Punctuality For Prayers And Delays

Discussion in 'Hanafi Fiqh' started by sherkhan, Oct 22, 2013.

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  1. sherkhan

    sherkhan Veteran

    I have heard on numerous occasions that it is permitted to delay the congregation in the event of any religious gathering (such a scholar's speech, zikr etc.). Of course, this doesn't mean that the congregation can be delayed beyond the prescribed time limit. For example, the prescribed time for Isha is rather long; so there's is no harm in delaying the congregation (beyond the regular appointed time) for the reasons described above.

    I have also heard (excuse my memory if I'm wrong) that if a student is in the midst of fiqh study/class, he may slightly delay the performance of Maghrib salah (which is normally makruh to delay).

    Both the above cited information are what I have heard (and can remember). I'm no scholar (and don't even qualify as a student). Any error is solely due to my own understanding. If these are wrong, I'm happy to be corrected.

    Knowledgeable brothers should correct or confirm the above with citations.
  2. Aqib alQadri

    Aqib alQadri Veteran

    Delaying the prayer the time for which has been fixed, even for a king is prohibited. Kindly check Bahaar e Shariat.
  3. Bayt-al-Mahabba

    Bayt-al-Mahabba New Member

    Is there specific rules in the Sacred law regarding punctuality. Especially with regards to prayers. Some Imams tend to delay prayers of Eidain and jumu'ah for late comers and even though the very imam or its musjid panel specified that prayer will commence at a specific time as advertised. What are the rulings of our great leaders on this aspect?

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