Videos of the Deobandis that need to be shared around...

Discussion in 'Refutation' started by Bazdawi, Jul 16, 2023.

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  1. AbdalQadir

    AbdalQadir time to move along! will check pm's.

    Is he an idiot or what? Has he even read Fiqh Al-Akbar? ...and these are the guys sitting in mosques shedding tears at the rates of apostasy among the youth!!
    Unbeknown likes this.
  2. Hassan_0123

    Hassan_0123 HhhhhhhM_786

    Another video that has been translated into Arabic... Molvi Mumtaz Haqq claims it is possible for Allah to create another God. نعوذ بالله

    Unbeknown likes this.
  3. Noori

    Noori Senior Moderator

    Khatm e Nubuwwat aur Tehzirun Naas
    is an excellent and through refutation, by tabassum shah bukhari, of all the ta'wliaat that deobanis present in defense of tehzir

    and some other works;

    Al Tabsheer Be Radd E Tahzeer And Al Tanveer Le Dafa Zilam Ul by Allamah Ahmad Saeed Kazmi

    Nazriya Khatam E Nabuwat Aur Tahzeer Un Naas by Hazrat Madani Miyan

    Khatamiyat E Muhammadi Aur Tahzeer Un Naas by Allamah Abdulhakim Sharaf Qadri

    Tahzeer Un Naas Aur Iska Pas E Manzar by Tabassum Shah Bukhari

    Dafe Izalat ul Waswas an Tehqeeq Asr ibn Abbas
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2022
  4. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

  5. Khanah

    Khanah Veteran

    Imam Shahid translated a book that has that type of analysis (I believe)- I haven't read it so can't be sure. In any case, visit his facebook page and you should be able to get a copy for around £5.

    Mawlana Abu Hasan has written the Killer Mistake which should leave you in no doubt anyway. Available for free online (and via this forum).
  6. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    ask zameel or deos. they will help you.

    and when they give you a book, you can come back here and ask if we have a rebuttal.
    chances are, we will give you more than one. in sha'Allah.
    Noori and Aqdas like this.
  7. izz al-Din

    izz al-Din Well-Known Member

    salam e masnun
    is there a book that mentions the various ta'wils, that the deobandis mention for the kufriyya statemnents of tadhir alnas, and the accptability/and or radd by Sunni Ulama alKiraam, of these? a reference?
    One of the houses of Sh. 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jaza'iri in Damascus
  8. Hassan_0123

    Hassan_0123 HhhhhhhM_786

    The Arab Ulema do not know unfortunately which is our fault tbh. We haven't done enough to warn them. E.g.

    Shaykh Nidaal Ibrahim Alah Rasshi (a scholar from Syria who now resides in Turkey) is asked,

    'What is the ruling on the one who says or believes lying is possible in the right of Allah however He won't do it?'

    Answer -
    'He should repent and renew his faith'.

    They just need to be shown...

    Attached Files:

  9. Hassan_0123

    Hassan_0123 HhhhhhhM_786

    Shaykh Qasim Salih Al Kuzaym Al Zabidi's reaction to the donkey video.

  10. Hassan_0123

    Hassan_0123 HhhhhhhM_786

    Shaykh Salek's response to the donkey video

  11. Khanah

    Khanah Veteran

    It's good that this stuff is being translated and shared- hopefully it reaches not only the current crop of arab scholars, but the students of knowledge i.e. the future scholars!

    Not sure if you're privy to any reactions from those that this has reached? Hopefully people will be re-evaluating the deo's as a result!
  12. Hassan_0123

    Hassan_0123 HhhhhhhM_786

    New video has been translated into Arabic and a very important one too.

    Qari Tayyab Qasmi, the grandson of Qasim Nanotvi, denies the finality of Prophethood. He says, "the meaning of the finality of Prophethood is NOT the cessation of Prophethood but rather the perfection of it".

  13. Hassan_0123

    Hassan_0123 HhhhhhhM_786

    This has been translated into Arabic. Feel free to share. This is a fatwa from Darul Uloom Deoband which states Allah is everywhere at the same time and that He dwells in everything.

    Arabic translation -

    دار الإفتاء، دار العلوم ديوبند

    السؤال الأول - هل الله موجود في كل مكان؟

    السؤال الثاني - هل الله موجود في كل مكان في نفس الوقت؟

    السؤال الثالث - هل حل الله في كل شيء؟

    الجواب الأول - نعم، الله موجود في كل مكان

    الجواب الثاني - نعم، الله موجود في كل مكان في نفس الوقت

    الجواب الثالث - حل الله في كل شيء

    (Fatwa: 1023/860-432/7)

    Attached Files:

    HASSAN likes this.
  14. Hassan_0123

    Hassan_0123 HhhhhhhM_786

    This has been translated into Arabic. Feel free to share with others. Rashid Gangohi says conducting Mawlid Al-Nabi صلى الله عليه و سلم in ANY STATE is not permissible.

    Arabic translation -

    سئل رشيد أحمد الكنكوهي (شيخ الديوبندية)

    السؤال -
    هل يجوز انعقادُ محفل مولد النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم بالروايات الصحيحة بغير القيام؟

    الجواب -
    انعقادُ محفل مولد النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم في أيّ صورة ليس بجائز، و دعوة الناس إلى أمر مندوب ممنوعٌ

    فتاوى رشيدية، صفحة ٢٧٠

    Attached Files:

    HASSAN likes this.
  15. AliNaqshbandi

    AliNaqshbandi New Member

    lol foolish Deobandis
  16. AbdalQadir

    AbdalQadir time to move along! will check pm's.

    i didn't listen to the videos bro, but mashaAllah that's great that the khurafat of the devbandis have been translated to other languages.
    Khanah, Nissaar, Alf and 1 other person like this.
  17. Hassan_0123

    Hassan_0123 HhhhhhhM_786

    The following videos have been translated into Arabic and should be shared around to Arab speaking scholars and students...

    1) Abdur Raheem Limbada disrespects the Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم by saying it is better to think of a donkey than the Prophet during prayer. نعوذ بالله

    2) The same video as above but in Turkish.

    3) The heretic belief of the Deobandi sect who believe lying is possible for Allah. Arabic translation.

    4) Ilyas Ghuman says the ESSENCE of Allah is in every place.

    5) Mufti Tariq Masood establishes place and direction for Allah. Arabic.

    Those who have links with Arab Ulema and students should pass it on إن شاء الله

    Hopefully just the beginning إن شاء الله
    Unbeknown, Alf and HASSAN like this.

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