al-fatâwâ ar-riDawiyyah : volume 1

Discussion in 'Bibliography' started by abu Hasan, Dec 22, 2004.

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  1. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    you had to point that out, didn't you?

    seriously speaking, you are right. i wanted to go a step further too and write a jist of the monograph. but it takes a lot of time and trying to be perfect, it will remain incomplete for a long time. atleast i won't be doing that until all the volumes are reviewed.

    others are welcome to try.
  2. abu nibras

    abu nibras Staff Member

    subhanallah - the titles of the monographs themselves speak volumes of the eloquence of the author.

    althought they may not be as eloquent as the arabic - I think it would be a good idea to translate the titles into english besides having their transliterated form for the benifit of those who cant understand arabic.

    was salam

    abu nibras
  3. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    Al-Fatāwā Ar-Riđawiyyah : Volume 1.

    Total number of pages : 838 pages.

    Subject matter: Kitāb at-Ţahārah [Ritual Purity]

    Topics covered in this volume:
    Things that annul the wuđū
    Concerning water and its purity

    Number of Monographs: 11

    1. ajlā al-iýlām anna’l fatwā muţlaqan álā qawl al-imām. (1334 AH)

    2. al-jūd al-ĥuluw fī arkān al-wuđū (1324 AH)

    3. tanwīr al-qindīl fī awsāfi’l mindīl (1324 AH)

    4. lumaá al-aĥkām anna lā wuđū’a mina’z zukām (1324 AH)

    5. at-ţirāz al-muállam fīmā huwa ĥadathun min aĥwāl ad-dam (1324 AH)

    6. nabhi’l qawm anna al-wuđū’a min ayyi nawm (1325 AH)

    7. khulāşatu tibyāni’l wuđū’ (1326 AH)

    8. al-aĥkām wa’l ílal fī ishkāli’l iĥtilāmi wa’l balal (1320 AH)

    9. bāriqu’n nūr fī maqādīri mā’a at-ţuhūr (1327 AH)

    10. barakātu’s samā’a fī ĥukmi isrāfi’l mā’a (1327 AH)

    11. irtifāá al-ĥujub án wujūhi qirā’ati’l junub (1328 AH)
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2006

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