Tahir Minhaji Boasting! New Video

Discussion in 'Multimedia' started by Aqib alQadri, Mar 13, 2012.

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  1. Aqib alQadri

    Aqib alQadri Veteran

    Let us suppose TuQ did see someone in a dream!

    How are you going to verify that this "someone" - claiming to be "anyone" (except the Holy Prophet) - is actually that "someone". For the devil can take anyone's shape..............

    Don't forget: Qadiyani used to claim receiving "wahy" whilst he was in a trance. That was his "hook". The dreams are the hook & bait of TuQ.

    wake up! stop dreaming!!
  2. Aqib alQadri

    Aqib alQadri Veteran

    Every Dajjal will.

    The Holy Prophet said, “The Last Hour will not come before there come forth thirty liar Dajjals (fraudsters) lying on Allah and His Apostle.” (Abu Dawood)

    The Holy Prophet said, “The Hour will not be established till there is a war between two groups among whom there will be a great number of casualties, though the claims (or religion) of both of them will be one and the same. And the Hour will not be established till there appear about thirty liars, all of whom will be claiming to be the apostles of Allah. " (Bukhari)

    It is also worthy to note here that these liars need not openly use the words “I am a prophet” to have laid stake to prophet-hood. Any evil scholar who purposely resorts to changing the well-known & accepted tenets of Islam has indeed implicitly claimed to be a prophet – because he has not accepted the ruling of the Holy Prophet to be final.
  3. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    one reason why i suspect this with tahir jhangvi is because, such examples are found among salaf.

    let us say, dream A or situation 1,2,3 occur with one previous elder scholar.
    dream B or situation 4,5,6 occur with another scholar; and so forth... it is an incredible coincidence that most of such dreams, situations are also found in tahir jhangvi's claims.

    the reason i suspected it because, many of these anecdotes and dreams are eeriely similar to what we have read in biographies of great masters. how come all of them are collected in one individual and that too, seriously flawed?

    take minhaju's sawi for example.

    wait a minnit. mihaju's sawi, again? yes, but only this time it is minhaju's sawi fi tarjamati'l imam an-nawawi by imam jalaluddin al-suyuti.

    excerpts from the book:
    imam nawawi says: "when my age was 19 year, my father took me to damascus in the year 649 AH. i stayed in the madrasah ar-rawaHiyyah. i stayed there for two years and i did not lie down [to rest*]. all my focus was to complete my daily studies/activities of the madrasah, nothing else."
    * lit: my sides did not touch the ground
    and he said: "i would take twelve lessons every day with my teachers - explanations and corrections. two lessons of wasit; one lesson of muhaddhab; one lesson of al-jam' bayn al-saHiHayn; one lesson of muslim; one lesson of ibn jinni's al-luma'a; one lesson of ibn sikkit's iSlaH al-mantiq in language; one lesson in morphology (taSrif); a lesson in usul al-fiqh; a lesson in asma'a ar-rijal and a lesson in aqayid (usul al-din)."
    imam nawawi was asked about his sleep and he said: "whenever i am overcome by sleep, i lean on my books for a moments, catch a few winks and wake up."
    ibn al-`attar [imam nawawi's student] says: he [imam nawawi] told me that he did not waste his time whether in the night or in the day; he always was busy engaged in pursuing knowledge. even when he walked on the road, to and fro, he would repeat his lessons or revise what he had studied."
    he would eat only one meal a day, and just one drink.
    here imam jalaluddin suyuti says about himself:
    "in my days as a student, i once saw the shaykh in my dream, as if i was attending his class and i asked him about al-minhaj and the objections raised on it. he took the book and began correcting it until, he changed the book from its current form. i said: 'my master! why don't you make this as a separate book [from minhaj] because it is its explanation. so he left it in its original form. and then he mounted a tall donkey and i walked behind him for some distance. and he gave me his imamah and i parted from him. and then i woke up."
    suppose minhajis could say that he was copying imam nawawi. let them say that and we will show them the taqwa of imam nawawi and ask whether tahir even comes close to a semblance of it?

    secondly, even jalaluddin suyuti had one dream and he said: 'as if i am attending his class' - and tahir explicitly claims that he has been studying for 9 years with imam a'azam.

