shah Sahibs name like that.
  8. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    further to hamza's mention of the hadith, a translation can be found here.
  9. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    shaykh bin bayyah's fatwa linked on the page (apparently, it is the fatwa of the european fatwa council - unless that is also written by him - and attested by bin bayyah):

    mentions the difference between celebrating christmas and greeting christians on their holiday. it says: "they have their festivals and we have our eids..."

    ونحن معهم في مقاومة احتفال المسلمين بأعياد المشركين وأهل الكتاب الدينية، كما نرى بعض المسلمين الغافلين يحتفلون بـ(الكريسماس) كما يحتفلون بعيد الفطر، وعيد الأضحى، وربما أكثر، وهذا ما لا يجوز، فنحن لنا أعيادنا، وهم لهم أعيادهم، ولكن لا نرى بأسا من تهنئة القوم بأعيادهم لمن كان بينه وبينهم صلة قرابة أو جوار أو زمالة، أو غير ذلك من العلاقات الاجتماعية،التي تقتضي حسن الصلة، ولطف المعاشرة التي يقرها العرف السليم

    the passage above clearly says that celebrating christmas is not permissible. however, it is permissible to greet those non-muslims who are relatives, friends etc. (according to this fatwa)

    in other words, if ali jifry marries the coptic pope's daughter, [technically making him 'relative'] he is allowed to greet him 'merry christmas' (naysayers, please don't force me to copy paste one hundred pages from books of fiqh, hadith and even this fatwa that it is permissible to marry a christian woman) and when he dies [whom ali jifry obsequiously calls him: "his holiness, the pope" "قداسة البابا "], go to pay his last respects and walk by the hearse to the churchyard. [see here and it is an affront that a christian pope is termed 'holy' right under the picture of the blessed green dome.]

    but if he is not married to a christian woman, why is he so enthusiastic to greet them? of course, the fatwa says 'other social relations', but jifry is taking it too far. the fatwa of greeting christian friends and colleagues is just a cover up. jifri is actually exhorting muslims to celebrate christmas:

    and when he laments the death of a coptic pope, would it surprise you if he sends blessings on khomeini? check this one. it is far below, discussing the concept of wilayat al-faqih.
  10. AbdalQadir

    AbdalQadir time to move along! will check pm's.

  11. AbdalQadir

    AbdalQadir time to move along! will check pm's.

  12. Ghulam

    Ghulam Veteran

  13. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    In a ĥadīth, Mishkāt, #5381
    It will be said about a man: “How intelligent! How polite! How strong!” even though there is no faith in his heart, not even as little as a mustard seed.
    Qārī says:
    {about a man} Those among worldy folk and those who strive to attain wealth and glory and poetry and literature [arts] and eloquence and beauty and physical strength and bravery and prowess.

    {How intelligent! How polite! How powerful} People will be impressed by a man’s speech and dazzled by good looks. In summary, people will praise a man for intelligence, wit and social skills [żarāfah] and physical appearance and will be fascinated by him; but nobody will praise someone for beneficial knowledge [of religion] or righteousness, or good deeds.

    [paraphrased translation from Mawlana Ali al-Qari's commentary]
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2013
    HASSAN, Ghulam Ali and Aqdas like this.
  14. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    hamza is trying to steal our complaint.

    how do we know that hamza belongs to the community of righteous scholars?

    how do we know that he is not one of those who "are of our skin, and speak in our language" and those who "beckon to entrances of hell..."?
  15. Unbeknown

    Unbeknown Senior Moderator

    everyone knows how much of a 'da'wah' the common word is. I guess hanson will find this book a museebah.

  16. AbdalQadir

    AbdalQadir time to move along! will check pm's.

  17. Ghulam

    Ghulam Veteran

    -Imam al-Suyuti is the author of 'Husn al-Maqsid fi Amal il-Mawlid' - an entire treatise dedicated to the evidences supporting the commendability of commemorating the Mawlid of the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi was sallam)

    "From the reprehensible innovations and evil acts is the resemblance of the disbelievers and concordance with them upon their cursed celebrations and festive seasons the way that many of the ignorant Muslims participate with the christians in their Easter celebrations which are the largest of their celebrations and that which many of the people take part in winter claiming it to be the birth of Sayyiduna Isa (alayhi al-salam) so everything they do in this from the evil acts such as lighting fire preparing special foods, buying candles and other than these is from the evil acts and innovations. For indeed taking these days as seasons of festivity is from the religion of the christians and there is no basis for it in Islam. There is no mention of this birth date from the pious predecessors rather its origin is taken from the christians."

    [al-Amru Bil-Ittiba’ Wa al-Nahyu ‘An al-Ibtida’, Imam Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti, pg145-150]

    Via: Luton Sunni Movement-page
  18. Ghulam

    Ghulam Veteran

    Shaykh ul-Islam al-Hafizh ibn Hajar al Haytami (rahmatAllah alayh) states while explaining the impermissibility of following and resembling the disbelievers:

    "Then I saw from one of our Iater Imams that which supports what I have said, so he stated: 'From amongst the most reprehensible of innovations is the conforming of the Muslims with the christians in their celebrations through resemblance in their food and the giving and receiving of gifts from them on that day and those most involved in this are the people of Misr. Indeed the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wa sallam) has said: {Whosover resembled a people then he is from them}".

    [Al-Fatawa al-Kubra al-Fiqhiyyah, Imam Ahmad bin Hajar al-Haitami, volume 4, page. 238- 239]
  19. Wadood

    Wadood Veteran

    The Orthodox Christian Christmas is on January the 7th. The copts, assyrians, and the greeks will celebrate it then, they being the vast majority of the Christians in the Middle East.

    Habib Ali will not inform his common listeners in Egypt that it is illegal to enter a Church because the ground of the church is a part of hell, and the graveyards of Christians are pieces of hell. To enter them is to enter hell.

    What has Habib Ali done with the increasing rate of apostasy in Indonesia [ Muslim converting to evangelical and catholic Christianity ] ?
  20. Haqbahu

    Haqbahu Veteran

    I found this on Facebook:


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