Roman urdu books. Unnoticed works.

Discussion in 'Transliterated Urdu' started by abu hamzah, May 10, 2022.

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  1. abu hamzah

    abu hamzah Active Member

  2. Hanafi Sunni

    Hanafi Sunni Veteran

    can we not create audiobooks/recordings which will benefit the ummah in the coming years. i feel due to many darsi nizami syllabus being converted to english and the general focus of public moving away from urdu to english. having a correct recitation of the risalahs of A'lahazrat would be an invaluable resource for students of knowledge in the west and those who are interested in the works of a'lahazrat.

    finding a teacher to sit down and FR with is a tough job.

    sometimes i use bahare shariat audios to read with as it speeds up the reading process and i learn the pronunciations as i go along.

    i did notice the books have mistakes. but i shared as i thought its better than nothing.

    dawate islami has published alot of audiobooks. listening to the book and reading along helps alot as well in terms of perfecting your urdu reading.
    Abdullah Ahmed likes this.
  3. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    as always, i wish brothers would leave alahzrat's works alone - or try to get the pronunciation corrected by reading it with an aalim who can read fatawa ridawiyyah.

    i checked shumul al-islam and it has lots of mistakes related to names of people and books. i hope people also realise that alahazrat's urdu is at a different level and there is no shame in asking someone to help with the pronunciation.

    capitalising first letter of every word annoying and tedious to read. either keep all of it in lower case and use caps to differentiate specific letters (my preference) or at least keep it sentence case.
  4. YaMustafa

    YaMustafa Well-Known Member

    ma sha Allah. Allah reward this work. I wasn't aware there was a significant need for this. I assume there are perhaps many of our brothers in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh who are unable to read the urdu language/letters but can read english.
  5. Hanafi Sunni

    Hanafi Sunni Veteran

    There are numerous books published by these brothers.

    Brothers who want to read certain islamic books in roman urdu can join their telegram channel.

    Also Dawate islamis Roman urdu books (mostly their own books i.e. books of Mawlana ILyas Attari) is a very good source.

    open the Urdu book on your left, and then the roman urdu book on your right and read the urdu. Wherever you get stuck just check the roman urdu and also make a list of all urdu words you are not familiar with and find out from your local aalim or create a urdu glossary thread here so that other can also learn new words and meanings.

    its a tedious task to learn to read urdu like this. but this is the best method i figured out to better my urdu and expand on urdu vocab without a teacher.

    Suggestion to brothers on the port here, whose urdu is good, to type out Alahazrats works in roman urdu so that our english speaking awaam who know urdu but cant read it, can actually benefit from the imaams works.

    NB i found this beneficial so i shared. some books do have slight mistakes but still its of great benefit.
    Abdullah Ahmed likes this.
  6. Hanafi Sunni

    Hanafi Sunni Veteran

  7. Hanafi Sunni

    Hanafi Sunni Veteran

  8. Hanafi Sunni

    Hanafi Sunni Veteran

  9. Hanafi Sunni

    Hanafi Sunni Veteran

  10. Hanafi Sunni

    Hanafi Sunni Veteran

  11. Hanafi Sunni

    Hanafi Sunni Veteran

  12. Hanafi Sunni

    Hanafi Sunni Veteran

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  13. Hanafi Sunni

    Hanafi Sunni Veteran

  14. Hanafi Sunni

    Hanafi Sunni Veteran

  15. Hanafi Sunni

    Hanafi Sunni Veteran

    Title : Saltanate Mustafa
    Az Qalam : Allama Mufti Ahmad Yaar Khan Nayeemi
    Language : Roman Urdu
    Topic : Fazail
    Composing : Abde Mustafa Official
    Transliteration : Armaan Manjothi Noori
    Published By : Sabiya Virtual Publication
    Year Of Publishing : January 2022 (Jumadi Al Ukhra 1443 Hijri)
    Pages :129
    Publishing Serial No. 176
    Download Link :
    Abdullah Ahmed likes this.
  16. Hanafi Sunni

    Hanafi Sunni Veteran

    title : Tamheede Imaan
    Author : Imam -e- Ahle Sunnat, Aala Hazrat, Allama Ahmad Raza Khan Barelvi
    Language : Roman Urdu
    Topic : Aqaid
    Composing : Abde Mustafa Official
    Rendered in Roman by : Armaan Manjothi Noori
    Published By : Sabiya Virtual Publication
    Year Of Publishing : February 2022 (Jumadi Al Ukhra 1443 Hijri)
    Pages : 116
    Download :
    Abdullah Ahmed likes this.
  17. Hanafi Sunni

    Hanafi Sunni Veteran

    Title : Sharah Qasida -e- Meraj (sayyidi A'lahazrat)
    Author : Al Hafiz Al Qaari Maulana Ghulam Hasan Qadri
    Language : Roman Urdu
    Topic : Kalaam
    Composing : Abde Mustafa Official
    Rendered in Roman by : Ghulam -e- Ashraful Fuqha
    Published By : Sabiya Virtual Publication
    Year Of Publishing : February 2022 (Rajjab 1443 Hijri)
    Pages : 68
    Download :
    Abdullah Ahmed likes this.
  18. Hanafi Sunni

    Hanafi Sunni Veteran
    Title : Imam Mahdi – Zamana -e- Zuhoor Aur Alamaat
    Author : Imam Ibne Hajar Haytmi Shafayi Rahimahullahu Ta'ala (909-973 Hijri)
    Urdu Tarjuma Wa Tehqeeq : Siraj Qadri Misbahi
    Language : Roman Urdu
    Topic : Kalaam
    Composing : Abde Mustafa Official
    Rendered in Roman by : Armaan Manjothi Noori
    Published By : Sabiya Virtual Publication
    Year Of Publishing : February 2022 (Rajjab 1443 Hijri)
    Pages : 114
    All Rights Reserved.
    Sabiya Virtual Publication

    Download from here :
    Abdullah Ahmed likes this.
  19. Hanafi Sunni

    Hanafi Sunni Veteran

    Assalamu Alaykum

    Many brothers want to learn how to read urdu/ want to read urdu books. Recently also saw shaykh Abu Hasan transliterate a book of A'lahazarat, so thought to create thread.

    i came across an organisation doing brilliant work transliterating books of A'lahazrat, Mufti ahmed yar khan naeemi and publishing many other books that could benefit alot of sunnis.
    Abdullah Ahmed likes this.

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