asifwithu posts

Discussion in 'General Topics' started by asifwithu, Sep 22, 2016.

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  1. asifwithu

    asifwithu Active Member

    "Bismil Laa-hir.Rahmaa-nir-Raheem""Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil 'Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu 'Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma 'een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
    Qurb –practicing kalma 2
    Recite and practise kalima taiba you will attain allah.
    If only the 'I' (thought of the self) goes, you can enter paradise.the thought of the self, which some say as the ego or nafs, is our first enemy. Our Prophet (Peace be upon him), who is the Habib of Allah, asked us to remember Allah, so much that others would start to call us as insane people.

    Unless you attain 'yadhe Huq' you cannot attain 'Yafthe Huq'. So, the first goal of a seeker should be to increase the zikr of Allah. You should be so much immersed in His zikr (remembrance) that you should forget yourself. it is He who is making you to remember Him.
    1.When you feel thirsty and drink water, your mind should automatically remember Him.
    2.The hand with which you are holding the glass is due to His blessings. The power with which you are holding the glass is His. (La Kuwwatha Illa Billah -- There is no power other than His power.)
    3.The glass you are holding is also His creation. The water is also is His creation.
    4.It is He who is fulfilling your need of quenching your thirst. It is He who is feeding the water to you.
    5. These movements are in fact due to the kuwwath (power) of Allah. So, we have to associate these actions to the power of Allah,
    6. we have eyes in our heart. it is our ability to feel. We can experience the af'al (actions), sifath (characteristics) and the ujood of Allah. This feeling can be experienced both in anfus (within ourselves) and in aafaak (outside us).
    7. The existence of all the creations is due to the reflection of His existence and we can feel that too. The sifaaths belongs to Allah and what we find it in the creations are its reflections.We can feel and get excited over these Sifaths coming out of the creations.
    8. As far as Allah is concerned, He exists by himself and we are not allowed to think about His ujoodh for His ujoodh and Zaath are same for Him. The ujoodh of a creation is what it is made of. For example, the ujoodh of a cap is cloth; the ujoodh of the computer keyboard is plastic. Yes, Allah created us with His ujoodh. But, He has not changed a bit due to the creation of this universe. "Huwa al aana kama kana alaihi" (He is now as He was before). He is pure from changing, breaking, cutting into pieces, getting into something, something getting into Him, etc., etc.
    9. Allah has not changed a bit in any way in His essence and He will not. Allah's existence has not mixed with us and He is pure of getting mixed and mixing with anything. We can't see Allah by our eyes in this world(insha allah-in jannah we will see allah).
    Though the power and
    characteristics we possess are due to the reflection of Allah's characteristics, in no way Allah is responsible for the bad deeds which we do. We are fully responsible for that.
    When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)
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  2. Unbeknown

    Unbeknown Senior Moderator

    jazakAllahu khyaran
  3. asifwithu

    asifwithu Active Member

    "Bismil Laa-hir.Rahmaa-nir-Raheem""Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil 'Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu 'Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma 'een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
    Intention/niyyat---- is to please allah alone (not for any showoff to the people).
    Ihram---- clean your body from unnecessary hair and nails. take a bath and if body is clean already then do ablution. Give Something in Charity/sadaqa.wear with the intention of umrah, keep you right shoulder open during tawaaf,no stitched cloth, don’t cut/play with your hair, no perfume, offer 2 rakat nafil prayer with the intention of umrah then read following:Labaik allahumma labaik,labaik la sharikalak labaik,innal hamd wan naymata lakaval mulk ,la sharikalak ……...After wearing ehram and continually reciting Talbiyah till your reach makkah shariff
    Everytime when you visit Masjid ---- keeping in your right foot first while reciting the following prayer: bismilaahi was salaatu was salaamu alaa rasoolillah –rabbigfirlee zunoobi waftah li abwaaba rahmateka.make niyyat of iteqaf in the masjid.
    when stepping out of the mosque- bismilaahi was salaatu was salaamu alaa rasoolillah-allahumma inee asaluka min fazlika
    As soon as you see Bait-ul-Allah (house of Allah)
    , recite the following prayer for three times: allahu akbar allahu akbar la illaha illalahu wallahu akbar wa illahil hamd. Pray for the success in this world and also in ahkirat (as this is the time of prayers’ acceptance) like rabbanna atina fid duniya hasnautau fil akhirati hasnautau wa qina azaban naar or radiyatau billahi rabbau bill islami deenau bi mohammadin (saws) nabiau wa rasoolan.
    1.Method of Tawaf (Circular Movement)--
    come to Hajr Aswad (Black Stone) at the opposite of which, a green light is fitted. make intention of the tawaaf and pray, “O'Allah accept it from me.” show your right arm and cover your left shoulder.
    Dua near hajr e aswad ----bismillahi alaahu akbar wa lilahil hamd
    (from distance raise your hands till shoulders and kiss your palms directing towards Hajr Aswad )
    Dua for tawaaf----rabbanna atina fid duniya hasnautau fil akhirati hasnautau wa qina azaban naar wadaqil nal jannat ma al abrar ya aziziu ya ghafaru ya rabbil alamin.(any zikrullah) Don’t touch kaaba in ihram . In first three rounds, men will do Ramal (Ramal means to walk with broad chest) Other 4 rounds should be with shoulders down.
    go near “Maqam e Ibrahim”---offer two rakat nafal .( Surah Kafiroon and Surah Ikhlas after surah fatiha in 1st and 2nd rakah).
    Zam zam
    --- directing Qibla drink Zam Zam in three intervals after reading Bis Millah. Dua for drinking zam zam ---allahumma inni asaluka ilmun nafiyan wa raizqan wasiyaun wa shifa min kulli da-in. Intention while drinking zam zam --- quenching the thirst of the day of Qiyaamah , of Shifaa (cure) from spiritual and physical ailments, of being granted the Taufeeque of conforming to the Sunnah of our beloved Rasulullah(saws)
    2.Second step is Safa and marwah
    Do the intention of sayee –what ever you do ibadah say ‘o’ allah its for your raza/pleasure.
    Dua at safa and marwa mountain ---
    (facing khana e kaaba) inna safa wal marwata min shairilaallah. Say - Allah o Akbar ( 3 times) and pray ----la illaha illallahu wahadahu lasharikalahu lahul mulku wa lahulhamdu wa huwa ala kulli shain qadir (4th kalma).keep reading while walking between safa and marwa.
    Dua at the green light (while running)---- rabbi agfrili warham wa antal azizul akram.
    3.Third Step of Umrah (Halaq/Qasr)----
    To shave hair ofhead or Qasr (trim) means to clip at least one inch of each hair. the restrictions of ehram are finished and Umrah iscompleted.
    Nafil tawaaf -----keep on performing nafali tawaf. after doing estalam of Hajr Aswad make seven circular movements (Tawaf) of Khana Ka’aba and do estalam in every round. two rakat nafal near Maqam Ibrahim, and prayers after drinking ZamZam.
    Tawaf-e-Wida---it is wajib (must-do) on you to perform last tawaf, which is called “Tawaf-e-Wida.” It will be performed in the simple way like nafali tawaf.
    What to do in makkah ----kalima-e-tayibah, astagfar ,tawaaf, drinking zam zam, umrah , 5times regular prayer and tahjud , dua,do lot of essale sawaab for both living and dead ,perform salatul taubah ,salatul masjid,salatul wazu. Salatul shukriya (Read Surah Al Kafiroonafter Surah Fatiha in first rakat and surah Ikhlas after Surah Fatiha insecond rakat)..give lot of charity ,keep watching kaaba,complete 1 quran,form niyyat of itiqaf when you enter masjid.convey the sawaab of your ibadah to rasoolallah(saws) and from his wasila to all muslim men and women (living and dead both) .darood o in wazu always. Don’t spit , raise your voice, fight, push others, argue with others , show off etc. show patiency.Try to pray near multazim . Be extremely careful that you do not miss any prayer of jamat (group) . don’t speak loudly.respect people of makkah and medina.
    Ziyarat Makkah Mukaramah ----- Place of Birth of Holy Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) →Dara Arqam → Bait-ul-Khadijah → Bait Abu Bakar Sadeeq (R.A) →Masjid Nimra →Masjid Jinn → Masjid Ayesha (R.A) →Masjid Tawa → Jabl-o- Noor, Ghar-e-Hira → Jabal Thour and Ghar Thour → Jabal Rehmat → Jannat al Maula → kalmia tayib ,astaqfar, darood o salam and dua at holy places.
    Sole intention is to visit Rasoolallah (saws) and gain his pleasure/raza.
    What to do in madinah munawwarah
    ---- Recite lot of Durood o salam ,dua , shafaat, wasila ,5times regular prayers along with tahjud,complete 1 quran,kalma e tayyiba, astaqfar, Remain Hopeful for Acceptance of dua. Ghusl is Afzal (best), Put on clean garments and if possible, new garments, apply itr and surma, do lot of essale sawaab for both living and dead ,perform salatul taubah ,salatul masjid,salatul wazu. Salatul shukriya (Read Surah Al Kafiroonafter Surah Fatiha in first rakat and surah Ikhlas after Surah Fatiha insecond rakat). .give lot of charity, form niyyat of itiqaf when you enter masjid.convey the sawaab of your ibadah to rasoolallah(saws) and from his wasila to all muslim men and women (living and dead both) .give business to people of madinah.Be in wazu always. Be extremely careful that you do not miss any prayer of jamat (group) . don’t speak loudly.respect people of makkah and medina.
    Everytime when you visit Masjid --- keeping in your right foot first while reciting the following prayer: bismilaahi was salaatu was salaamu alaa rasoolillah –rabbigfirlee zunoobi waftah li abwaaba rahmateka .make niyyat of iteqaf in the masjid. 2 rakat of tahiyutul masjid,taubah ,wazu and shukr. when stepping out of the mosque- bismilaahi was salaatu was salaamu alaa rasoolillah-allahumma inee asaluka min fazlika
    Ziyarat of rasoolallah (saws) and sahaba(ra)----
    Proceed to the Sacred Qabr of Rasulullah peace be upon him with much reverence, humility, eagerness and respect. Stand with the back towards the Qiblah .Do not cast your gaze all over. Do not raise your voice or else your deeds will be consficated and you even will not get to know about it. with great respect present salat o salam with such belief that HolyProphet Muhammad (saws) himself is listening toyou and also he is seeing you. Recite the Salaam in a moderate tone, neither too softly nor too loudly
    Assalatu assalamu alaika ya rasulallah (saws),assalatu assalamu alaika ya habib allah(saws)
    As alukash shafaatu ya rasoolallah(saws) .radiyatau billahi rabbau bill islami deenau bi mohammadin (saws) nabiau wa rasoolan.
    (convey salam of others )by saying- Asalamu alaika ya rasoolallah(saws) min………(name of the person)yestashfiu bika illa rabbika-------------Or---------------Assalamu alaika ya rasoolallah(saws) min jameo man ausani bi salami alaika(from all the requested people)
    Salam on Hazrat Abu Bakar Sadeeq( Razi Allah Tallah Anhu)--- Assalamu alaika ya kalifatull rasoolallah(saws) And pray to Allah that He resurrect us following Hazrat Abu Bakar Sadeeq (Ra)
    Salam on Hazrat Umer Farooq (Razi Allah Tallah Anhu) ---Assalamu alaika ya kalifatull rasoolallah(saws)And pray to Allah that He provides us Hazrat Umer Farooq’s (Ra) accompaniment on judgment day.
    face the Holy Qabr of Rasulullah peace be upon him and once again renew the recitation of Salaam on Rasulullah(saws). then make dua
    how to make dua ---- recite Hamd and Sana of allah (praises of the Almighty Allah) then Durood Shareef and make Du'aa to Allah Ta'aala, invoking the Waseelah of Rasulullah. Again request for Rasulullah’s (saws) Shafa'at. When making Du'aa, raise both the hands. ask forgiveness to allah by placing prophet’s wasila and ask prophet to intercede for you in the court of allah definetly allah will forgive you and reward you.Adopt an attitude of utmost respect and awe. One's Du'aa should be for one's self, parents, Mashaa'ikh (spiritual leaders), family, relatives, friends and for all the Muslims in general. One's Du'aa should cover all Deeni as well as worldly needs and desires. One should make Du'aa for one's self, family, relatives and all Muslims. Make Du'aa for the acceptance of one's Ibaadat and for steadfastness on Deen. Make Du'aa for a death on Imaan and for a safe return home.
    Sacred Pillars → Offer nafal namaz and dua .Pillar of Hanaanah---- recite Istighfaar and dua.
    Roza al Jannah----offer prayers, recite Quran,dua ,darood ,nafil salah,zikrullah. dont hurt any Muslim .Suffa → recite Holy Quran,
    offer nafal and dua.
    Respect of Masjid Nabwi (saws)offer salat o salam to Roza Aqdas (saws) after every prayer. Otherwise arrange for presenting darood after Fajr, Asr and Isha’a prayers and do not do any such work or not say any such thing which could hurt the soul of Holy Prophet Muhammad(saws).
    Presence in Masjid Quba → The reward of offering two rakat nafal in Masjid Quba is equivalent to one Umrah.
    Jannat Al Baqee
    → send reward and pray for them.-----assalamu alaikum daraquomin momineena wa inna inshaallahu bikum lahiquna nasa alullaha lanawalakumul afiyata After this send reward to all those buried reading start and end of Surah Al Baqra, Surah Yaseen, and Surah Ikhlas.
    Good Bye Prayer From Holy Land ----ask rasoolallah (saws) permission before you leave medinah .offer two rakat good bye nafal ,after sending darood o salam, pray to Allah that He may accept your ibadah, pray for the forgiveness to Allah foryou, for your parents, friends and relatives, pray for the mediation ofHazrat Muhammad(saws), pray for your fine end,and while reading darood shareef with the desire of returning to MasjidNabwi(saws) in your heart.
    When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)
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  4. asifwithu

