I know almost little to nothing on the guy, and have no sympathies or grudges against him at a personal level. The initial audio posted in the thread the fragment of which is ifta-ed on by Bareilly side and the scribed text of which is ifta-ed on by Ashrafia side – is appalling and an exercise in brown nosing. It is nothing different than the usual spiel of the perennialists. Haven’t heard the second audio that unbeknown commented on. Just glossed over unbeknown’s comments and abu Hasan’s comment (#204 on the main UKA thread). Going by what I saw, it’s simply lamentable and stands against everything I believe in and stand for. From an Islamic perspective based on my meager knowledge, it’s a jumble of many fallacies that the zanadiqa and perennialist rabble-rousers usually spew to the jahil awam. It’ll take detailed rebuttals to refute each and every single fallacy one by one. I have no love or respect for the guy and think he is a zindiq just like tahir (going by what comes out by way of audio video bayans and speeches etc; and assuming they’re authentic and not doctored)
Ok here’s my feedback. I had popped into the original thread a bit to see what’s going on. I have glossed over the post by brother unbeknown and obaid’s other or new speech and I will comment on that towards the end. For starters, I want to set the record straight on my jumbled up post #66 on the original UKA thread, and this issue in general – not because I want people to respect or disrespect me, but as a Muslim I must be fair and objective. I think people (ALL of us including myself) are conflating/have conflated multiple issues. So I will separate them for my sake at least if no one else’s. I will get down to Nizamuddin sab’s fatwa towards the end.
as mentioned to unbeknown and other brothers, i will present what i composed on word here in multiple posts - so that the chain and flow of my posts and positions doesn't get interrupted by other people's posts or cross questioning or so on - and it all comes across as one comprehensive explanation of my position. humbly request the brothers and sisters to please not post on this thread till i finish copying and pasting what i have jotted down.