    Allah ta'ala knows best.
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2012
  4. Unbeknown

    Unbeknown Senior Moderator

    But if he has a mental disorder he won't be answerable to the shariah, would he?
    And what about the scores of MQI affiliates and so many other 'supporting-scholars'? Are the whole lot of them 'mental' too? That would be a mass-hallucination of humongous proportions, spread across countries and languages and going on for years!!
  5. AbdalQadir

    AbdalQadir time to move along! will check pm's.

  6. chisti-raza

    chisti-raza Veteran

  7. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

    anyone who says we should stay silent about tahir because of these dreams is actually saying that a person can commit all the kufr he wants but if he narrates his dreams about being taught by akabir, we should no longer refute him.

    this is in fact gifting a licence to all such people to say and do whatever they please even if it's kufr and shirk. a licence to kufr.
  8. AbdalQadir

    AbdalQadir time to move along! will check pm's.

    don't fall for the emotional blackmail

    just on the topic of this guy's "dreams" about great personalities, gullible people should not let the thought cross their minds

    "but so many great personalities of the ummah like Imame A3zdham and Ghawthe A3zdham and Ala Hazrat radi Allahu 3anhum, have visited this guy in his dreams. perhaps if we spoke against him, it might be disrespectful to these awliyaa or we would invite the ire of these magnificent awliyaa"

    there is a reason why conmen like this mention the names of the luminaries of the ummah. it is for the purpose of triggering fear mechanisms, trying to gain unfounded credibility and emotionally blackmailing people in their names sealing off all criticism and accountability from young men who point to their brand new cloaks.

    we should remember that all that needs to be taught and revealed to us, has been done so by the Prophet, 3alaihis salam, followed by his inheritors the companions and the mujtahid aimma - and that alone is our yardstick of judging right and wrong, not fantastical dreams of people who claim them.

    we really don't care and it is irrelevant to us if his narration of the dreams is true or false

    in fact, even if this character studied in real life under Imame A3zdham and he veered off of the sacred sciences, then too we would be speaking against him, as is the tradition of the scholars of the Ahlus Sunnah. how many are the people in Islamic history who sat at the feet of great men, and then it wasn't in their fate to be benefited by what they acquired from those great men.

    the exact event escapes me now, but ibn taymiya too was a student of a great Hanbali teacher of his time, and yet when he deflected from the Sunni teachings, that same teacher and other Sunni scholars said words to the effect of "he was with us and then he deflected from us"

    so please don't let the name drops of Imame A3zdham and Ghawthe A3zdham send you into emotionally-blackmailed-fear mode or think that criticism of the padri will be an attack of these great personalities too!

    hasha liLlah. we love and revere these lighthouses of the ummah, but it doesn't mean that criticism of any idiot who claims association with them will imply that we have something against these noble awliyaa as well.

    after all, the wahabis too use the names of "Sunnah" "Hadith" "Imam Bukhari" "Imam Muslim", and other mujtahid aimma. lately they too have joined this bandwagon of dreams and have people narrating dreams that they saw the Prophet 3alaihis salam give sanction to the filthy teachings of albani

    after all, even abu talib stayed with the Prophet for a long time, the kuffar of Makkah witnessed many miracles of the Prophet. even the munafiqeen of the Prophet's times met him in real life, sat in his mosque, (pretended to) prayed behind him, etc.

    all this talk of Imam Abu Hanifa taught me for 9 years straight or Ghawthe A3zdham gave me a share from what he acquired from the Prophet 3alaihis salam, doesn't grant this guy any diplomatic immunity from any criticism that uses the Shariah as its yardstick. if he committed kufr (which he did), we will call it just that. if he committed bid3ah (which he did), we will call it just that.

    in retrospect, the Sunni ulema should have slapped a fatwa of kufr on him some 20-30 odd years ago right at the time of his fatwa on diyat, which was a deflection from the ijma3 of the 4 madhhabs. according to fuqahaa's standards, just veering off of the ijma3 of the 4 madhhabs on a matter can warrant takfeer afaik. perhaps then this cancerous fitnah wouldn't have spread to the levels it has spread.
  9. The Emir

    The Emir Well-Known Member

    If Azhari Miya said " Hum Khaabon Ki baraat Nahi padhte..", then good on him because a scholars status or rank or Sharia rules are not based on dreams.