    asifwithu Active Member

    "Bismil Laa-hir.Rahmaa-nir-Raheem""Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil 'Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu 'Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma 'een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
    CONCLUSION –TARIQAT (THE PATH) --repentance, abstention/refraining, contentment /satisfaction, trust in Allah,solitude(to be alone), attention directed to Allah Ta'ala, patience/sabr, pleased with Allah, remembrance of Allah,meditation,faqr(self denial /self negation/asceticism),umeed ,hope,thanking allah ,fear of allah ,To keep away from love for the dunya,To be present for duty before the Murshid-i-Kamil,do not stop reading your wird (your daily reading) and saying your zikr,To contemplate (muraqaba),To attain knowledge,To have a beautiful character with charitable and generous heart.To eat less. To speak less. To sleep less. To associate less with people. Perform Worldly duties on their time and Ibaadat on its time. sit in pious company,Eliminate show off, Reduce expenditure of money.praising much the person against whom jealousy is directed. expels the love of wealth from the heart. Expel the desire for fame and name. Remember maut (death) in abundance and do not involve yourself in distant and remote hopes. Companionship must be for the sake of Allah not for worldly benefits Be in a state of wazu everytime.Keep your heart from hypocrisy(nifaq)And also its hypocrisy to say I did miracle. "Do not let any thought of show off enter your heart, and worship God wherever you will.ask forgiveness /keep patience /be content(satisfied) /show thanks to allah.don’t speak ill of even an evil person. Do not listen to evil. don’t have greed for wealth and honour. Do not expand much worldly affairs. Do not meet people with those who engage in Zikr.display good manners ,Confess your faults immediately.have trust in Allah and present your needs to Him only. Hope for the rewards and be in fear that allah is watching me always.Consider yourself to be the most inferior. think, I'm sure he/she is better than me. don’t consider yourself to be perfect. humble yourself in the presence of those whom you regard as your inferior. Everything is bestowal of Allah Ta'ala ,yours is nothing,to overlook the fault of others ,All will perish one day. Be As in the state of death(To correct your nafs).The heat generated by the remembrance of Allah SWT will burn Lust,Anger ,Tyranny, Desire, Want,Jealousy,Greed, Pride and Arrogance

    When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)
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  5. asifwithu

    asifwithu Active Member

    "Bismil Laa-hir.Rahmaa-nir-Raheem""Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil 'Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu 'Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma 'een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
    Nafs e ammara-nafs is in our heart/slaves of the desires/wordly affairs/shaitan speaks
    Nafs e lawamma-start fighting with nafs/shaitan furious/putting questions in the heart
    Nafs e mulhima-nafs is still there/waswasa&hope/shaitan tricks by alternate ways like you have done enough zikr /pray later/why astagfar when I have not done anywrong/munfiqat
    Nafs e mutmainna-nafs&shaitan are silent/no resistance in azkar and ibadat/heart is activated & seeby it.
    Nafs e radhiyya-entry into touheed/baseerat is created in the heart/see allah everywhere in everything/mushahida and fail e haqiqi is HU.stop listening to nafs&shaitan but shaitan tries to lead you into shirk/gumrahi by manipulating our mushahida.
    Nafs e mardhiyya-love conquer everything including nafs&shaitan/heart eye is completely open we start speaking language of the soul.
    Nafs e kamila-nafs is completely purified/perfection and we enter maqam e qalb.
    At tauba-return to allah/urge to cry and get cleaned with astagfar regularly.
    At taslim-surrender to allah/leaves body/heart/soul to allah’s will in turn gets love and peace /profit and loss doesnot matter/always thankfull to allah.
    Al adab- politeness/quite/absorbs anger
    Al khawf-fear of allah/feels allah is always with him/feeling between hope& fear of allah
    As sidq-righteousness/everything allah has said is truth/religion/books/prophets/iman.
    Al haqiqat-station of truth/looking at himself as if no body just noor/resist darkness/ibadat will be change from ritual to haaziri to huzoori (feeling ibadat done with heart&soul not just body.presence of beloved is strong.fana fil sheik is achieved .
    Al muhabba-the deep prophet (peace be upon him) increases .prophet (peace be upon him) said I’m the mirror of allah’s husn and jamal.this haqqiqat is revealed to salik.
    At taffakur-silent remembrance/quiet living with heart/heart filled with noor/heart&self disappears/both get united/saalik lives with soul.shaik helps you stay on right path.
    Al hubb-sincerity of love/hearing with ears of the heart/presence of prophet (peace be upon him) is felt and love increases /everything from heart is erased except allah,the beloved/gateway for knowledge of secret of soul.
    Al itlaq-station of freedom/love is understood/unity of nafs/mind/heart/soul& sirr is experienced /all are one/there is nothing only he.allah says heart of my faithfull believer contains me.
    Al ubudiyya-servant of allah/becomes true servant of allah/belives every word without question.
    Al marifa-knowing of the truth/prayers make meaning&understanding/starts to know allah /soul gets cleaned /he becomes noor/eye of soul is activated/there is only allah and saalik.
    Al hadrath al itlaq-presence of the freedom/saalik reflects qualities of allah/allah becomes his hand/ear/legs/hand etc as said in hadith e qudsi.there is no one except he in this world there is no soul except his soul la ilaha illla hu.saalik is just reflecting the qualities of allah and these are given as trust to saalik by allah.
    Al fana-annihilation in allah/praying from soul not from body or heart .so praying changes stage by stage from just bodily to heart and to soul .
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  6. asifwithu

    asifwithu Active Member

    "Bismil Laa-hir.Rahmaa-nir-Raheem""Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil 'Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu 'Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma 'een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
    Jews and christians
    2/113. And the Jews say: ‘The Christians do not have their base upon anything (i.e., sound faith),’ and the Christians say: ‘The Jews do not have their base upon anything,’ yet they (all) read the Book (revealed by Allah). Likewise, they (the polytheists) who do not have any (heavenly) knowledge (at all) also make statements like theirs. So Allah will (Himself) judge between them on the Day of Resurrection in the matter in which they differ.
    5/51. O believers! Do not consider (hostile) Jews and Christians as (your) reliable allies. They (all) are friends to one another (against you). And whoever of you makes friends with them will (also) become one of them…..
    2/96- ……Each one of them desires that he should be granted life of a thousand (years). …..
    62/ 6-8 Say: ‘O Jews, if you think that, leaving all other people, you alone are the friends of Allah (i.e., Awliya’), then long for death (because His Awliya’ will not fear in the grave and the Hereafter) if you are true (in your thinking).’ And these people will never long for it due to (the rejection of the Messenger and disbelief) which they have sent forward…..
    2/108 (O Muslims!) Do you also want to ask your Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) questions the way Musa (Moses) was asked before? …..
    2/110….Many of the People of the Book desire to turn you back to disbelief after you have believed because of the jealousy they have in their hearts, despite the fact that the truth has become evident to them…..
    2/111. And (the People of the Book) say: ‘No one will enter Paradise except he who is a Jew or a Christian.’ These are their false hopes. Say: ‘Produce your proof (in favour of this desire) if you are rightful (in your claim).’
    59/14 They (the Jews of Medina, who breached the treaty, and the hypocrites) will not be able to fight against you (even) allied, except in fortified towns or taking cover behind walls. They fight hard (but) amongst themselves. You think they are united, whereas their hearts are disunited. The reason is that they do not apply reason.
    4/46. And some amongst the Jews pervert the words (of the Torah) from their (original) places and say: ‘We have heard but we disobey,’ ……
    4/46 but Allah has cursed them owing to their disbelief….
    3/181 Allah has surely heard the remarks of those who say: ‘Allah is indigent and we are rich.’ We shall keep a written record of all that they say and their unjust killing of the Prophets (as well)…..
    15/90. The (torment) that We sent down upon the dividers (i.e., the Jews and the Christians), Those who divided the Qur’an into pieces (and split it, i.e., accepted the favourable Verses but rejected the others). ……
    5/44… So do not fear people and always fear Me (alone), and do not barter My signs (i.e., commands) for a paltry price (of this world). ….
    5/17. They have indeed committed disbelief who say: ‘Verily, Allah is (but) the Messiah, the son of Maryam (Mary).’ Say: ‘Who is then (the one) who can possess a bit (of the will) of Allah if He should so decide as to destroy Messiah, the son of Maryam, and his mother, and all that are on earth (who can save them against His will)?’ …
    5/18….And the Jews and the Christians say: ‘We are the sons of Allah and His beloved ones.’ Say: ‘(If your statement is correct) then why does He punish you for your sins?’ ….
    9/30-35. And the Jews said: ‘‘Uzayr (Ezra) is the son of Allah,’ and the Christians said: ‘The Messiah is the son of Allah.’ These are their (absurd) utterances that they voice with their mouths…..
    9/30…They took their priests and monks for lords besides Allah and (also) the Messiah, the son of Maryam (Mary)…..
    5/78. ……..were cursed by the tongue of Dawud (David) and ‘Isa, the son of Maryam
    5/63….And the Jews say: ‘Allah’s hand is tied up (as if—God forbid!—He is miserly).’ Tied up be their (own) hands, and they have been cursed for what they have uttered!
    5/70 ..…(but) every time a Messenger brought them a commandment which their (ill-commanding) selves disliked, they belied a party (of the Messengers) and slew the other (in succession).
    5/70…..And (besides) they held the view that (killing or belying the Messengers) would not result in any torment.
    5/82. You will indeed find the Jews and the polytheists (kuffar) the bitterest of people in their enmity against the Muslims…..
    30/33. ……(Also be not) of those (Jews and Christians) who divided up their religion and became sects and subsects—every sect rejoicing over what is with them…
    6/20. Those to whom We have given the Book recognize this (Last of the Messengers) as they recognize their sons….
    10/68 They say: ‘Allah has adopted a son (for Himself,’ whereas) He is Holy….
    10/69…..You have no evidence with you of this (false allegation). Do you attribute that (thing) to Allah which you (yourselves) do not know?
    5/13……and We made their hearts callous (i.e., they were deprived of guidance and susceptibility).
    5/13…So, they change the Words (of Allah’s Book) from their (right) places….
    5/72 In fact, they have become disbelievers who say: ‘Allah is the Messiah, the son of Maryam (Mary),’ whereas the Messiah (himself) said: ‘O Children of Israel! Worship Allah, Who is my (as well as) your Lord.’….
    5/73 ….Certainly, they (also) become disbelievers who say: ‘Allah is the third of the three (Gods),’ whereas there is none worthy of worship except the One God….
    2/116 And they say: ‘Allah has begotten a son for Himself,’ whilst He is Holy….
    2/117……when He wills to (originate) a thing, He only says to it: ‘Be,’ and it becomes.
    When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)
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  7. asifwithu

