Featured Book Release: Who is Alahazrat?

Discussion in 'Ridawi Press' started by Unbeknown, Oct 3, 2021.

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  1. Harris786

    Harris786 Veteran


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    HASSAN, Noori, omar zeb and 3 others like this.
  2. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

  3. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

    related: i've heard that the first one to use 'imam' for sayyidi ahmad rida khan was the khatib par excellence, mawlana mushtaq ahmad nizami, editor of paasbaan and author of books like khoon ke aaNsu. i think it was in the periodical paasbaan that he used 'imam'.
  4. AbdalQadir

    AbdalQadir time to move along! will check pm's.

    The title of "Ala Hazrat" was also initially used for Turkish Sultans of the Ottoman Empire, specifically for Suleyman the Magnificent


    I have heard before that this title of Ala Hazrat was given to Imam Ahmad Rida in Makkah/Madina by the scholars there. Considering that it traces its roots with the Turks (to an extent at least) and considering that the Haramayn were still under Turkish rule then (or perhaps just under transition with a predominantly Ottoman culture still prevalent), this claim seems very plausible.

    However I can't seem to find any references for this claim on the net (or otherwise too). Anyone know better?


    Incidentally, this other title of the Ottomans has been silently copied and pasted by some other people in our times:

    The Ottomans had a magnificent love and respect for the Beloved Prophet, 3alaihis salam. Initially the Sultan Yavuz Selim Khan I was conferred the title of "Haakim ul-Haramayn ash-Sharifayn" (Ruler/Administrator of the Two Holy Sanctuaries), and as soon as he heard of it, he withdrew from it saying that its rulers are the Beloved Prophet and his beloved companions and the Quraysh and decreed that it be switched over from "Haakim" to "Khaadim".

    This is how the title of "Khaadim ul-Haramayn ash-Shareefayn" was contrived. This is a well documented fact of Ottoman history.

    For the most part, these wiki entries are correct, except for missing out on some of the minutiae.
  5. abu nibras

    abu nibras Staff Member

    sub'Han Allah
  6. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 8, 2013
  7. kattarsunni

    kattarsunni Veteran

    Absolutely love this work. Can't wait for it to be published and widely available. It has covered a huge gap which was in the English speaking Sunni book market.

    Shaykh Abu Hasan has refuted the takfiri notion which is forwarded by Pir prasts who have their own agenda.

    This was especially done during the Hamza Yusuf fiasco, where certain people accused Sunni Ulama of being Takfiris and over looked the actual issue.

    This notion was refuted here: http://www.sunniport.com/masabih/showthread.php?t=10448

    Some, however, choose a 'Machiavellian' method in making this accusation against Sunnis.
  8. Wadood

    Wadood Veteran

    Shayk Asraar Rasheed HafiduhuAllah ta'ala has a number of lectures that introduce students to Sunni Scholarship in the Sub Continent.
  9. ahlus-sunnah

    ahlus-sunnah Veteran

    I dont think Deenport will allow it on their website, they will most likely delete it. They have deleted all the posts on Shaykh Asrar that were added on the website and certain individuals on the website ask why Shaykh Asrar is speaking against Deobandis and other groups but none of the members on their especially some of the intellectuals that regularly post from America, Scotland , London , Morocco, Canada , Bradford and other places meet Shaykh Asrar ..
  10. Wadood

    Wadood Veteran

    For example, Sunnis of the Sub Continent established strong links with the Hanafis of Yemen. Their mufti visited Shaykh Akhtar RiDa Khan in India.

    It is Sunni scholarship and the akhlaaq of Sunnis that attracted him there to India.
  11. Ghulam

    Ghulam Veteran

    Sidi please post on deenport
  12. Wadood

    Wadood Veteran

    assalamu 'alaikum brother Noori, over the past years, as you might be aware, due to websites like deenport, with 30,000 western visitors, this mentality of running away has developed, or shrugging off immediately, the moment one hears of the infamous, as they say it, BsDs issue. But if Muslims really want to know about what Sunni scholarship in the sub-continent means, then they should read and find out.

    This shrugging off is actually a way of belittling our scholars back home from India-Pakistan-Bangladesh-Afghanistan, and they say things like those people are incompetent, and that it is only western, or associated arab shaykhs who are competent. This is an inferiority complex.

