ahsanu'l wi`aa

Discussion in 'Bibliography' started by abu Hasan, Dec 8, 2004.

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  1. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    The book is Ahsanu’l Wiáā li Ādābi’d Duáā [1] by Mawlānā Naqī Álī Khān raĎiyAllāhu ánhū. The gloss on this book is penned by his son Imām Aĥmed RiĎā Khān and named: Dhayl al-Muddáā li Aĥsani’l Wiáā.[2]

    The book basically discusses Duáā or prayer, its requirements, etiquette and other related things. Usually adab of duáā or the etiquette of duáā is found as a preface in prayer books. This book claims a unique spot in that it is devoted to the subject. It is a booklet of about a 100 pages, a5 in size. It consists of ten chapters, an appendix and a concluding article on the method of Šalāt al-Ĥājah [prayers for succor].



    1. A most beautiful receptacle, describing etiquette of duáā.

    2. An appendix to the seeker of ‘the most beautiful receptacle'.

    Last edited: Sep 20, 2011

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