    asifwithu Active Member

    "Bismil Laa-hir.Rahmaa-nir-Raheem""Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil 'Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu 'Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma 'een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
    The person making the duaa should be a person who is steadfast on deen (laws of Allah) or a person who has made a firm intention to rectify himself and become obedient to the commands of Allah .Make sure the niyyat is correct. Duaa should be solely for the pleasure of Allah.The opinion one has of his Lord is the opinion in which his Lord deals with him. He should have certainty and conviction that Allah will accept his duaa.Make wudhu before commencing a duaa.,Perform nafl Salaah, or any act of good deed before commencing with duaa,To supplicate durood on the prophet Muhammad (SAW) with every du'a made,To be passionate in the du'a that it makes you cry (increases the chances),To pray during the times of ease as well as praying in the times of difficulty also increases the chances.,One should perform a good deed prior to making the Du'a & he should mention this during the course of the Du'a. ,To praise Allah Ta'ala at the beginning as well as at the end of Du'a ,To convey Durood upon the Beloved Prophet Salla Allahu Ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam at the beginning as well as the end ,To mention the Asma al-Husnaa (the names of Allah Ta'ala ) and the sublime qualities Of Allah Ta'ala ,One should make Du'a through the medium of the Ambiyaa alayhimus-salaam and other Pious servants ,To make Du'a repeatedly at least 3 times ,The one making the Du'a as well as the person listening to it, both should say Aameen at the end,Rub both hands over the face at the termination of the Du'a ,A person should make duaa with total devotion and concentration ,To abstain from haraam food, clothing and earnings.,one should firmly believe that nobody but Allah Ta'ala will fulfill his objectives,To face the Qiblah ,To sit as in the Tashahhud position ,To spread out both the hands,To raise both the hands up to the shoulders ,To sit with humility and respect ,To mention ones helplessness and dependence. To abstain from raising the eyes towards the sky whilst making Du'a ,To make the Du'a in a soft voice ,To make a Du'a that encompasses most of the needs of Deen and the dunya. ,To make Du'a in favour of oneself first, thereafter ones parents and to include the other Muslims in the Du'a as well ,To make Du'a with enthusiasm & yearning,
    DUA-Rasul Allah (sallallahu alayhi wassalam) encouraged making duaa for: One’s parents,Muslims at large,Gaining ability to do good deeds and portray good character,Gaining the love of Allah.Attaining the best of this world and hereafter,Increasing one’s beneficial knowledge,Forgiveness of all types of sins,Seeking refuge,from treachery,from sickness,from trials, tribulations and difficult times,from an evil neighbor,from the plots of the enemies, misguidance, from all types of evils.keep reading 40 rabbanas regularly.
    ACCEPTABLE TIME FOR DUA ------The Last Third Of The Night,Late at night,Between Adhan and Iqamah,An Hour On Friday((ie between the two khutbahs OR after the Asr prayer until the Maghrib prayer),While Drinking Zamzam Water,While Prostrating,When Waking Up at Night,At The End Of The Obligatory Salat,The Night Of 'Qadr' (Decree),During The Rain,At the Adhan,The One Who Is Suffering Injustice and Opression,The Traveler,The Parent's Supplication for their Child,Dua after praising Allah and giving salat on the Prophet (SAW) in the tashahhud at the end of salat.,The dua of a Muslim for his absent brother or sister Muslim stemming from the heart.,Dua on the Day of Arafat,Dua during the month of Ramadan,Dua when the Armies meet,When Muslims gather for the purpose of invoking and remembering Allah (Dhikrullah).,First Ten days of Dhul-Hijjah,Dua when the heart reaches out to Allah and is ready to be totally sincere ,At Midnight,Dua of people after the death of a person,Dua of the one fasting until he breaks his fast.,Dua of the one fasting at the time of breaking fast,Dua of a just Ruler,Dua of a son or daughter obedient to his or her parents,Dua immediately after wudu,Dua after stoning the Jamarat at Hajj,At the Crowing of a Rooster(male chicken),Du'a made inside the Ka'bah,Du'a on the mount of Safa or Marwah during Umrah or Hajj,Dua at any of the holy sites.,While reciting Surah al-Fatihah,Saying 'Ameen' during prayer,While visiting the sick, and dua made by the sick
    WHOSE DUAAS ARE READILY ACCEPTED -oppressed person,fasting person at the time of Iftaar, upright and just leader,musaafir, muslim brother in his absence,father for his child, haji ,sick person, person striving in the path of Allah, distressed person .
    When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)
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  8. asifwithu

    asifwithu Active Member

    "Bismil Laa-hir.Rahmaa-nir-Raheem""Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil 'Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu 'Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma 'een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
    Lessons from adam(as) and the cursed iblis
    (Clothing )7/26.…clothing that hides your private parts and adds (to your) aesthetic value..
    (Taqwa) 7/26……And inward dress is the dress of Godwariness (which) is the best.
    (Nafs) 15/42….Allah said: ‘This (freedom from these deceits and intrigues(ill commanding selves/nafs ) is the (very) path that leads straight to My Threshold……
    7/27….. Indeed, he (satan) and his clan keep watching you (from such positions where) you cannot catch sight of them. ………
    15/50……..(O Beloved!) Tell My servants: ‘Indeed, I am Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.’And (also warn) that: ‘It is My torment which is the most grievous torment.’
    iblis is a jinn (created from fire).Iblis was an alim,arif,abid but not an ashiq .so he failed even with lakhs of sajdahs. he didn’t do 1 sajdah e tazeem/respect for adam(as), he was cursed and eventually became kafir.
    Iblis is not an opposite force to allah ,he is just cursed and humiliated creation of allah who is granted respite for sometime. allah kicked him out of his mercy. iblis always calls towards indecency (attacks haya/modesty).Outer dressing is clothing and inward dressing is godwariness.
    just say (tawooz)auzbillahi minash shaitan nir rajeem you will be under allah’s protection. iblis will not distract people who have controlled their nafs/desires/behavaiour/personality.
    Adam(as) status was raised because of knowledge /ilm. Prophets/messengers are the most knowledgeable creation of allah (don’t under estimate their knowledge) Being adam’s children we must honor the beloved’s of allah .
    Adam(as) had forgotten the guidelines of allah(swt) he made a mistake its not a sin. adam (as) was deceived/triked by false promise of shaitan (gaining eternal nearness of allah). adam(as) didn’t disobey his lord.adam (as) had forgetton the warning of allah(swt) .prophets/messengers are sinless/masoom. adam(as) dua was accepted but on other side iblis was cursed. for adam(as) and his children there is eternal life (kaffir will be in hell and muslims will be in jannah forever).
    Tauheed of angels include obeying the command of allah by respecting adam(as), angelic tauheed is successful because of respecting allah’s command and also recognizing the esteem status of prophethood /messengership ( respect for his beloved slaves/awliya). Honouring allah’s awliya is an angelic tauheed(successful tauheed). Angelic tauheed is full of love and respect.
    accepteance of dignity and honor of prophets is eman. Arrogance and comparision are the signs of iblis.
    Tauheed of iblis is of arrogance which include comparing himself with the status of prophethood of adam(as).(underestimating the true status of prophethood/ messengership/ awliya) . tauheed of iblis will lead to disbelief/kufr.
    20/127 allah said…And whoever turns away from My direction and guidance (i.e., remembrance and advice), his worldly sustenance will be narrowed, and We shall raise him blind on the Day of Resurrection (as well).’He will say: ‘O my Lord, why have You raised me up blind (Today) whereas I had vision (in the world)?’(Allah) will say: ‘In like manner, Our signs came to you (in the world), but you forgot them, and the same way you (too) will be forgotten Today.’
    When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)
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  9. asifwithu

