Supporting Sunni Scholars

Discussion in 'General Topics' started by Sofala, Jun 12, 2023.

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  1. Sofala

    Sofala New Member

    A great initiative.. but can the amount that has been received be updated regularly so that we know where we are. It stands at £700+ at the moment. I personally think it will encourage more donations. Just my take on this.
  2. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member


    For the first time, the complete Arabic works of the late Shaykh al-Hadith, Allama Abd al-Hakim Sharaf al-Qadiri have been collected and are soon to be printed from Beirut in two separate volumes. This work has been completed and only a small amount of costs remain to get this work to print. A total of £11,000 is required within this next month, in sha Allah! Get funding now and support today at:

  3. Khanah

    Khanah Veteran

    This is great stuff. It's a modern form of crowd funded patronage essentially which is one of the traditional ways of funding scholarship throughout classical history. Other groups have funding that results in publishing high quality books, translations, research etc so it's good that we have something too.

    I'd also suggest that some funds could be used to provide free copies of published works to non desi scholars/schools to promote Imam Ahmed Rida and his students. The profileration of his work in those lands would help counter the kind of slander promoted by the deos.
  4. Hanafi Sunni

    Hanafi Sunni Veteran

    Great initiative. MaSha Allah

    Better late than never.
    In modern times, companies provide their employees high value items (laptops, ipads), access to higher education learning platforms, financial support to further their studies (masters, PHD, MBA) just to ensure that the employee remains competent to provide the best service to the organization. However this is never seen in sunni circles (apart from DI who gives their muballighs ipads to deliver bayaans from). If only we could adopt these good work cultures from the west and fund our Ulama with latest technologies and courses related to upskilling themselves on using Microsoft Word, PowerPoint ..... kids are using laptops in schools, college and university therefor we should try to ensure we can also provide courses and duroos using the same mediums which make it compatible with the mode of learning in modern times.

    Every madressa and musjid should have funds to give teachers and imams such devices to ensure they continuously learn about modern technologies, teach kids using these modern tools, and warn youth about the dangers of technology.

    Deobandi masajid in my area are already giving bayaan about artificial intelligence and the ways to use it spread Deen. Furthermore they also discussed disadvantages of such technology (such as use of AI techniques to generate deep fakes). Their imams told the mussalees to continue learning Deen from local imams and Ulama rather than resorting to AI chatbots for answers.

    Whereas our Ulama (who don't even know what AI) are still giving talks from waqiyas. I don't know if I make sense.

    (Typed this out really quick)

    But overall great initiative. Allah bless the brothers behind it.
    Khanah likes this.
  5. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member


    At Supporting Sunni Scholars, our ethos has always been to serve the traditional Muslim scholarly heritage that has driven the Umma to unchartered pinnacles and peaks. Today, we are pleased to announce that Supporting Sunni Scholars will be officially supporting Dar al-Imam Yusuf al-Nabhani, a specialised Arabic publishing house in Beirut which is dedicated to reviving the literary heritage of Islam. From Malaysia to Morocco, many works already published by Dar al-Imam Yusuf al-Nabhani are in demand by scholars globally. By supporting this initiative, you will be directly involved in the production of high quality literature on Islam and unearthing books which have not seen the light of day as they remain hidden in the depths of libraries. To read more about Dar al-Imam Yusuf al-Nabhani and to make a Sadaqah donation today, please click the link below:

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