According to ahla sunnat savants;Tawassul intercession is permissible

Discussion in 'Hanafi Fiqh' started by selma1, Jun 18, 2006.

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  1. selma1

    selma1 New Member

    salamun alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu dear my sis and bro:)
    this topic is from ahla sunnat web city that is

    we can reach all of it from chapter34

    It is written on the five hundred and twenty-fourth page of the fifth volume of Ibni Abidin, "It is good to pray to Allahu ta'ala through Rasulullah's intercession. None of the early savants or the later ones said anything against this. Only Ibni Taymiyya would not accept this. He invented a bidat by saying what nobody had said it. Imam-i Subki explains well that this is so."

    Tawassul, tashaffu', istighasa and tawajjuh have the same meaning. They are all permissible. A hadith ash-Sharif in Bukhari declares, "On the Day of Resurrection people will first have istighasa with Adam "alaihissalam"." Bilal bin Haris "radiallahu anh', one of the greatest Sahabis, came to Rasulullah's grave and said, "O Rasulallah! Pray on behalf of your Ummat so that it will rain.' Hence, it rained. Those disbelievers who said that idols would intercede for them worshipped idols. But Believers, who ask for intercession, do not worship prophets or Awliya. The thirteenth of the forty hadiths on the hundred and thirtieth page of Shawahid-ul-haqq declares: "On the Day of Resurrection I shall intercede. I shall say, "O my Allah! Put those who have iman as big as a mustard seed in their heart into Paradise.' Consequently, they shall go to Paradise. Then I shall say to those with something little in their heart: Go into Paradise." This hadith ash-Sharif is quoted in Bukhari. Istigahasa means tawassul, that is, to make (someone) a wasila, to ask for (his) help and prayers. To ask for his intercession means to pray to Allahu ta'ala through his intermediation and to beg for death with iman.

    It is sahih and permissible to pray through the mediation of Rasulullah after his death, as it was when he was alive. Likewise, hadith ash-Sharifs point out that it is permissible to pray through the mediation of the Awliya or pious Muslims.

    Imam-i Subki stated, "To pray through Rasulullah means to ask for his shafaat (intercession). This is a fine thing. Neither the early Islamic savants nor the later ones said anything against this. Only Ibni Taymiyya denied this. Thus he dissented from the right way.

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