    asifwithu Active Member

    "Bismil Laa-hir.Rahmaa-nir-Raheem""Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil 'Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu 'Alaa Saieyidihaa Muhammadih wa Aalehee wa As-haabehee Ajma 'een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
    spiritual wuzu
    Ritual ablution is a means to the purification of the soul.
    outward and inward purification must go together; e.g., intention is to please(raza) allah To recite:Bismillaahir rahmaanir raheem In some narrations, the Bismillaah of wuzoo is reported in the following words: Bismillaahil 'azeem Al’hamdu lillaahi 'alaa deenil Islaam (say bismillah / bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim before making wudu)
    when a man washes his hands--- ask allah's forgiveness (astaqfar) and ask him to keep you among purified people(baatin). Whilst performing wuzoo (ablution), sit facing the direction of Qiblah, on a high place so that the sprinkles of (used water) does not splash back (from the ground).Saying Bismillaah, wash both hands thrice up to the wrist.
    when gargling-ask allah to keep your tongue busy with zikrullah(baatin). Thereafter, gargle the mouth thrice and use Miswaak. If you have no Miswaak, clean your teeth with the (right) fore-finger.
    when rinsing nose-ask allah to reward you the fragnance of jannah(baatin). Thereafter, put water in the nostrils thrice using the right hand and clean the nose with the left hand.
    when washing face-ask allah to brighten your face on the judgement day(baatin). Thereafter, wash the face thrice, beginning from the hair of the forehead to below the chin, and from one ear lobe to the other, ensuring that the water reaches the whole area.
    when washing hands-ask allah to be leninent and give your book of deeds in the right hand (baatin). Thereafter, wash the right hand including the elbow thrice. Then wash the left hand including the elbow thrice. Then make Khilaal by passing the fingers of one hand through the fingers of the other. If one is wearing a ring (or in the case of a woman, bangles), then move it to ensure that no part is left dry.
    when wiping the head-ask allah to cover you with mercy and pardon you(baatin). Now do the Masah of the whole head once.Thereafter do the Masah of the inside of the ear with the tips of the forefingers and the Masah of the back of the ears with the inside of the thumbs.Then do the Masah of the nape with the back of the fingers. Do not do the Masah of the throat; it is not permissible. There is no need to use fresh water for the Masah of the ears.
    when washing feet-ask allah to keep you steadyfast on deen (islam iman and ihsan) (baatin) Now wash the right foot including the ankle thrice. Then wash the left foot including the ankle thrice. Make Khilaal of the toes by passing the little finger of the left hand between each of the toes, beginning with the little toe of the right foot and finishing on the little toe of the left foot. The wuzoo is complete.
    Read the shahada after making wudu. Upon completion of wuzoo, look towards the sky and recite:Ash'hadu allaa ilaaha illallaahu wa Ash’hadu Anna Muhammadan 'abduhu wa rasooluh (I bear witness that none is worthy of worship besides Allah, the Only One. He has no partner. And I bear witness that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam is His Slave and Messenger) Thereafter, recite the following du'aa: Allaahummaj'alni minat tawwaabeena waj'alni minal mutatahhireen O Allah! Include me amongst those who repent excessively and make me amongst-those who stay pure.
    Perform two raka’at tahiyyat-ul-wuzoo provided the time is not Makrooh.
    Imam Abu Hanifa (85 H. - 150 H)
    said: "If it were not for two years, I would have perished." He said, "for two years I accompanied Sayyidina Ja'far as-Sadiq and I acquired the spiritual knowledge that made me a Sufi in the Way." [Ad-Durr al-Mukhtar, vol 1. p. 43]
    Imam Malik (95 H. - 179 H.) said: "Whoever studies Jurisprudence / Fiqh [tafaqaha] and didn't study Sufism [tasawwaf] will be corrupted; and whoever studied Sufism and didn't study Jurisprudence will become a heretic; and whoever combined both will reach the Truth." ['Ali al-Adawi , vol. 2, p 195]
    Imam Shafi'i (150 - 205 AH.) said: "I accompanied the Sufi people and I received from them three strands of knowledge: to speak; how to treat people with leniency and a soft heart... and they... guided me in the ways of Sufism." [Kashf al-Khafa, 'Ajluni, vol. 1, p 341.]
    Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal (164 - 241 AH.) the said: "O my son, you have to sit with the People of Sufism, because they are like a fountain of knowledge and they keep the Remembrance of Allah in their hearts. they are the ascetics and they have the most spiritual power." [Tanwir al-Qulub p. 405]
    The above four Imams are the founders of the four universally accepted schools of law (mazhabs, or maslaqs).
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  10. asifwithu

    asifwithu Active Member

    "Bismil Laa-hir.Rahmaa-nir-Raheem""Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil 'Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu 'Alaa Saieyidihaa Muhammadih wa Aalehee wa As-haabehee Ajma 'een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
    BEST INTENTION - to please/raza allah and rasool (saws)
    ---is to offer 5times daily prayers on time with jamat.
    BEST IBADAT --5 times namaz on time with jamaat . offer namaz with concentration, contemplation, love, humility,fear and to please allah alone.try to complete qaza salahs.
    BEST SUBMISSION ---Body for ibadath/praying ,heart for allahs understanding and union, soul for allahs love.
    BEST PLIGRIMAGE –is to move away from sins to becoming lovable of allah by renouncing the carnal desires .
    BEST SACRIFICE –to sacrifice selfishness and carnal desires.
    BEST ZIKR ---kalima e tayyeba ,astaqfar(for yourself and for total ummah),darood o salaam (covers answer for all your worries),allah’s names/asma ul husna(purely to know him), reading quran(cleanses heart) and dua(increases tawakkal/bonding).keep doing essale sawaab (for both living and dead).know the importance of islamic months.
    BEST WAY TO REMEMBER DEATH - Visit graveyard every Thursday or Friday (once in a week)
    BEST WAY TO CONTROL NAFS --- to fast regularly like on Mondays/Thursdays or 13th 14th and 15th of every lunar month or alternate day fasting . One must abstain from idle pleasures and unlawful acts, not just from eating lawful food. Guarding all your senses.Acts are full of piety during fasting.
    WORST FITNA –worldly desires (money,women,children,power,position,pride etc).be in the world as a stranger and don’t keep world in your heart.
    BEST PREACHING –calling others towards good (starting from family ,friends,relatives and ummah).
    BEST DEED -feeding others and giving charity purifies soul.
    BEST KNOWLEDGE –to learn aqidah ,sunnah,duas,quran,iman e mujamal/muffassil and manners/adabs of islam iman and ihsan(kull deen) like eating ,drinking, dressing,cleanliness,wazu,ghusl ,house,mosque,graveyard,gathering,visiting ill, condolence, marriage,travelling,trading,ziyarat,taubah etc.
    BEST WAY TO KEEP OTHERS HAPPY -convey salam to every muslim(knowing or unknowing) and speak good .
    BEST QUALITY -avoid sinning and fear allah (he is watching us).having good character.
    BEST STATE -always be in a state of wazu and always answer azaan.
    BEST PERSON -Be good to parents ,neighbours, relatives,friends ,orphans etc (convey salaam and speak good )
    BEST CURE -Take cure from quran and allah’s names for physical and spiritual health.
    BEST SUFI - keeps nisbat with allah and fights with his nafs(personality or behavior is referred to the nafs)
    BEST MUJAAHIDAH - To eat less, To speak less, To sleep less ,To associate less with people And nafs is opposed in its desires.
    BEST MUHAASABAH -One should reflect over the entire day's acts and deeds.
    BEST MURAQABA-it is to recite the names of Allah and quran with concentration(with meanings) and devotion .
    BEST HEART -full of repentance ,zikr and free from worldly desires .
    BEST CONTEMPLATION- heart and the soul remain in eternal prayer .
    purpose of Islam is to put you at peace with yourself and make you a purer and happier person.
    The more you practice the more you become a better Muslim, a better person, and a cleaner soul. Practise what you say . Knowledge must be gained with adab/respect and ibadat must be filled with love.
    Islam means submission with love and obediance to allah and his rasool (saws) .love and obediance to allah’s pious slaves and elderly people is most important.
    actions must be filled with sincere love to gain allah's raza/pleasure, qurb (nearness) and his forgiveness. dont do it for show off(riya)to it in accordance with sunnah .
    ibadat must be spiritual, physical and financial.
    Keep (sohbate)company of auliya/pious.stay away from worldly people.
    Keep your deen between khauf/fear and raja/hope. Be moderate in deen(don’t be negligent or extreme ). Combine both shariat and tariqat for becoming perfect person. 2.devil/shaitan 3.nafs/ego 4.hawa/passion(desires)
    CONTROL-eyes,ears,legs,hands,stomach,tongue and private parts.gurad them you will gain proximity with allah.
    sins are removed by repentance and disobedience is removed by self discipline(opposing nafs).your worst enemy is your nafs (lower self)- it can be controlled by discipline.If only the 'I' (thought of the self) goes, you can enter paradise.
    -first know his siffats/names and their meanings .
    To reach allah follow these things====jazba (love), tauba(forgiveness), taqwa(reverence and fear of allah), sabr(patience), shukr(gratitude),tawakkal(allah is our ilah -the fulfiller of our needs/trust in allah),umeed (hope), mushahida(witnessing),faqr(self denial /self negation/ asceticism) , zuhd (renunciation) and raza(contentment).Always thank/shukr allah and keep patience/sabr. The heat generated by the zikr of Allah SWT will burn Lust,Anger ,Tyranny, Desire, Want,Jealousy,Greed, Pride and Arrogance.

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  11. asifwithu

    asifwithu Active Member

    "Bismil Laa-hir.Rahmaa-nir-Raheem""Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil 'Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu 'Alaa Saieyidihaa Muhammadih wa Aalehee wa As-haabehee Ajma 'een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
    La ilaha illallah ,Verily death comes with agonies(pain).(ahmed)
    ……..The grave is the first of the hereafter's domiciles; if one passes through it safely, what follows will be easier; and if one does not pass through it safely, what follows will be more horrible…...(tirmidhi)
    A believer praises Allah as his soul leaves from between his two sides.(ahmed)
    Indeed, when the soul is taken away, the eyesight follows it.(muslim)
    “The soul of the Believer is a bird hanging in the trees [i.e. moving about and eating] of Paradise, until Allah restores it to its body on the day when He resurrects him.” (Malik in al-Muwatta)
    Verily, the dead are punished in their graves, and even the animals hear their screaming. (tabarani)
    Verily, those people (the dead) are being afflicted in the grave. Were it not that you may tend to stop burying each other, I would have asked Allah to let you hear the torture of the grave as I do.(ahmed)
    indeed, these graves engulf their dwellers with darkness; and verily Allah illuminates them (for the believers) because of my salah (supplication) for them.(muslim)
    Verily, a believer's soul is (turned into) a bird that eats from the trees of Jannah until Allah sends it to his body on the day that it will be resurrected.(ahmed)
    The most prevalent punishment of the grave is because of urine. (al hakim)
    The dead (person) is punished in his grave because of the wailing over him.(bukhari)
    Whenever a Muslim dies, and three lines of Muslims pray janazah for him, he is granted forgiveness. (ahmed)
    Whenever a(Muslim) person dies, and a group of (Muslim) people pray janazah for him, they are granted intercession for him.(nasai)
    Whoever seeks forgiveness for the believing men and women, Allah records for him a good deed for every believing man and woman.(tabarani)
    Whoever loves to meet Allah, Allah loves to meet him; and whoever hates to meet Allah, Allah hates to meet him. On hearing this, 'A'ishah(ra)exclaimed,"But we do hate death!The Prophet(saws)responded: This is not what it means! When death comes to a believer, he is given the tidings of Allah's acceptance and bounties. Nothing is then dearer to him than what is ahead: he loves to meet Allah; and Allah loves to meet him. But when death comes to a disbeliever, he is given the tidings of Allah's torture and punishment. Nothing is then more hateful to him than what is ahead: he hates to meet Allah; and Allah hates to meet him.(muslim)
    Life after death 2
    The Prophet(saws) used to say in his supplication when performing the prayer over the dead, "O Allah, whomever of us you make to live, let him live in Islam, and whomever of us you make to die, let him die in iman,"(ahmad)
    "The Prophets are alive and they pray in their graves" ( al-Mundhiri and al-Bayhaqi)
    When the believer is placed in the grave, he is made to sit, and is approached (by the two angels); he then testifies that there is no deity (worthy of being worshipped) but Allah, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.Allah makes the believers firm with firm words.(bukhari)
    Ibn 'Umar, Abu Talhah, and Anas (ra) reported that, after the battle of Badr, the Prophet (saws) commanded his followers to cast twenty four of the most disdainful among the dead of the Quraysh into a veryfilthy ditch in Badr. Then, as was his practice after victory, he spent three nights in the neighborhood of the battleground. On the third day, he had his animal prepared for departure, and then went and stood with his companions at the verge of the ditch. He called out the dead men with their names and the names of their parent saying: 0 such and such, son of such and such! O such and such, son of such and such! ... Don't you wish that you had obeyed Allah and His Messenger? Indeed, we have found our Lord's promises to us true; have you found you Lord's promises true?Whereupon 'Umar(ra)(and others) exclaimed, "Are you addressing them after having been dead for three nights, and when these bodies have no souls in them? Can they hear? Allah(swt)says: Verily, you cannot make the dead hear you." He (saws)replied: By Him in whose hand is Muhammad's soul, They can hear me NOW; and you cannot hear what I am saying better than they can! But they cannot respond. (bukhari, muslim, ahmed)
    Narrated by Amr ibn al-'As (ra) : Ibn Shamasah (ra) said: We went to Amr ibn al-'As (ra) and he was about to die. He wept for a long time and turned his face towards the wall. His son said: Did the Messenger of Allah (saws) not give you tidings of this? Did the Messenger of Allah (saws) not give you tidings of this? He (the narrator) said: He turned his face (towards the audience) and said: The best thing which we can count upon is the testimony that there is no god but Allah (swt)and that Muhammad (saws) is the Apostle of Allah. Verily I have passed through three phases. When I die, let neither female mourner nor fire accompany me. When you bury me, fill my grave well with earth, then stand around it for a time which a camel is slaughtered and its meat is distributed so that I may enjoy your intimacy and (in your company) ascertain what answer I can give to the messengers (angels) of Allah (swt). (Muslim)
    Abu Ayyub al-Ansari (ra) placed his forehead on the grave of Prophet Mohammad (saws). Marwan Ibn al-Hakam, the Governor of Madina, saw him and held his neck. Abu Ayyub (ra) said I did not come to the Stone (Idol). I came to the Messenger of Allah (saws). I heard the Messenger of Allah (saws) say: Do not weep for Islam if the qualified people were in-charge, but weep for it, if it was under the charge of unqualified. (mustadrak Al-Hakim)
    'Uthman(ra)narrated that after Allah's Messenger(saws)buried a person, he (saws)would stand by the grave and say:Ask Allah to grant to your brother forgiveness and firmness (of words), because he is being questioned at this moment (al hakim)
    As death approached him(sahabi) 'Amr Bin al-'As (ra)said to his companions: "After you bury me, stand around my grave for as long as it takes to slaughter a camel and distribute its meat; I will thus be comforted by your presence while I am considering how to respond to my Lord's Messengers (the two angels)."(muslim)
    Life after death 3
    If a company of Muslims numbering one hundred pray over a dead person, all of them interceding for him, their intercession for him will be accepted.( Muslim Book 4 Hadith 2071]
    "If anyone recites Ya-Sin out of a desire for Allah's favour, his past sins will be forgiven him; so recite it over those of you who are dying."Bayhaqi transmitted it in Shu'ab al-Iman.Al-Tirmidhi Hadith No:2178