    In current times more than probably any other, people talking of dreams and who and what they have seen should be given no legitimacy when it comes to matters of religion. Its almost ridiculous how people are relying on dreams to try and fool people into becoming mureeds and following certain groups etc while defying the basic principles of Sharia. So many times we hear of mureeds seeing their Shaykhs in some place and in the presence of Saints/Prophets to try and raise their Shaykhs status and often its embarassing and cringeworthy to hear such tales.

    Sunnis have increasingly become prone to this sort of nonsense when previously this wasn't very prevalent among us. I recall a tableeghi Jamat guy once telling me that a fellow tableeghi had seen a man in a dream who had died and who was a regular traveller in 'jamaat' waiting at the door of heaven. And when this man was asked in the dream what he was doing at the door of heaven waiting and not entering he replied that he was waiting for the rest of the 'jamaat' members before he would enter. I asked the person who told me to get a detailed description of the door of heaven as surely seeing that would be incredible and worthy of seeing - obviously he never returned with the description.
  10. Taalib-e-Ilm

    Taalib-e-Ilm Well-Known Member

    prof.tahir sahib has many issues with his actions and statements, but this is the most silly objection that others focus upon.

    it is a lengthy and detailed narration, and repeated emphasis on a couple of points; but, why is a dream not possible? and anybody who says that this dream is false should prove how they are so sure that prof.tahir sahib has not seen the dream.

    as this was a dream, he has interpreted it as doing Mustafa's work; sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam. one can disagree with his interpretation, but attempting to pillory him for 'seeing the dream' is ridiculous.

    one should rather ask him whether inviting christians to celebrate in the minhaj al-quran, the teaching of the quran or that of RasulAllah sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam?

    dreams are open for interpretation. it is famous that sayyiduna imam a'azam, when he was young saw that he was digging the blessed grave of RasulAllah sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam. there are various versions, and i hesitate to relay some of those versions.

    yet, it was interpreted by (various versions again, sha'abi, hammad, muhammad ibn sirin etc) ulama that he would (imam abu hanifa) would investigate the sunnah of the prophet extensively.

    by abu Hasan
  11. Unbeknown

    Unbeknown Senior Moderator

    I do not know what comments you are referring to but a neighbor of mine put this question directly to Huzur Taaj al shariah (hafizahullah) just last week when hadhrat was in Mumbai. Hadhrat replied:

    People have spread lots of rumours regarding my position about DI/SDI. I do not consider them ANYTHING BUT SUNNI. I have only ever said, and I stand by it, that I do not accept their claim of following Maslak-e-AlaHadhrat in every single matter. or that they are working for his maslak. That they are working for Islam and sunniyat cannot be disputed.

    Just to give you an example:

    In this very tour Hadhrat made a statement that " Hum Khaabon Ki baraat Nahi padhte..", he was referring to a certain book by this title. Guess what? Several DI muballighs took it to mean that he was making snide remarks about "Faizan-e-Sunnat" !

    I don't understand how anyone can hold anything against Hadhrat Akhtar Raza Khan. He has such a lovable and charming personality, and his taqwa is beyond question. I beleive Allah has put love for him into the hearts of thousands.

    I am not his mureed though I'm a taalib of Ameer Ahle Sunnat. I believe his reservations are because of his strong opposition to video and perhaps the controversy regarding the recent edition of al-malfuzat.

    Several of the ulema of Ashrafiya including "muhaqiqe masaail-e-jadeeda", Mufti Nizamuddeen Sahib, do not object to video but regardless they also respect Taajush sharia for his taqwa.

    Last edited: Mar 7, 2012
  12. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

    a man came to ibn sirin and said that he heard the adhaan in his dream; he said: 'you will go to Hajj.' the first man hadn't left, when another came and said that he had heard the adhaan in his dream. ibn sirin asked him to swear an oath that he had really seen so. when he did, he ordered the man to be seized and said that he was a thief. same dream, two interpretations; and this is on the basis of the 'state' of the person.
  13. chisti-raza

    chisti-raza Veteran

    aH is spot on. This is the reason why Tahir ran away from the debate with Muhadith e Kabir. There is documentary proof that a debate was agreed upon by both parties. On the night of the debate he changed his whole tune. He knew that if he was cross-examined in a debate by Muhadith e Kabir who is no doubt a faqih, his deceit and lack of knowledge would have been exposed. It was then that he told the resident Imam (a Mawlana Saajid Makki) that he would not debate but rather lecture to the congregants who had turned up to witness the debate!
  14. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    as i said, your priorities, passions, analysis and emotions are all mixed up. this is common with muslims nowadays, and instead of sorting out their confusion, they blame islam and scholars and everyone else. i am not trying to belittle you, but if you ever tried to read a book like bahar e shariat from end-to-end, your will be less perplexed in a host of matters. though the esteemed author might not have beeen thinking of this, but the name radd al-muHtar is apt in this case.

