Al-Dhahabī, Siyar Aálām an-Nubalā, no.1294 ----------------- Ibn Úyaynah said: Dāwūd [at-Ţāyī] was a scholar and a jurist. and had a supreme command in speech and debate. Once, he obliterated a man [in an argument] and [his teacher] Abū Ĥanīfah said: ‘O Abū Sulaymān, your tongue and your reach have grown longer’. He did not speak for an year after this in any argument: he neither questioned nor answer [any objections]. It is said that he drowned all his books. (fearing for his nafs, that it would be entangled in the love of fame and glory or self-satisfaction and pride. Allāh táālā knows best) It is said that someone asked him about a ĥadīth and he said: ‘Let me first get out of the entrapments of my nafs…’ [and then I may consider answering you]. Abū Usāmah, along with Sufyān ibn Úyaynah visited Imām Dāwūd and he said: ‘You have visited me now once; please do not visit me again.’ It is said that Imām Dāwūd at-Ţāyī would hasten to return to his house, as soon as the obligatory prayers [in the congregation] concluded.