    Whoever loves to meet Allah, Allah loves to meet him; and whoever hates to meet Allah, Allah hates to meet him. On hearing this, 'A'ishah(ra)exclaimed,"But we do hate death!The Prophet(saws)responded: This is not what it means! When death comes to a believer, he is given the tidings of Allah's acceptance and bounties. Nothing is then dearer to him than what is ahead: he loves to meet Allah; and Allah loves to meet him. But when death comes to a disbeliever, he is given the tidings of Allah's torture and punishment. Nothing is then more hateful to him than what is ahead: he hates to meet Allah; and Allah hates to meet him.(muslim)

    The Prophet(saws) used to say in his supplication when performing the prayer over the dead, "O Allah, whomever of us you make to live, let him live in Islam, and whomever of us you make to die, let him die in iman,"(ahmad)
    "Prophet cast three handfuls of earth on the dead with both hands, that he sprinkled water on the grave of his son Ibrahim, and that he put small pebbles on it.”[ Al-Tirmidhi 1708]
    Narrated Al-Muttalib: When Uthman ibn Maz'un died, he was brought out on his bier and buried. The Prophet (saws) ordered a man to bring him a stone, but he was unable to carry it. The Apostle of Allah (saws) got up and going over to it rolled up his sleeves. [Abu Dawud, Book 20, Number 3200]“

    Sayyidah Aisha Siddiqah (ra) narrates that: "When the dear Prophet (sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam) used to pass the night with her, in the last part of the night he would go to the graveyard of Madinah (Muslim, Mishkat p.154)
    "I forbade you from visiting the graves but now you should visit them" (ibn Majah, Mishkat p.154)
    Sayyidina Ibn Umar (r) had put his hands on Nabi Muhammads (s) minbar (pulpit) and would wipe it over his face. (al-Shifa of al-Qadi Iyad)
    Life after death 4
    Nabi Muhammad (s) saw a person sitting on a qabr and told him: "Do not harm the person in the qabr and he will not harm you." (Ibn Hanbal, Hakim and Tabarani)
    "When the funeral is ready (for its burial) and the people lift it on their shoulders, then if deceased is a righteous person he says, 'Take me ahead,' and if he is not a righteous one then he says, 'Woe to it (me)! Where are you taking it (me)?' And his voice is audible to everything except human beings; and if they heard it they would fall down unconscious." (Sahih Bukhari, Volume 2, Book 23, Number 462).
    Narrated Ibn 'Abbas (ra) : The Prophet (saws)once passed by two Graves and said, "These two persons are being punished not for a major sin (to refrain from). One of them never saved himself from being soiled with his urine, while the other used to go about with calumnies(to make enmity between friends)." The Prophet (saws) then took a green leaf of a date-palm tree, split it into (pieces) and fixed one on each Grave. They said, "O Allah's Apostle (saws )! Why have you done so?" He replied, "I hope that their punishment might be lessened till these (the pieces of the leaf) become dry." (Bukhari - Book 4,Hadith 217)
    Narrated by Amr ibn al-'As (ra) : Ibn Shamasah (ra) said: We went to Amr ibn al-'As (ra) and he was about to die. He wept for a long time and turned his face towards the wall. His son said: Did the Messenger of Allah (saws) not give you tidings of this? Did the Messenger of Allah (saws) not give you tidings of this? He (the narrator) said: He turned his face (towards the audience) and said: The best thing which we can count upon is the testimony that there is no god but Allah (swt)and that Muhammad (saws) is the Apostle of Allah. Verily I have passed through three phases. When I die, let neither female mourner nor fire accompany me. When you bury me, fill my grave well with earth, then stand around it for a time which a camel is slaughtered and its meat is distributed so that I may enjoy your intimacy and (in your company) ascertain what answer I can give to the messengers (angels) of Allah (swt). (Muslim)
    Yahya (ra) related from Imam Maalik (ra) that he heard that AIi Ibn Abi Talib (ra) used to rest his head on Graves and lie on them [meaning holding the grave with his stretched hands while his head, entire face and chest is rested on the Grave]. Maalik (ra) said, "As far as we can see, it is only forbidden to sit on the Graves to relieve oneself." (Muatta' Imâm Malik - Book #16, Hadith #16.11.34)
    Narrated by al-Haakim that Abu Ayyub al-Ansari (ra) placed his forehead on the grave of Prophet Mohammad (saws). Marwan Ibn al-Hakam, the Governor of Madina, saw him and held his neck. Abu Ayyub (ra) said I did not come to the Stone (Idol). I came to the Messenger of Allah (saws). I heard the Messenger of Allah (saws) say: Do not weep for Islam if the qualified people were in-charge, but weep for it, if it was under the charge of unqualified. (Al-Hakim in Mustadrak ,ad-Dhahabi)
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  12. asifwithu

    asifwithu Active Member

    "Bismil Laa-hir.Rahmaa-nir-Raheem""Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil 'Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu 'Alaa Saieyidihaa Muhammadih wa Aalehee wa As-haabehee Ajma 'een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
    Abu Huraira (radiyAllahu ‘anhu) reported that Allah's Messenger (salla’llahu ‘alayhi wasallam) said: Verily Allah does not look to your faces and your wealth but He looks to your heart and your deeds.(Muslim) .
    Umar Ibn Al Khattab ra narrated:“I heard the Messenger of Allah saws say: "Actions are but by intention and every man shall have but that which he intended. Thus he whose migration was for Allah and His messenger, his migration was for Allah and His messenger, and he whose migration was to achieve some worldly benefit or to take some woman in marriage, his migration was for that for wh1ich he migrated."(Bukhari & Muslim).
    Abu Kabsha reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “I will narrate a saying to you, so preserve it. Verily, the world is only for four kinds of people. There is one whom Allah has granted wealth and knowledge, so he fears his Lord regarding them, upholds family ties, and acknowledges the rights of Allah over him. He will be in the best position. There is one whom Allah has granted knowledge without wealth and he has a sincere intention and he says: If I had wealth, I would have acted like this person. If that is his intention, then he will have the same reward as the other. There is one whom Allah has granted wealth without knowledge and he squanders his wealth in ignorance, he does not fear Allah regarding it, he does not fulfill his obligations to his family, and he does not acknowledge the rights of Allah over him. He will be in the worst position. There is one whom Allah has granted neither wealth nor knowledge and he says: If I had wealth, I would have acted like this person. If that is his intention, then he will have the same sin as the other.”(Tirmidhi)

    Action is only accepted when it is both sincere and correct. it is sincere when it is for the sake of Allah, and correct when it is done according to the Sunnah. permissible actions can become either good or bad deeds by intention; but wrong actions cannot become acts of worship, even with good intentions. In Islam actions done for the sake of ALLAH secretly are better. actions must be filled with love to gain allah's raza and his qurb (nearness). Islam means submission with love and obediance.

    Allah will not hold you accountable for your vain oaths, but will take you to task for the oaths taken with serious intention in your hearts. And Allah is Most Forgiving, Most Forbearing.2/225
    The purification of the heart is so important that Allah has placed it before the Dhikr and Salah, as He says Indeed, only he who is purified (from the afflictions of his ill-commanding self and pollution of sins) will triumph, And the one who remembers the Name of his Lord and offers Prayers (regularly and abundantly).87/14-15
    “The reward of deeds depends upon the intentions and every person will get the reward according to what he has intended....” (Bukhari)

