Tomb of Hazrat Aurangzeb Alamgir

Discussion in 'Siyar an-Nubala' started by saghe_jilani, Sep 9, 2008.

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  1. saghe_jilani

    saghe_jilani New Member

    I have also been to Khuldabad Shareef and the mazaar posted by brother NJ is similar to Mazaar in Khuldabad Shareef. Yes the Mazaar is few yard away from Khwaja-e-Khwajegaan Khwaja Syed Zainuddin Hussaini Shirazi Rahimullah.
  2. jazak allah khayran.

    btw, are there any --readily available--biographies of Aurangzeb in Urdu?? Even if it only a historical novel? Are there ANY balanced English biographies?
  3. Muhiyy ud Deen Shaykh Hafiz Aurangzeb A'lamgheer rahimahuAllahu Ta'ala's Dareeh

    Attached Files:

  4. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

    after seeing the second image, it seems i was wrong. the second image you posted is certainly aurangzeb's shrine raHimahullah.
  5. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

    i was recently in khuldabad and visited the shrine of aurangzeb raHmatullah 'alaih. this looks like a different shrine.

    aurangzeb is buried yards away from his shaykh and both shrines are in khuldabad in the same place where the blessed jubba of rasulAllah sallAllahu 'alaihi wasallam is present and is shown once a year on 12th rabi al-awwal.

    during my second visit to khuldabad, i had the privilege of being in the blessed company of mawlana yaseen akhtar misbahi. a truly humble scholar.
  6. Wadood

    Wadood Veteran

    May Allah raise his maqam. I have heard that he had Naqshbandi awliya around him. The same way as Muhammad al-Fatih in Turkey had Naqshbandi Awliya around him. He infact put that famous Safavi rafiDi from Iran to justice, who had come to India to spread the rafiDi fraud. I think the rafiDi was executed by his head getting beheaded. Please correct me on this. I am sure people know the rafiDi's name.

    He had a vast force with Hindus and even Sikhs. He had dignitaries from far away Muslim lands. He forced no one to Islam. He was a Wali, a Sufi at heart.
  7. [​IMG]

    This is the last resting place of the greatest of the Mughal Emperors
    Hazrat Aurangzeb Alamgir --the Saint-Emperor.


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