    your aspiration is admirable, but in real life, scholars and pirs also lie. perhaps they delude themselves that they are doing tawriyah - or half-truths - but they also lie. of course, generally people [and ulama/pirs] are truthful, but extremely scrupulous people and those with immense taqwa are rare. [updated*]

    regardless, there is no need to suspect others all the time; and it is fine to take things at face value. but when it is a serious issue that concerns muslims and the deen, such 'consideration' is in fact a crime. i had mentioned earlier a quote of imam yaHya ibn ma'yin,*** who was a fierce and irrepressible critic of hadith narrators; and whose stringent standards sometimes bordered on the extreme (he weakened imam shafiyi!) when imam yaHya was asked how he would face those whom he critiqued on the day of judgement, he replied: 'that i should face the whole world demanding me to explain is easier than to face RasulAllah sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam, and his questioning me, why i had kept quiet.' [paraphrased]

    if tahir was not doing his anti-islamic actions, we wouldn't have bothered with his dreams. we still don't care whether they are true or false; but he should use these true or false dreams to legitimise his actions. conversely, if tahir was a proper sunni scholar, we would deem these 'dreams' to be glad tidings.

    imam bayhaqi saw two dreams which indicate the approval of RasulAllah sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam. it is said that imam ash'ari renounced the mu'tizali heresy after a dream.

    how do we reconcile this? it is by looking at how they relate to the jama'ah. if they are with the jama'ah and are not busy changing the deen to suit their own opinions; and if their speech and deeds, knowledge and achievement in real life reflect greatness, then anybody will find such dreams plausible.

    but here is a fraud, who doesn't know basic fiqh, who makes grammar mistakes which even beginners like myself can see, whose speech is nothing but puffed up rhetoric and plain nonsense. if he tells me that he has been studying with imam a'azam for 9 years, i find it incredible. it is possible that he is hallucinating, it is possible that he has NPD and therefore from his viewpoint, he may not be lying intentionally - but his claims in real life do not measure up.

    if he is truthful, he should be open for cross-examination. ulama will cross-examine him to see how much usul he knows. if he fails, it will be a phenomenal first. 9 years of instruction by abu hanifah but still remains a dunce.

    laa Hawla wa laa quwwata illa billah.

    the speech i analysed below was extempore. and i did not listen to it a number of times. the first time i heard it, i laughed and dismissed it. when it came in the spotlight, i did pause/run another time - to get the quotes right. my point is, if a beginner-student can catch his mistakes on the fly, surely people of knowledge can do more.

    i am not trying to rival tahir in boasting, (al-iyadhu billah) but i have read his books (or attributed to him, Allah knows best). i recently spent hours reading minhaju's sawi and irfan. and then spent some more hours cross checking with classical tafsirs and hadith.

    his irfan of the qur'an is a testimony to his ignorance. the beauty is, he has claimed that the translation is entirely his own effort without any inputs from his 'committees'. errors of arabic and urdu idioms abound. translation is reckless and many times it is his own whims. it is so bad, that if someone asks me which is a lesser evil between mawdudi's tafhim and tahir's irfan, i would tell them that the damage by wild tafhim is lesser than wanton irfan.

    please note that i am not trying to say that i am some kind of tafsir scholar. my method is very simple - anybody can do it: i check the translation of kanzu'l iman. with the basic arabic i know, and urdu is my mother tongue, i compare the translation. usually, it is a literal translation (the mastery of alahazrat and his command in both languages is peerless and evident) but sometimes, he chooses words that do not correspond. such verses, i cross check with asbabu'n nuzul, and tafsirs. and of course, itqan and burhan are also good references. it is as simple as that, and anybody who can read can do it. (many and almost all of these books are found on waqfeya or archive.org or other such sites).

    upon reading the khutbah of minhaju's sawi which is supposed to be his writing - the rest is a compilation of hadith. the first volume credits say that 'tahqiq and takhrij' is by one hafiz zaheer ahmed al-isnadi. research and referencing by hafiz zaheer.

    i don't know what 'research and referencing' involves in minhaji culture, but in a book of hadith what else remains other than research and reference? suppose we have to compile this book, i suppose the following are the main tasks in a project of hadith compilation:

    1. concept of the book - framework (overall theme for the collection)

    2. selection of topics

    3. research on each topic and pounding source material to investigate relevant hadith. this could mean gleaning from already compiled anthologies.

