Rajm al-Shayatin published

Discussion in 'Bibliophile's Corner' started by Aqdas, Aug 30, 2023.

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  1. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

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  2. Hanafi Sunni

    Hanafi Sunni Veteran

    This is well known. My only point was to mention a contradiction of what Aqdas sahab wrote in his pdf regarding deobandi website being shared and that the sunni laity will get confused.
    hamza1 likes this.
  3. Ikhwaan

    Ikhwaan New Member

    For years Islamic bookshops (including sunni ones) have sold in massive quantities the shurooh and hashiyah of deobandis. Anyone who has studied dars e nizami especially in the west is well aware that students, in general and unfortunately, are dependent upon deobandi authored, published, and stocked books.

    This is the beginning of seeing things take a turn where sunnis dominate in fields of academia and deobandis become dependant upon stocking sunni books. May Allah guide them to the Ahl Sunnah through these endeavors.
    Unbeknown likes this.
  4. Hanafi Sunni

    Hanafi Sunni Veteran

    Yes i realised. Didnt notice the publisher. My bad.

    But the fact remains that a deobandi website is being shared.
  5. Ikhwaan

    Ikhwaan New Member

    @Hanafi Sunni
    Dar Imam Yusuf Nabhabi, by the grace of Allah Almighty, is not a deobandi publisher.

    Please correct your statement.
  6. Hanafi Sunni

    Hanafi Sunni Veteran

    In your recent guidelines for sunnis called "friends like these" you have mentioned point 4. The book below Rajm al-Shayateen has been published by a deobandi publisher and Ismael books is well known for deobandi publications. So is this not a contradiction of the above point 4?

    A sunni laity could then think that purchasing books from Ismael books is 'ok' as many sunni Ulama (including yourself) have promoted the website openly.
  7. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

  8. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

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  9. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

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  10. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

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  11. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

    #يصدر_قريباً بحمد الله تعالى
    عن #دار_الإمام_يوسف_النبهاني
    « رجم الشياطين برد أُغلوطات البراهين »
    تأليف : الشيخ أبي عبد الرحمن غلام دَستگِير القُصُوري الحنفي رحمه الله ( ت ١٣١٥هـ )
    اعتنىٰ به : الدكتور محمد عمر الفاروق

    ما أسعدَ الأيَّام تقضىٰ بالطَّاعات ومعها سلامةُ الاعتقادات ، فأحسِنْ بقلبٍ سليمٍ ما فيه إلا الاعتقادُ السَّليم ، الذي لا تشوبه الأهواء فتصليَه بنارِها ، ولا تُوهنه نزَغات الشُّكوك والظُّنون والأوهام فتكدِّرَهُ بشوائبِها .
    ومنذ سنواتٍ لا تعدُّ بالقرون نزلتْ بساحتنا ـ معاشر المسلمين ـ نازلةٌ مفجعةٌ تُضَمُّ إلىٰ غيرِها مِن النَّوازل التي تحاول أن تهدِمَ البنيانَ من أُسِّه ، وتقتلعَ العقيدةَ من جذورها ؛ وهي ظهور فرقة القاديانية في ربوع الهند أواخرَ القرن التَّاسع عشر ، ومصادمتُها الإسلامَ بسموم دعاواها الدَّاحضة ، حتَّىٰ نشأت كتيَّارٍ هدَّامٍ لعقائد الإسلام ومبادئه .
    ولا تزال تعملُ بجدٍّ وجُهدٍ في بعض أنحاء العالم ، وتحرِصُ علىٰ إيصال سمومها وأباطيلها إلىٰ جميع الناس ؛ لا سيما في الدول الأوروبية والإفريقية ، بل تحاول ترسيخَ جذورها كبديلٍ للإسلام في كافَّة المجالات .
    وأمام هذه التحدِّيات السَّافرة علىٰ عقائد الإسلام . . جاء العلامة غلام دستگِير القُصُوري بهذا الكتاب الذي هو أول سلسلة المؤلَّفات التي تصدَّت للرد على هذه الفرقة وتعريتها ، ومزاياه ثلاثة :
    ١ ـ هو أول ما أُلِّف باللغة العربية في الرد على القاديانية .
    ٢ ـ مؤلِّفه رحمه الله كان من معاصري المردود عليه .
    ٣ ـ كتب علماء الحرمين الشريفين ـ في زمن المؤلِّف ـ تقاريظَ عليه .
    ولأهمية هذا الكتاب سعينا في إخراجه بحلة قشيبة مع مقدمة تعريفية حول هذه الفرقة وتطوُّرها ، وأهمِّ عقائدها وأفكارها ، والجهودِ المبذولة في الرَّدِّ عليها .
    Unbeknown likes this.
  12. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

    Over a hundred years have passed since the erudite scholar Shaykh Ghulām Dastagīr al-Quṣūrī penned his seminal work, ‘Rajm al-Shayaṭīn bi-Radd Ughluṭāt al-Barahīn’. This work was written as a thunderous response and refutation of the deviant Mirzā Ghulām Qadiyānī after he claimed divine revelation in his book ‘al-Barāhīn al-Aḥmadiyya’.

    Three key features set this work apart from all others on this topic, they are:
    1. It was the first book authored in Arabic refuting Qadiyānī.
    2. The author was a contemporary to Qadiyānī and in fact challenged him to a debate.
    3. Leading scholars and authorities from the Two Holy Sanctuaries wrote endorsements on this work.

    All praise belongs to Allah. I am hopeful that this new edition of the book, in over a hundred years, will bring coolness to the grave of the author. A concise study on the Qadiyānī Cult has been placed as an introduction, including a first-ever biography of the author in Arabic, followed by the complete text preserved with critical edits, referencing and annotations.

    I ask Allah Most High to accept this service in His Court, and to let it be a shield defending Muslims from the trials emerging within.

    Unbeknown likes this.

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