AI translations

Discussion in 'Poetry' started by AbdalQadir, May 5, 2023.

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  1. AbdalQadir

    AbdalQadir time to move along! will check pm's.

    Translate Ala Hazrat's Mustafa Jaane Rehmat into English in verse form.

    Certainly! Translating poetry while maintaining its rhythm and meaning is quite a challenge, but I'll do my best to capture the essence of Ala Hazrat's "Mustafa Jaane Rehmat" in verse form.

    Mustafa, the Mercy of the Worlds

    Mustafa, the mercy of the worlds, light of every heart, Shines upon the darkest paths, where shadows would depart.

    The light of Ahmad guides us all, through trials fierce and long, With his grace and mercy vast, we sing this blessed song.

    Upon the throne of mercy, sits the Prophet, kind and wise, Interceding for the faithful, beneath the endless skies.

    From the depths of every heart, his love forever grows, In the garden of our souls, his fragrant presence shows.

    O Prophet, blessed one of God, your beauty shines so bright, With every glance you cast on us, you fill our lives with light.

    Your kindness, like the endless sea, knows no bound or end, In every prayer, in every breath, your love to us you send.

    Mustafa, the chosen one, in your shadow we find peace, From every storm and tempest wild, your love grants sweet release.

    Upon your name, our hearts do call, in joy and deepest woe, With every step we follow you, where'er you bid us go.

    In the garden of the faithful, your memory blooms so fair, Mustafa, our guiding star, in every whispered prayer.

    O mercy to the worlds, your name is honey sweet, With every mention of your grace, our hearts in rapture beat.

    Mustafa, the shining light, the moon among the stars, You guide us through the darkest night, no matter where we are.

    With love and reverence deep and true, we sing your praises high, Mustafa, the Prophet dear, your name shall never die.

    I hope this captures the spirit and reverence of the original poem.

    Write the original poem.

    Certainly! Here is the original Urdu poem "Mustafa Jaane Rehmat" by Ala Hazrat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan:

    مصطفیٰ جانِ رحمت پہ لاکھوں سلام شمعِ بزمِ ہدایت پہ لاکھوں سلام

    مصطفیٰ جانِ رحمت پہ لاکھوں سلام
    شمعِ بزمِ ہدایت پہ لاکھوں سلام

    جس سوۓ لا مکاں سدرہ سے گئے
    اُس نبی کی سواری پہ لاکھوں سلام

    جس کے ماتھے شفاعت کا سہرا رہا
    اُس جبیں کی ضیاء پہ لاکھوں سلام

    بے کسوں کے مددگار و غمخوار پر
    غم زدوں کی کرامت پہ لاکھوں سلام

    جس کے نقشِ کفِ پا سے چشمِ حیات
    شعلہ زن ہے وہ جوتی پہ لاکھوں سلام

    مصطفیٰ جانِ رحمت پہ لاکھوں سلام
    شمعِ بزمِ ہدایت پہ لاکھوں سلام

    This is a popular naat (Islamic poetry in praise of the Prophet Muhammad) that expresses deep love and reverence for the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

    Translate the above mentioned poem from Urdu to English.

    Certainly! Here is the translation of Ala Hazrat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan's poem "Mustafa Jaane Rehmat" into English:

    Countless blessings upon Mustafa, the essence of mercy,
    Countless blessings upon the guiding light of the assembly.

    Countless blessings upon Mustafa, the essence of mercy,
    Countless blessings upon the guiding light of the assembly.

    The one who journeyed from Sidra to the heavens,
    Countless blessings upon that Prophet's mount.

    The one whose forehead bears the crown of intercession,
    Countless blessings upon the radiance of that brow.

    The helper of the helpless and the comforter of the distressed,
    Countless blessings upon the miracle-worker for the afflicted.

    From whose footprint the spring of life gushes forth,
    Countless blessings upon that glowing sandal.