    Intention must be to devote entirely to allah. intention is to attain allah's pleasure and his forgiveness.check whether the deed is for allah's pleasure/raza or show off/riya to mankind. The intention is located in the heart. actions are the reflection of the heart . reading quran cleanses your heart. Easiest way is to say bismillah when you start any work/action. Surrender to the Will of the Divine (Islam) is the ultimate means of fulfilling that intention. Surrender brings peace of mind. Peace of mind allows the heart to open. Spiritual purification of the self is the essence of Islamic teachings. Purification of self is done with correct understanding of religion ( by knowledge and righteous actions).
    intention should be to surrender totally to divine will and to gain allah's pleasure/raza(with affirmation from heart).
    Surrender to the divine will is the ultimate means of fulfilling that intention Intention is the essence and the purpose of will, and will is the first power. Will, the act and the power, is solely from The Divine. Will is the Essence of deed, act, action, accomplishment,creation, and healing. intention is that which attracts Barakah. righteuos heart find easy to summon good intentions most of the time. good intention will make permissible deed into an excellent act for acheiving closeness to allah .guidance is only from allah alone not from your efforts.just ignore waswasa/bad thoughts when they arise at the first instance itself.
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  13. asifwithu

    asifwithu Active Member

    "Bismil Laa-hir.Rahmaa-nir-Raheem""Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil 'Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu 'Alaa Saieyidihaa Muhammadih wa Aalehee wa As-haabehee Ajma 'een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
    Purpose of life
    Read again and again
    Surely, Allah does not forgive setting up of partners with Him, and He forgives (any other sin) lesser in degree for whom He wills. And whoever sets up partners with Allah certainly fabricates a horrible sin.4/48
    Indeed, Allah conferred a great favour on the believers that He raised amongst them (the most eminent) Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) from amongst themselves, who recites to them His Revelations, purifies them, and educates them on the Book and Wisdom though, before that, they were in manifest error.3/164
    And I created the jinn and human beings solely to adopt My servitude.51/56
    He Who has created death and life (so that) He may test you as to which of you is best in conduct. And He is Almighty, Most Forgiving;67/2
    Say: ‘My Prayer, my Hajj (Pilgrimage) and my sacrifice (together with the entire worship and servitude) and my life and my death are for Allah alone, the Lord of all the worlds.6/162
    Surely, Allah has bought from the believers their souls and wealth in return for (the promise of) Paradise for them. …..9/111
    Verily, Allah does not change the state of a people until they bring about a change in themselves. 13/11
    ‘Indeed, Allah accepts (offering) only from the people of piety.5/27
    Indeed, only he who is purified (from the afflictions of his ill-commanding self and pollution of sins) will triumph, And the one who remembers the Name of his Lord and offers Prayers (regularly and abundantly). Yet you go for the (pleasures of) the worldly life (instead of turning towards Allah),87/14-16
    Indeed, man is at a loss (for he is losing his valuable lifetime), Except for those who believe and do good deeds and exhort one another to truth and exhort one another to patience (in the face of hardships and afflictions that are faced whilst preaching the Din [Religion] of truth).103/2-3
    O! Lord give us well in the world and give us well in the here after a save us from the, Torment of the hell.(2/201)
    The angels take their lives whilst they are pure, clean, pleased and contented (due to obedience and piety. The angels tell them the moment they take their lives:) ‘Peace be upon you! Enter Paradise due to (the pious deeds) that you used to do.’16/32
    The Day when neither wealth nor sons will profit. But he alone (will be the gainer) who appears before the presence of Allah with a heart protected (from) and pure (of all evils).’26/88-89
    The one who denies faith (in the commandments of Allah), all his work is ruined, and he will (also) be amongst the losers in the Hereafter.5/5
    Satan has gained mastery over them. So he has made them forget the remembrance of Allah. It is they who are Satan’s army. Know that indeed it is the party of Satan who are the losers.58/19
    O believers! Let not your wealth and your children make you neglectful of the very remembrance of Allah. And whoever does so, it is they who are the losers.63/9
    3/85. And whoever seeks a din (religion) other than Islam that shall not at all be accepted from him, and he will be amongst the losers in the Hereafter.
    (O Esteemed Beloved!) Surely, We decreed for you a clear victory (and the dominance of Islam so that your great struggle might be completed with success),48/1
    3/138,139. This Qur’an is an exposition for mankind and guidance and counsel for those who fear Allah.And do not lose heart or feel grieved; and it is you who will be victorious, provided you maintain (perfect) faith.
    And he who is saved from the miserliness of his (ill-commanding) self, it is they who are successful and victorious. 59/9
    85/11. And indeed, those who believe and keep doing pious deeds, for them are Gardens with streams flowing under them. This is the great victory.
    It is the people of Paradise who are successful and victorious..59/20
    "You gain no victory or livelihood except through (the blessings and invocations of) the poor amongst you".(bukhari)
    Satan showed arrogance, and (consequently) became one of the disbelievers. Allah has laid His curse on satan. Satan and kuffar are friends to eachother. the spendthrifts are the brothers of Satan, and Satan is most ungrateful to his Lord.
    Satan befriend those who disbelieve(kufr), an arch deceiver, cannot listen to the celestial world – to repulse them (burning brands) are thrown on them from every side, leaves man helpless and forlorn (in the time of distress), debarred from hearing ( divine communication), seeks only to breed enmity and spite amongst you by means of wine and gambling, causes contention amongst people, will make evil deeds look attractive and cause misguidance,will stop you from spending in the way of allah, will make you commit indecency, will stop you from zikrullah and prayers, will make false promises, will create distant hopes (deceptions), commands to practise (and promotes) immorality and sinful deeds, leaves man helpless and forlorn (in the time of distress).
    Satan says: ‘I feel sick of you. Surely, I fear Allah, the Lord of all the worlds.’I don’t have authority over you (in the world) except that I called you (towards falsehood), so you accepted my call (for your own interest). Now do not blame me but blame your (own) selves.
    And whoever turns away from the remembrance of the Most Kind (Lord), We appoint a Satan to dominate him and stick to him constantly. satan(himself) and his clan keep watching you (from such positions where) you cannot catch sight of them. But in truth, he (Satan) cannot do any harm to them (the believers) except by Allah’s command. Satan’s maneuvering is ineffective.satan is a declared open misleading enemy, so keep treating him as an enemy . Satan threatens (you) through his friends. fight against Satan’s allies (the enemies of humankind). Therefore, do not fear them and fear allah alone. Surely, satan has no control (at all) over those who believe and put their trust in their Lord. when you undertake to recite the Qur’an, seek refuge with Allah against (the wiles of) Satan, the outcast.
    (Negative and destructive) whispering is (employed) by Satan .if some evil impulse from Satan provokes you seek refuge with Allah and actively remember (the commands and prohibitions of Allah and the wickedness and hostility of Satan). So, the eyes (of their hearts) open up right away. pray: ‘O my Lord, I seek Your shelter from the promptings of the satans And lest they should come to me.’(proven from various quranic verses)
    SHAITAN WORKS ----- inducing heedlessness/ghaflat –be alert when you do prayers/ inducing hawa/passion-be satisfied with what allah (swt) gave and be inducing anger-recite tawooz ,drink water ,sit down or sleep,walk out of the place.4. obstructs you from doing acts of obedience .He commands you to show off/ arrogance and pride in your heart .do deeds for allah and his rasool’s pleasure not for anything else.keep reading quran regularly.
    How do you protect yourself from evil/shaitanic possession?(a) Shaytaan runs away when Adhaan or Iaqamah is pronounced, always make sure to answer the Adhaan. (b) Reciting the last two verses of Soorah al-Baqarah every night, (c) reciting Aayat al-Kursee as is the Sunnah of Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihe wa-sallam) (d) reciting the last four Soorahs of the Qur'aan (e) Morning and Evening Supplications, (f) supplications before entering the bathroom and after coming out of it, supplication upon wearing clothes, upon entering the house, and others which are mentioned in the Sunnah.
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  14. asifwithu

    asifwithu Active Member

    "Bismil Laa-hir.Rahmaa-nir-Raheem""Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil 'Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu 'Alaa Saieyidihaa Muhammadih wa Aalehee wa As-haabehee Ajma 'een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
    Thus We established Yusuf (Joseph), and strengthened his position in the land (of Egypt), so that We might teach him how to infer from the events (i.e., the interpretation of dreams). And Allah is the Master of His work, but most people do not know.12/21
    O my Lord! Verily, You granted me dominion and blessed me with the knowledge of the interpretation of dreams. O Creator of the heavens and the earth! You are my Helper in this world and in the Hereafter (as well). Make me die in a state of total submission to (the Din [Religion] of) Islam, and make me join the company of those who are upright.’12/101
    Beware! Verily, the friends of Allah will not have any fear, nor will they grieve. (They) are the people who believe and (always) remain Godfearing, committed to piety. There is for them the good news (of honour and recognition) in the life of the world, and (also of forgiveness and intercession) in the Hereafter. (Or there are blessed spiritual visions in this world in the form of pious dreams, and in the Hereafter in the shape of effulgent disclosures of Allah’s absolute beauty and sight.) The commands of Allah never change. That is the colossal achievement.10/62-64
    Anas Bin Malik said that the Holy Prophet (Sallaho Alahi Wasallam) said: 'Messengership and Prophethood have come to an end, and there will be no More Messengers or Prophets. This worried the people, then he said: But there will be Al-Mubashshirat. They said, 'O Messenger of Allah, what are Al-Mubashshirat' He said, the dreams of a Muslim man, and they are one of the parts of Prophethood'. (Ahmed,Tirmizi)

    Narrated 'Aisha: (the mother of the faithful believers) The commencement of the Divine Inspiration to Allah's Apostle was in the form of good dreams which came true like bright day light, and then the love of seclusion was bestowed upon him. He used to go in seclusion in the cave of Hira where he used to worship (Allah alone) continuously for many days before his desire to see his family. He used to take with him the journey food for the stay and then come back to (his wife) Khadija to take his food like-wise again till suddenly the Truth descended upon him while he was in the cave of Hira….. (bukhari)
    Ibn al Qayyim writes: After dying, the Ruh (Spirit) can do those things that it cannot do when the person is alive in the dunya, (world) just as one or two Ruhs defeated a large army. Many companions relate that they saw the Messenger of Allah, (May Allah bless him and grant him peace), Abu Bakr and 'Umar, May Allah be well pleased with them, in their dreams at night fighting with them against the kuffar and winning the battle. Then it became a reality: on the following day a small army of Muslims defeated an army of many, many kafirs. [Kitab ar-Ruh, chapter 15, Ibn al Qayyim]
    THE ETIQUETTE(ADABS) OF DREAMS-If you see a good dream then relate it to someone who loves you. If an unpleasant dream is observed, one should sputter three times or blow three times on the left side. Do not reveal bad dreams to anyone. Change sides when seeing bad dreams. (if sleeping on the right side, turn to the left or vice-versa). If one sees a bad dream or nightmare read thrice: AUZU BILLAHI MINASH SHAYTAANIR RAJEEM WA MIN SHARRI HAAZIHIR RUYAA. By doing this, the dream will have no ill effects .To pretend to have had a dream which he did not is a sin:Islam rejects all forms of lying. If he sees in a dream what he likes, then he should recount it only to someone who he likes. If he sees what he dislikes, then he should seek refuge in God from its evil and from the evil of the devil. Talk about dreams only to a friend or to someone of sound judgement. Dreams are for the individual who had them and not for others. If a Muslim feels he has seen the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم.), and/or received from him some kind of instruction or advice, he must keep it to himself and must not divulge it to others.
    Attributes/Sifaaths are 99 names of allah (allah is isme azaam-the greatest name)
    Start with Huwallahul lazi la ilaha illa Hu war Or start with Astaqfirulahullazi la ilaha illa Hu war -----Rahmanur (beneficent),Rahimul ( merciful),malikul (the sovereign lord),qudus (the holy)As salamul (source of peace),muminul( the guardian of faith),muhayminul(the protector) ,azizul( the mighty),jabbar(the compeller)Al mutakabbirul(the majestic), kaliqul(the creator),bariul (the evolver),musavirual (fashioner),gaffar ( forgiver)Al qahharul( subduer),Wahabul (the bestower),Razzaqul( the provider),Fattahul (the opener),Alim (the all knowing) Al qabidzul (the constrictor),Basitul (the expander),Khafidul(theabaser), Rafiul (the exalter),Muizz (the honorer) Al muzzillul(the dishonorer),Samiul(the all hearing),Basirul(the seeing),Hakamul (the judge),Adl (the just)Al latiful(subtle one), Kahbirul (the aware),Halimul (the forbearing one),Azimul(the great one),Ghafur (the forgiver and hider of the faults) Ash shakurul(highly greatful),Aliul (the most high), Kabirul (the most great),Hafizul (the preserver),Muqit (the maintener) Al hasibul( the reckoner),Jalilul (the sublime one),Karimul(the generous one),Raqibul (watchful), Mujib(the responsive) Al wasiul(all embracing),Hakimul (the wise),Wadudul (the loving),Majeedul (most glorious one),Baess (the resurrector)Ash shahidul (the witness), Haqqul (the truth),Wakilul (the eternal),Qawiul (the able),Matin (the firm one)Al waliul (the protecting friend),Hamidul (the praiseworthy),Muhsiul (the reckoner),Mubdiul (the originator),Muid (the restorer) Almuhyiul (the giver of life),Mumitul (the creator of death),Hayyul (the alive),Qayyumul(the self subsisting),Wajid (the finder)Al majidul (the nobel),Wahidul (the unique),Ahadul (the one),Samadul (the most strong),Qadir (all forgiving) Al muqtadirul (the powerful),Muqaddimul (the expeditor),Muakhkhirul (the delayer),Awwlu (the first),Akhir (the last) Az zahirul( the manifest),Batinul (the hidden), Waali (the governor),Mutaali (the most exalted),Barr (source of good things) At tawwabur ( acceptor of repentances),Muntaqimul (avenger),Afuwul (the pardoner), Rauful (the compassionate),Malik ul mulk( the eternal owner of sovereignty)Zhul jalali wal ikram(the lord of majesty&bounty),Muqsitul (the equitable),Jameul (the gatherer), Ghaniul (the self sufficient),Mughni (the enricher) Al maneiu (the preventer),Darrul (the distresser),Nafei (the propitious),Nurul (the light),Hadi (the guide) Al badiu(the incomparable), Baqiu (the everlasting),Warrisu(the supreme inheritor),Rashidus(the guide to the right path),Sabur ( the patient)
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  15. asifwithu

