"The Qur'an is nothing but praise of the Prophet from start to finish".

Discussion in 'Ulum al-Qur'an' started by naqshbandijamaati, Aug 1, 2007.

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  1. Sidi Nibras,

    Isn't that just a semantic difference? Two ways of saying the same thing?
  2. Miraj Ahmad

    Miraj Ahmad New Member

  3. tazkiyya2003

    tazkiyya2003 Active Member

    That's an interesting discussion really.

    The Quran is from start to finish the words of Allah(jalla jallaluhu).

    The Prophet(sallallaho alayhis was sallam)'s character is the Quran from start to finish.
  4. abu nibras

    abu nibras Staff Member

    I think there is a difference

    The Qur'an is nothing but praise of the Prophet from start to finish

    The Qur'an is praise of the Prophet from start to finish
  5. "As the Ahle Sunnat believe the whole of the Qur'an, from Al-Hamd to W'al-Naas is nothing but laudation [naat] of the Beloved of Allah. "

    --I made this claim on another forum (no, not YN.com) and someone on their said that this makes me a kafir!!!

    It is actually a paraphrase of a statement made by mufti Ahmad Yaar Khan sahib alayhirahmah, in his book Shan Habib al Rahman min Aayaatul Qur'an.

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