    Countless blessings upon Mustafa, the essence of mercy,
    Countless blessings upon the guiding light of the assembly.

    This translation aims to capture the reverence and praise expressed in the original Urdu poem.

    Translate it in verse form.

    Certainly! Here is the translation of the poem "Mustafa Jaane Rehmat" by Ala Hazrat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan into English verse form:

    Countless blessings on Mustafa, the mercy of our days, Countless blessings on the guiding light, in whom we find our ways.

    From Sidra to the heavens high, his journey did unfold, Countless blessings on that steed, in stories we've been told.

    Upon his brow, the crown of light, of intercession's grace, Countless blessings on the glow that shines upon his face.

    The helper of the helpless ones, the comforter of sorrow, Countless blessings on his aid, that brings a bright tomorrow.

    From the footprints that he leaves, springs of life do flow, Countless blessings on the sandals, where his light does show.

    Countless blessings on Mustafa, the mercy of our days, Countless blessings on the guiding light, in whom we find our ways.

    I hope this captures the essence and reverence of the original poem in a verse form.

    Mustafa, the Mercy of the Worlds

    Mustafa, the mercy of the worlds, light of every heart, Shines upon the darkest paths, where shadows would depart.

    The light of Ahmad guides us all, through trials fierce and long, With his grace and mercy vast, we sing this blessed song.

    Upon the throne of mercy, sits the Prophet, kind and wise, Interceding for the faithful, beneath the endless skies.

    From the depths of every heart, his love forever grows, In the garden of our souls, his fragrant presence shows.

    O Prophet, blessed one of God, your beauty shines so bright, With every glance you cast on us, you fill our lives with light.

    Your kindness, like the endless sea, knows no bound or end, In every prayer, in every breath, your love to us you send.

    Mustafa, the chosen one, in your shadow we find peace, From every storm and tempest wild, your love grants sweet release.

    Upon your name, our hearts do call, in joy and deepest woe, With every step we follow you, where'er you bid us go.

    In the garden of the faithful, your memory blooms so fair, Mustafa, our guiding star, in every whispered prayer.

    O mercy to the worlds, your name is honey sweet, With every mention of your grace, our hearts in rapture beat.

    Mustafa, the shining light, the moon among the stars, You guide us through the darkest night, no matter where we are.

    With love and reverence deep and true, we sing your praises high, Mustafa, the Prophet dear, your name shall never die.

    Certainly! Here’s the translated poem "Mustafa Jaane Rehmat" by Ala Hazrat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan in verse form:

    Countless blessings on Mustafa, the mercy of all lands, Countless blessings on the guiding light, where truth forever stands.

    He journeyed to the heavens high, from Sidra to the skies, Countless blessings on his steed, where every blessing lies.

    Upon his brow, the crown of light, the intercessor's gleam, Countless blessings on that radiance, where endless mercies stream.

    The helper of the helpless ones, the comforter in strife, Countless blessings on his grace, that fills each soul with life.

    From his footprint springs of life, in every heart they flow, Countless blessings on the sandals, where his sacred footsteps go.

    Countless blessings on Mustafa, the mercy of all lands, Countless blessings on the guiding light, where truth forever stands.

    I hope this captures the essence and reverence of the original poem in a verse form.
  2. AbdalQadir

    AbdalQadir time to move along! will check pm's.

    will there be any future upgrades to Hujjatul Islam-GPT or Mujaddid-GPT?
  3. Shadman

    Shadman Active Member

    It would be interesting to see a model tuned for Islamic text. With that idea in mind, 'Mufti-GPT' is probably under development by someone.
  4. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

  5. Ahmadh

    Ahmadh New Member

    Just to point out, 90%+ of the training data in chatgpt is english, very little in Arabic and even less so isI Islamic texts. The best results would probable be derived from taking a concise english translation and then putting that through the chat bot.