    asifwithu Active Member

    "Bismil Laa-hir.Rahmaa-nir-Raheem""Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil 'Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu 'Alaa Saieyidihaa Muhammadih wa Aalehee wa As-haabehee Ajma 'een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
    Shirk: associating partners in worship with Allaah,Allowing what Allaah has forbidden and forbidding what Allaah has allowed,Magic, fortune-telling and divination,Astrology, or believing that the stars and planets have an influence on people’s lives and events,Showing off in worship,Superstitious belief in omens,Swearing by something other than Allaah,Sitting with hypocrites and wrongdoers to enjoy their company or to keep them company,Lack of composure in prayer,Fidgeting and making unnecessary movements in prayer,Deliberately anticipating the movements of the imaam (when praying in congregation),Coming to the mosque after eating onions or garlic, or anything that has an offensive smell,Zinaa - fornication and adultery,Sodomy (homosexuality),Asking one’s husband for a divorce for no legitimate reason,Having intercourse with one’s wife during her period,Having intercourse with one's wife in her rectum,Not treating co-wives fairly,Being alone with a non-mahram woman,Shaking hands with a non-mahram woman,A woman wearing perfume when going out or passing by non-mahram men,A woman travelling without a mahram,Deliberately looking at a non-mahram woman,Seeing one’s womenfolk behaving in an immoral fashion and keeping silent,Making false claims about a child’s lineage, or denying one’s own child,Consuming riba (usury or interest),Concealing a product’s faults at the time of sale,Artificially inflating prices,Trading after the second call to prayer on Friday,Gambling,Theft,Offering or accepting bribes,Seizing land by force,Accepting a gift in return for interceding,Hiring someone and benefitting from his labour, then not paying him his wages,Not giving gifts equally to one’s children,Asking people for money when one is not in need,Seeking a loan with no intention of repaying it,Consuming haraam wealth,Bearing false witness,Gossip and backbiting,Slander,Looking into people’s houses without their permission,Two people conversing privately to the exclusion of a third,Men wearing gold in any shape or form,Women wearing short, tight or see-through clothes,Wearing wigs and hairpieces, whether made from natural or artificial hair, for men and women,Men resembling women and women resembling men, in dress, speech and appearance,Dyeing one’s hair black,Having pictures of animate beings on clothing, walls or paper, etc.,Lying about one’s dreams,Sitting or walking on graves, or answering the call of nature in a graveyard,Not cleaning oneself properly after going to toilet,Being a bad neighbor,Cursing a believer or someone who does not deserve to be cursed,Wailing (at time of bereavement),Striking or branding the face,Abandoning a Muslim brother for more than three days with no legitimate reason
    LIST OF 70 MAJOR SINS --1. Associating partners with Allah (Shirk) 2. Committing murder3. Practising black magic 4. Not performing the Prayers 5. With holding the Zakah (Charity ) 6. Not fasting on a Day of Ramadan without excuse 7. Not performing Hajj, while being able to do so 8. Disobeying and Disrespect to parents9. Cutting off the ties of relationships 10. Committing adultery or fornication 11. Committing sodomy 12. Taking or paying interest (Riba) 13. Devouring the wealth of orphans 15. Running away from the battlefield 16. Wrongdoing, deception or oppression on the part of the ruler 17. Pride and arrogance18. Ungratefulness 19. Drinking alcoholic beverages 20. Gambling 21. Slandering innocent women 22. Stealing from Exploits of war and from the money of the Zakaat 23. Consuming forbidden wealth or taking it by any means. Such as manipulation one's inheritance . 24. Committing highway robbery 25. Making false oath 26. Committing oppression 27. Levying illegal taxes 28. Stealing 29. Committing suicide 30. Being a perpetual liar 31. Judging unjustly 32. Engaging in bribery 33. Women appearing like men and vice-versa 34. Being a pimp 35. Marrying for the purpose of making a woman allowable for another 36. Not keeping clean from the remains of urine 37. Showing off – Ostentations 38. Acquiring knowledge only for worldly gain or concealing knowledge 39. Breaching trusts 40. Reminding people of one's kindness 41. Spying and Eavesdropping on other's private conversation 42. Rebellion & Charging of Unbelief 43. Spreading harmful tales (namimah) 44. Cursing others 45. Not fulfilling one's promises 46. Believing in what soothsayers & astrologers say 47. A wife being rebellious to her husband 48. Making statues and pictures 49. Striking one's self, wailing, tearing one's clothing, pulling one's hair & similar deeds as a form of mourning 50. Committing injustice 51. Being overbearing or taking advantage of the weak, slaves, wives or animals 52. Harming neighbours 53. Harming and abusing Muslims 54. Trailing one's garment in pride - i.e. below the ankles out of pride 55. Harming the Friend's of Allah 56. Men wearing silk & gold 57. A slave's running away from his master 58. Sacrificing animals for other than Allah(not saying bismillahi allahu akber while slaughtering) 59. Claiming that somebody is one's father while the claimant knows it is not true 60. Arguing or quarrelling for show & not seeking the truth 61. Not allowing excess water to flow to others 62. Dealing in Fraud 63. Disbelieving Fate 64. Eating carrion, blood or pork meat 65. Despairing from Allah's Help or forgiveness 67. Preaching Error or Establishing Errors 68. Being Deceiving and plotting evil 69. Pointing a weapon at a Muslim Brother 70. Abusing or reviling anyone of the Companions of the Prophet (saw)
    Six ways how minor Sins became Major sins -------1.repeatation of sins 2.Thinking Sins as small thing 3.To enjoin sins 4.Deluded of not being punished 5. Making Sins Public
    CURE FOR SINS – go to the garden of iman (faith and trust) check out and follow these 1.intentions 2. repentence 3.reflection 4.cautioness 5.understanding 6.certainity 7.sincerity 8.diligence 10.taking heed. Take these and crush with tears and wait for hope with contentment.
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  16. asifwithu

    asifwithu Active Member

    "Bismil Laa-hir.Rahmaa-nir-Raheem""Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil 'Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu 'Alaa Saieyidihaa Muhammadih wa Aalehee wa As-haabehee Ajma 'een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
    And We will most certainly test you somewhat by means of fear and hunger and certain loss of wealth and lives and fruits. And, (O Beloved,) give glad tidings to those who observe patience. (They are the ones) who, when afflicted with some distress, say: ‘Indeed, to Allah we belong and to Him we shall return.’ It is they upon whom are bestowed successive blessings and mercy from their Lord. And it is they who are the guided ones2/155-157
    Surely, a (Glorious) Messenger from amongst yourselves has come to you. Your suffering and distress (becomes) grievously heavy on him (blessings and peace be upon him). (O mankind,) he is ardently desirous of your (betterment and guidance. And) he is most (deeply) clement and merciful to the believers.9/128
    Allah does not put under stress any soul more than its endurance 2/286
    10/107. And if Allah afflicts you with some distress, then there is none who can remove it but He. And if He intends any good for you, then there is none who can repel His bounty. He bestows His bounty upon whomsoever of His servants He pleases. And He is Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.
    17/83-84. And when We bestow upon man (some) blessing, he turns away (from gratitude) and escapes, but when some distress comes upon him, he despairs (i.e., he is neither grateful nor patient).Say: ‘Everyone acts according to his own (respective) style and nature, and your Lord knows full well who is best guided to the straight path.
    41/51..And when We bestow a favour upon man, he turns his face away and, keeping withdrawn, strides far from Us. And when distress touches him, he entreats with lengthy prayers.
    And if a debtor is under financial stress, he should be given respite till he feels at ease to pay. And your forgoing (the loan) is better for you if you know (what significance it has in the sight of Allah to console the poor)…..2/281
    Duaa of a distressed(such a person whom none can help but Allah) person is readily accepted (Hakim)
    "When a person who was sick or in some distress they would go to the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) who would then place his hand on the area of pain and recite a du'a' and then blow onto him"[Bukhari; Muslim, Chapter of Tibb]
    “No believer consoles his brother at a time of distress except that Allah (subhanu wa taala) will clothe him ornaments of honor on the Day of Requital.” [ibn Maajah]
    When in pain and distress---1.say Ya Allah, ya darr (Allah’s name - Darr (the distresser)) 2.say innaillahi wa innailhirajiun.
    Upon coming out of the toilet: Gufranaka - AlHamdu lillaahillazee azhaba annil azaa wa aafaanee. "All praise is due to Allah alone, who has removed the distress from me and given me comfort."
    O our Lord, put not on us (also) the burden that we have not the strength to bear, and overlook (our sins), and forgive us and have mercy on us. You alone are our Master and Helper….’2/286
    Surely, Allah is Most Forgiving, Most Appreciative of thanks.35/29-30
    27/73. And surely, your Lord is Gracious to the people but most of them do not give thanks.
    67/23. Say: ‘(Allah) is He Who created you and provided you with ears and eyes and hearts. Yet you give thanks but little.’