    4. selection of hadith (the author should be able to explain the basis of selection or omission of hadith, unless they simply copy it from other collections. for example, if we decide that our chapter needs 15 hadith, usually one may prefer saHiH hadith and omit the rest; in other cases, hasan and even Dayif may be required to be listed)

    5. takhrij or cross-referencing. this is easier in our times with software, but still it is a lot of work - unless one blindly trusts software/search. but still, it is work.**(personally, i don't trust software, i have to see it in scanned books even if i use searches to locate the hadith - call me a luddite if you will).

    6. tarjamah or translation in urdu. this is major work. if difficult hadith and apparently problematic ones are included, this would require resolution from shuruh and other work.

    7. preface and other supplementary material

    8. indexes

    in this kind of a book, i would say #3 & #5 constitute most of the work, perhaps more than 50%. rest is added value (like translation etc.)

    if we get time, we can examine how good the translation is, but i read the preface and the associated risalah on terminology and principles of hadith. those who can read arabic must look into it, which is now printed as a separate book. i acknowledge that my arabic is elementary, but the professor's arabic looks weird; perhaps it is my limited knowledge that i cannot appreciate the maqamat of our times...

    baat kahaN se kahaN chali gayi. khayr. summary: don't be afraid to confront paper tigers. wAllahu'l musta'an.

    *on reading it again, i realised that it was a sweeping statement. this was inadvertent, i never intended to say it that way.

    ** assuming that someone has done takhrij themselves. many books printed in the last 50 years have extensive takhrij of hadith. if one is copying that takhrij without looking up to ascertain whether it is true, it is even less work.

    *** in al-kifayah of khaTib, this is attributed to yaHya ibn sa'yid al-qaTTan
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2012
  15. Taalib-e-Ilm

    Taalib-e-Ilm Well-Known Member

  16. Taalib-e-Ilm

    Taalib-e-Ilm Well-Known Member

    which ones?
  17. shahnawazgm

    shahnawazgm Veteran

    I have never met Mufti Muhammad Akhtar Raza Khan Saab, but Alhamdulillah I have the utmost respect for this great personality. I know for sure through my own Peer-o-Murshid that he is a very high status Wali Allah (he has never visited him either but many Awliya recognise each other). Many Awliya from Shaam have also come to visit him personally during his trips to Syria. Inshallah I will pay him a visit in Bareilly shareef one day if my nafs allows me the long trip to India.

    As for Mr Tahir, I have known his true colours since over 15 years now. Unfortunately for him, the validity of his dreams will always be weighed by the shariah and not by himself!
  18. i accept all your points AQ and AH. maybe I am too simple-minded but to my way of thinking not even the worst kafir would take a qasam on the Beloved Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم and then lie deliberately.

    I'm definitely the worst sinner in the world but I would rather die than ever lie about having seen a famous wali in a dream let alone Rasool Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم

    Now, I'm not saying he is not lying just my simple mind cannot comprehend that a person calling themselves a Muslim could do such a thing hence my 'I'll be quiet on him' comment.
    As for my allusion to Mufti Akhtar Raza and the current Barelwis it was their comments against Hazrat Mawlana Ilyas Qadri that I was alluding to.
  19. chisti-raza

    chisti-raza Veteran

  20. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    my advice to tahir: work smarter, not harder.

    an ordinary student graduates from a madrasah in 9 years and if he has been a little above than average, he will know masayil of yamin etc. what did tahir learn for 9 years? or is it just the fayz thing?

    not that such things cannot happen, but i am amazed that he remains ignorant even after such extensive tuition. once or twice is plausible, but for 9 years? and the dumb public goes wah-wah...

    i was listening to the clip once again and tahir hits below the belt in a few places: he attacks the failing eyesight of mawlana akhtar raza khan when he says: 'jo bey-basirat bhi haiN jo bey-baSarat bi haiN'.

    and the hyderabadi touch:
    baataN kar'reeN.

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