    Still quite impressive though.
  6. Psuedo-Philosopher

    Psuedo-Philosopher "All things must end, as all began"

    It probably was under the impression that text referred to is 'Kitāb At-Tawhīd' by Shaykh Ibn Abd al-Wahhāb. Al-Hamdu Lillāh, robots are not perfect and do not substitute a human being.
  7. sherkhan

    sherkhan Veteran

    Its ability to versify is impressive even though it's prone to errors in translation. Apparently, if the first-pass output is fed and re-fed/reviewed by ChatGPT itself, then the output gets better and refined.

    With right prompts and corrections, it has an ability to self-correct too (with a dose of humility). If only the fake shaykhs also had the same capability to do ruju!
  8. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    translate the above in verse


    When non-existence is achieved,
    Contradiction is the proof perceived.
    In Islamic faith, this truth is clear,
    Allah alone, no other to revere.

    (Note: This is a translation of the interpretation of the given Arabic verse into English verse. The original meter and rhyme scheme of the Arabic verse may not be preserved in this translation.)
  9. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    push it:
  10. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    tried again:

  11. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    qidam is mistaken to be qadam and thus translated as steadfastness.

    (just trying to think what might be going on in the bot)
    Abdullah Ahmed likes this.
  12. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    well, it is downhill after the plain verses ...
  13. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    21- وُرجِّحتْ زيَادةُ الإيمانِ بما تزيدُ طاعةُ الإنسانِ

    22- ونَقْصُهُ بنقصِها وَقِيْلَ: لا وَقِيْلَ: لا خُلْفُ كّذَا قَدْ نُقِلا

    23- فَواجِبٌ لهُ الوجودُ والقِدَمُ كَذَا بَقَاءٌ لا يُشَابُ بالعَدَمُ

    24- وأَنهُ لِمَا يَنالُ العَدمُ مخالفٌ، بُرهانُ هَذا القِدَمُ

    25- قيامُهُ بالنفسِ وَحدانيةْ مُنزَّهاً أَوصَافُهُ سَنِيَّةْ

    26- عَنْ ضِدِّ أَو شَبَهٍ شَرِيْكٍ مُطْلَقَاً وَوَالِدٍ كَذَا الوَلَدْ والأصْدِقَا

    27- وَقُدْرَةٌ إرَادَةٌ وَغَايَرَتْ أَمْرَاً وَعْلِمَاً والرِّضَا كما ثَبَتْ

    28- وَعِلْمُهُ ولا يُقالُ مُكْتَسَبْ فاتْبَعْ سَبِيِلْ الحقِّ واطْرَحِ الرِّيْبْ

    29- حياتُهُ كَذا الْكلامُ الْسَمْعُ ثمَّ البَصَرْ، بِذي أَتانا السَمْعُ

    30- فَهلْ له إدراكٌ أوْ لا، خُلْفُ وعندَ قومٍ صحَّ فيه الوَقْفُ

    21- Increasing faith is preferred,
    As it increases one's obedience to the word.

    22- Its decrease is said to be,
    The same as decreasing virtuous deeds we see.

    23- Existence and eternity are his due,
    And he remains unaffected by what is new.

    24- When he meets with nothingness,
    This contradicts his nature, a proof of his steadfastness.

    25- Self-sufficient and unique is he,
    Free from any partners or similarity.

    26- Unlike any opposites or a semblance of a mate,
    Like a parent to child or friend to mate.

    27- Will, power, and knowledge, his to claim,
    Satisfaction with all things as they came.

    28- His knowledge is not acquired but innate,
    Follow the path of truth, doubt to negate.

    29- His life, like the spoken word we hear,
    Then sight, both gifts from one who is near.