    39/66. So, worship Allah and be amongst the thankful.
    14/7-And (recall) when your Lord proclaimed: ‘If you are thankful, I shall certainly increase (My blessings on) you, and if you are ungrateful, then My torment is surely severe.’
    So remember Me, I shall remember you. And always be thankful to Me and never be ungrateful to Me.2/152
    So always seek sustenance from Allah, and worship Him alone, and give thanks to Him. You will be returned to Him alone.29/17
    2/172. O believers! Eat of those pure and clean things which We have provided for you, and give thanks to Allah if He is the One Whom you worship (and obey).
    46/15………‘O my Lord, bestow on me the ability to give You thanks for the favour which You have done to me and my parents, and that I may do such deeds as may please You, and endow me and my children with virtue and piety. Assuredly I turn to You, and certainly I am of those who obey You in submissiveness.’
    3/144…….And Allah will soon reward those who give thanks (by remaining steadfast in hardship).
    76/3. Indeed, We also showed him the way (to understanding and insight for distinguishing between the truth and falsehood) whether he (now) becomes thankful or continues to be ungrateful.
    (And say:) ‘We are feeding you only to please Allah. We do not seek any recompense from you nor (wish for) any thanks.
    Islam-Allah would not like even to look at the woman who is not thankful to her husband.・(Nasai).
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  17. asifwithu

    asifwithu Active Member

    "Bismil Laa-hir.Rahmaa-nir-Raheem""Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil 'Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu 'Alaa Saieyidihaa Muhammadih wa Aalehee wa As-haabehee Ajma 'een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
    When a guest pays a visit to a house,pray for the host at the dining table,for him who eats vinegar at a meal,for those who get up for sahûr,for the forgiveness of the sins of him who says salawat, where Allahu ta’âlâ is remembered, for him who does a khatm of the Qur’ân al-karîm, for Until a person leaves the place he has performed namâz, for those who teach goodness, for him who does some work for his Muslim brother, If a person gets into bed with ablution,for him who show Obedience to Allah Almighty on the Night of Power ,for him who does Recitation of Qur`an and dhikr of Allah Almighty ,for him who is The seeker of useful knowledge ,for Walking to the mosque and remaining in it ,for him who is Praying in the first row ,for him who Goes early to Jumu`a ,for him who prays The Fajr & `Asr prayers in a group at the mosque ,for him who does Sadaqa and spending in good ways ,for him who does The Hajj and standing at Arafa ,for him who is Seeking martyrdom in the way of Allah ,for him who sends The prayer on the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace ,for him who Visits the sick ,for him who will give Visit to brothers ,for him who does Supplication for believers who are not present ,for him who will Sleep in a state of wudu, for him who will fill in the gaps in the rows.(proven from various hadith)
    (Allah) said: ‘Then get out from here, for you are indeed the cursed one (the outcast). And, verily, the curse will (persistently) rest upon you till the Day of Recompense.’15/35
    Surely, Allah has cursed the disbelievers and readied for them the Blazing Fire (of Hell).33/64
    Surely, those who offend Allah and His Prophet, Allah curses them in the world and in the Hereafter and He has prepared for them a disgraceful torment.33/57
    Abu Huraira told that when God’s messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was asked to invoke curse on the polytheists he replied, “I was not sent as one given to cursing; I was sent only as a mercy.” (Muslim).
    “Verily, when a servant curses something, the curse rises to the heaven and the gates of heaven close upon it. It turns right and left and if it does not find somewhere to go, it will return to that which was cursed only if it deserved to be curse, otherwise the curse will return to the one who made it.”(abu dawood)
    “A believer does not taunt, curse, abuse or talk indecently.” (Tirmidhi 1740)
    “Guard against the curse of an oppressed as he will demand his right from Allah and Allah will not deny him his right”. (Bay’haqi)
    Curse is on one who sells a defective thing without disclosing its defect, curse is on Whoever abuses sahaba, curse is on the taker , giver of bribery and also on agent who arranges bribery , curse is on people who defecating in streams, roadways, and shaded places , curse is on he who brings goods for sale is blessed with good fortune, but he who keeps them till the price rises .Curse is on those men who are in the similitude (assume the manners) of women and those women who are in the similitude (assume the manners) of men. (prove from different hadith)
    Taubah (repentance),going out in search of knowledge of the deen,dhikr (remembrance) of allah,doing of good deeds and leading others towards righteousness,inviting towards allah,enjoining good and forbidding evil,recitation of the qur’aan,learning and teaching of the qur’aan,greeting (salaam),love for the pleasure of allah,visiting the sick,helping those in debt,concealing the faults of others,maintaining family ties,good character,truthfulness, suppressing of anger,patience,kindness to parents,to fulfill the needs of widows and the poor,taking care of orphans,wudhu,dua after wudhu,du’a after azaan,building a musjid (mosque),the miswaak (tooth stick),going to the musjid (mosque),five times salaah daily,fajr and asr salaah,the jumu’ah (friday) salaah,the moment of acceptance of du’a on a Friday,the sunnah salaah after the fard salaah,two raka’aat salaatut taubah after committing sin, tahajjud salaah,dhuhaa (chaasht) salaah,virtue of salawaat (durood shareef),fasting (saum),fasting for three days in every month,the fast of ramadaan,the six (6) fasts of shawwaal,fasting on the day of arafah (9th zul hijjah),the fast of the day of aashura (10th muharram),feeding a fasting person,staying awake in ibaadah on laylatul qadr (the night of power): sadaqah (charity),haj and umrah,good deeds during the first ten days of zul hijjah,striving in the path of allah,spending in the path of allah,to perform the janaazah salaah and accompany the funeral procession,safeguarding the tongue and private parts
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  18. asifwithu

    asifwithu Active Member

    "Bismil Laa-hir.Rahmaa-nir-Raheem""Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil 'Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu 'Alaa Saieyidihaa Muhammadih wa Aalehee wa As-haabehee Ajma 'een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
    One Faqih (alim) has more power over Shaitan than a thousand devout worshippers(abid).(Tirmidhi)
    Whoever travels on a path in search of knowledge, Allah will enable him to travel on one of the paths to Paradise. And verily, the angels spread their wings with pleasure for one who seeks knowledge. Indeed the inhabitants of the skies and the earth and the fish in the depths of the water, all supplicate forgiveness for the 'Alim (Islamic Scholar). Verily, the eminence of an 'Alim over a devout worshipper is that of the full moon over the stars. And indeed, the 'Ulama are heirs of the prophets. And verily, the prophets did not leave behind as inheritance any Dinar or Dirham, rather they leave 'Ilm as inheritance. So, whoever acquired this, received an abundant portion. (Abu Dawud)
    The death of an 'Alim, is such a calamity that it can neither be made up nor compensated for; and he was a star (of guidance and due to his death) his light is lost. The death of a whole tribe is less significant than the death of an 'Alim. (Baihaqi)
    Abu Umamah Al-Bahili Radiyallahu 'anhu narrates that two men were mentioned to Rasullullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam, one of them learned and the other devout worshipper. Rasullullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam said: The superiority of an 'Alim over an 'Abid is like that of mine over the least amongst you. Then Rasullullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam said: Indeed, Allah, His angels, the inhabitants of the skies and the earths, even the ants in their holes and even fish invoke mercy, grace and honour on him who teaches people good deeds. (Tirmidhi)
    Behold! Indeed, the world is accursed, and all that it contains is accursed except the Dhikr of Allah, and that which brings one closer to Allah, an 'Alim or a seeker of knowledge of Deen. (Tirmidhi)
    You should become either (1) an 'Alim or (2) a seeker of knowledge of Deen, or (3) an attentive listener to the knowledge of Deen, or (4) a lover of knowledge of Deen and Ulama. Do not be of the fifth kind, otherwise you will be ruined. The fifth kind is that you bear malice towards knowledge of Deen and those who possess it. (Tabrani, Bazzar, Majma-'uz-Zawaid)
    Hasan Rahimahullah narrates that Rasullullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam was asked about two men from the Bani Isra'il as to which of them was superior. One of them was an 'Alim, who observed the obligatory Salat, and then sat and taught the people good; the other one fasted by day, and worshipped during the night. Rasullullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam replied: The superiority of that 'Alim who observed the obligatory Salat then sat and taught good, over a devout worshipper who fasted by day and worshipped during the night, is like my superiority over the least amongst you. (Sunan-ud-darmi)
    'Abdullah ibn 'Amr ibn 'As Radiyallahu 'anhuma narrates that Rasullullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam said: Allah will not take away knowledge of Deen from people at once, but will withdraw knowledge by the death of 'Ulama until no 'Alim will be left, people will take ignorant men as their leaders. They will be asked question relating to Deen and they will give verdict without knowledge. They being astray will lead others astray. (Bukhari)
    'Abdullah ibn 'Abbas Radiyallahu 'anhuma narrates from Nabi Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam that 'Isa Ibn Marym 'alaihis salam said: Indeed matters are of three kinds: A matter whose righteousness is evident to you, so follow it; a matter whose error is evident to you, so leave it; a maher which is disputable, so refer it to an 'Alim who is knowledgeable about it. (Tabarani, Majma-'uz-Zawaid)

    Shytan was an Abid, Arif and Alim but he was not an Ashiq
    Knowledge and its importance
    Say: ‘Can those who have knowledge and those who do not be alike?’ So only the wise do receive the admonition. 39/9
    …Allah will raise those in ranks who believe from amongst you and who are given knowledge
    .. So only those of His servants who have knowledge (of these realities with a vision and outlook) fear Him(allah). ..35/28
    And always submit (before the holy presence of your Lord): ‘O my Lord, increase me further in knowledge.’20/114

    "When Allah wishes good for someone, He bestows upon him the understanding of Deen.'' (Bukhari)
    "By Allah, if a single person is guided by Allah through you, it will be better for you than a whole lot of red camels.'' [Bukhari]
    "Convey from me even an Ayah of the Qur'an; relate traditions from Banu Israel, and there is no restriction on that; but he who deliberately forges a lie against me let him have his abode in the Hell.''

    "Allah makes the way to Jannah easy for him who treads the path in search of knowledge.'' [Muslim]

    "He who calls others to follow the Right Guidance will have a reward equal to the reward of those who follow him, without their reward being diminished in any respect on that account.'' [Muslim]

    "When a man dies, his deeds come to an end except for three things: Sadaqah Jariyah (ceaseless charity); a knowledge which is beneficial, or a virtuous decendant who prays for him (for the deceased).'' [Muslim]

    "He who goes forth in search of knowledge is considered as struggling in the Cause of Allah until he returns.'' [At-Tirmidhi]

    "The guidance and knowledge with which Allah has sent me are like abundant rain which fell on a land. A fertile part of it absorbed the water and brought forth profuse herbage and pasture; and solid ground patches which retained the water by which Allah has benefited people, who drank from it, irrigated their crops and sowed their seeds; and another sandy plane which could neither retain the water nor produce herbage. Such is the similitude of the person who becomes well-versed in the religion of Allah and receives benefit from the Message entrusted to me by Allah, so he himself has learned and taught it to others; such is also the similitude of the person who has stubbornly and ignorantly rejected Allah's Guidance with which I have been sent.'' [Bukhari]

    Abud-Darda (radiallahu anh) reported: The Messenger of Allah (salallahu alayhi wa sallam) said, "He who follows a path in quest of knowledge, Allah will make the path of Jannah easy to him. The angels lower their wings over the seeker of knowledge, being pleased with what he does. The inhabitants of the heavens and the earth and even the fish in the depth of the oceans seek forgiveness for him. The superiority of the learned man over the devout worshipper is like that of the full moon to the rest of the stars (i.e., in brightness). The learned are the heirs of the Prophets who bequeath neither dinar nor dirham but only that of knowledge; and he who acquires it, has in fact acquired an abundant portion.'' [Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi]

    "May Allah freshen the affairs of a person who hears something from us and communicates it to others exactly as he has heard it (i.e., both the meaning and the words). Many a recepient of knowledge understands it better than the one who has heard it.'' [At-Tirmidhi]

    "He who is asked about knowledge (of religion) and conceals it, will be bridled with a bridle of fire on the Day of Resurrection.'' [Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi]

    "He who does not acquire knowledge with the sole intention of seeking the Pleasure of Allah but for worldly gain, will not smell the fragrance of Jannah on the Day of Resurrection.'' [Abu Dawud] Make sure you forward this to others .

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