Allah asking the opinion [mashwara] of rasulAllah

Discussion in 'Hadith' started by Aqdas, Jun 13, 2007.

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  1. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

    in al-amn wa'l 'ula, alaHazrat has quoted a hadith about Allah making mashwara with the prophet sallAllahu 'alaihi wasallam. the deobandis, as is expected from them, objected to the hadith and claimed it has been fabricated and does not exist in the books of hadith.

    imam aHmad sa'eed kazmi refuted this group whose members have always proven to have a minimal knowledge of hadith and do not understand basic issues.

    he first showed that the hadith does appear in renowned books of hadith and then showed that mashwara is not always done because the questioner is less knowledgeable than the answerer.

    imam kazmi says that it is a blessing in disguise that alaHazrat did not quote exact references because it gave the world another chance to see the ignorance of the deobandis.

    the refutation is included in the online version of al-amn wa'l 'ula at as a marginalia. it starts at p.216 and continues till p.239.

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