Excellent speech by Muhadith Kabeer Mumtaaz ul Fuqahaa Shaykh A'llamah Zia ul Mustafa al Qadri hafizahullahu Ta'ala ibn Sadr us Sharia'h A'llamah Shaykh Amjad A'li radi Allahu Ta'ala a'nhu. Beliefs about the Anbiyaa and Awliyaa Kiraam Muhaddith Kabeer relates the story of Sayyiduna Musa a'laihi salaam and events from the lives of the Awliyaa Kiraam. He also mentions that the sword of Aurangzeb A'lamghir rahmatullah a'laihi had "Ya A'bd al Qadir al Jilani shain lillah" written on it, the sword is on display in Dehli fort in Hind. This shows that the Muslims of Hind had the beliefs that Istia'nah and Istighatha from the Awliyaa Kiraam is permissible The Speech: A'qeedah 06-10-06 Shaykh A'llamah Zia ul Mustafa al Qadri Europe Tour 2006.mp3