    30- Does he comprehend, or not, we ask,
    A matter of belief for those who bask.
  14. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    9- فَكُلُّ مَنْ كُلِّفَ شَرْعاً وَجَبَا عَلَيْه أَنْ يَعْرِفَ مَا قَدْ وَجبَا
    10- لِلهِ والجائِزَ والمُمتنِعَا ومَثلِ ذا لِرُسْلهِ فاستمِعا
    11- إذْ كُلُّ مَنْ قَلَّدَ بالتَّوِحيْدِ إيمَانُهُ لمْ يَخْلُ مِنْ تَرْدِيْدِ
    ‏12- فَفِيْهِ بَعْضُ القَوْم يَحْكي الخُلْفا وبَعْضُهُمْ حَقَق فِيْهِ الكَشْفَا
    13- فَقَالَ إنْ يَجْزِمْ بقَوْلِ الغَيرِ كَفَى وَإلاَّ لَمْ يَزَلْ في الضيَّرِ
    14- واجْزِمْ بَأَنَّ أَولاً مِما يَجبْ مَعْرِفَةٌ وفيْهِ خُلْفٌ مُنْتَصِبْ
    15- فأنْظُرْ إلى نَفْسِكَ ثُمَّ انْتَقِلِ لِلعَالَمِ العُلْوِيِّ ثمَّ السُّفْلِي
    16- تَجِدْ بِهِ صُنْعَاً بدِيْعَ الحِكَمِ لَكِنْ بهِ قَامَ دَلِيْلُ العَدَمِ
    17- وكُلُّ ما جَازَ عَلَيْهِ العَدَمُ عَلَيهِ قَطْعَاً يَسْتَحِيْلُ القِدَمُ
    18- وفُسِّرَ الإيمانُ بالتصدَّيقِ والنُطقُ فيهِ الخلفُ بالتحقيقِ
    19- فَقِيْلَ شَرطٌ كالعَمَلْ وقيْل بلْ شَطْرٌ والإسلامَ أَشْرِحَنَّ بالعَمَلْ
    20- مِثَالُ هذا الحجُّ والصَّلاةُ كذا الصيامُ فاْدرِ والزكاةُ


    9- To every one who's tasked with a law to follow,
    It's a must to know what's been made obligatory to show.

    10- To Allah belongs all that's permissible and prohibited,
    And like the messengers, heed His call without being restricted.

    11- Whoever embraces the creed of monotheism without doubt,
    His faith will never waver or be without clout.

    12- Some have spoken against it, without sound proof,
    While others have found truth and made a great move.

    13- So he who affirms the words of others, that's sufficient,
    Or else he remains in harm and not enough proficient.

    14- I maintain that the first obligation is to know,
    And some have differing opinions, that's the status quo.

    15- Look into yourself first, then expand your view,
    To the higher and lower knowledge, and seek what's true.

    16- You'll find therein unique wisdom and design,
    Yet its evidence rests on the negation of the divine.

    17- And whatever's permissible due to negation,
    Its existence is impossible without hesitation.

    18- Faith is explained by affirmation and speech,
    And deviation by investigation and breach.

    19- Some said it's a condition, like deeds to be done,
    Others said it's just a part, and Islam's message is more than one.

    20- Such as pilgrimage, prayer, and fasting too,
    And don't forget charity, it's a pillar just as true.
  15. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    it sounded just like vacuous speakers - big words and lots of words and one or two well-known concepts repeated in many ways.
    but it was unfair. so a pointed question:


    not bad.
  16. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    so i prodded chatGPT on the jawharah mistake

  17. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    this one sounds like hamza yusuf or any of the 1001 celebrity pirs and speakers who have no clue but try to be smart and use vague descriptions to mask their ignorance. they will wax eloquent about things they have no clue of.

    so chatGPT can pass off as celebrity shaykh...
    Ibn.ali likes this.
  18. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    the AI bot mistook alfiyah al iraqi (which is on usul hadith) to alfiyah ibn malik and thus went on a grammar poem.
  19. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

  20. Psuedo-Philosopher

    Psuedo-Philosopher "All things must end, as all began"

    Thanks sir. Very interesting.

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