someone on our facebook page commented: our reply: this is not a mistranslation. "life of prophets in their graves" in english does not convey the meaning intended in arabic. hayatu'l anbiya - literally 'lives of prophets' - fee quburihim - "in their graves" sounds vague in english and it may also mean "hayat barzakhiyyah" as the wahabis and others contend. it also sounds inconclusive 'life in their graves' - yes or no? therefore, the title is translated to convey the intended meaning. besides, it is a direct translation of the hadith wording: "al anbiya aHyaa'un fi quburihim" ---- as an aside, the bane of muslims in the past century is unhinged literalist translations. nas'alu Allah al-aafiyah.
Download Here The Prophets are alive in their Graves Translation of Hayat al-Ambiya fi Quburihim by Imam Abu Bakr Ahmad al Bayhiqi Download Here