    If they truly respect Islam, they should understand that the *zakheera* of our Deen, is back home in the Sub Continent. Dont they admire Mughal art, architecture, culture, poetry, language, empire, history, and Moghlai Cuisine of Uttar Pradesh and Rohillakhand? Then why not the Deeni institutions there? If they are 'Aadil, then they will read the biography of Imam Ahmad RiDa Khan, and use their own proper judgement, and a Muslim has firasa, and Allah will open their eyes to the truth. This dawa, in my opinion must be given to them, simultaneously, and then they will read about Imam Ahmad RiDa Khan. It is Sunnis who represent Ahl al Sunnah, and spread the works of Ahl al Sunnah, in my opinion. By looking at our akhlaaq, they will be attracted. Sunni scholarship of the Sub Continent must be bigged up, so that they read about Imam Ahmad RiDa Khan, who is a representative of it. Sunni Schools in the Sub Continent go back hundreds of years as I have heard. In Bangladesh one school is the Shikar Gonj Seminary.

    Brother Aqdas' translation of an urdu work, caused deobandi wahabis to openly reject and disrespect Shaykh 'Alawi alMaliki disparagingly, to the point of accusations of shirk, which imply takfir. The deobandi scholars of Pakistan made the exact same accusations on Shaykh 'Alawi al Maliki that any salafi makes in the arab world. Their top person, ludhyanwi signed the fatwa, as far as I am aware. He is also the composer that the only true saved group in the Sub Continent is the deobandi group. The 'neutrals', all of whom love Shaykh Alawi Maliki, who visit the net, many of them know this. In southern Iran, it is only wahabis who attack Shaykh Alawi al Maliki. Sunnis never do.

    Many of Shaykh Keller's students have the books of Shaykh Alawi al Maliki, including Mafahim, in their collections, in arabic.

    Shaykh Alawi al Maliki used to stand up in respect upon hearing the name of Imam Ahmad RiDa
    a_concerned_sunni likes this.
  13. brilliant! i've shared it...
  14. Noori

    Noori Senior Moderator


    an excellent work, specially i liked his plain and simple questions to the heretics, because deobandits always try to make things very complex, though i don't expect that they would even try to deal with them as such.

    May Allah open the eyes of Arab and Western ulama, i also pray that shaykh nuh read it, and reflect upon what he has been feeding by his deobandi students, the door of repentance is still open o shaykh!

    May Allah subhanu wa'tala reward sidi abu Hasan with abundance of barakah, in his age, ilm, rizq, good deeds and awlaad, and protect him and his family from all sorts of sufferings in both the worlds, and benefit us from his ilm and more such excellent works.
  15. ahlus-sunnah

    ahlus-sunnah Veteran

    May Allah Ta'ala bless Sayyidi Abu Hassan (Hafidahullah) for all of his amazing work, his new release 'Who is Alahazrat (Rahimahullah) ?' is a masterpiece MashahAllah!
  16. harun

    harun Active Member

    MashaAllah excellent and much needed in the english language.

    Allahumma Zid Fazid!
  17. The Emir

    The Emir Well-Known Member

    Well done brother Abu Hasan (and all those who have helped him) for the work that you have done.
  18. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

    me too and aameen!

    an excellent introduction to Alahazrat with the right content. there were many parts of it that bought tears to the eyes, alHamdulillah. what a man Alahazrat was!

    the translations of the book names are brilliant.

    to write a review for a book, one must read it and aH has reviewed 68 of them...

    68 is an odd choice, btw...

    once again, aH sets the benchmark for ahlu's sunnah. just last night, i was in a gathering of ulama and they were praising aH's works and how brilliant they are. they asked us to pass on their messages of support.

    i implore everyone to tell everyone about this noteworthy book. aH has had to work day and night in order to get this to us before 25th safar so please everyone, make use of it and forward the link before urs e Alahazrat.

    just superlative!
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2013
  19. Unbeknown

    Unbeknown Senior Moderator

    MashaAllah (azzawajal)!

    Jazakallah to all who were involved in compiling this book.

    a humble request:

    will it be possible to release an epubs version of the book? even if it's a text-only version. converted the pdf* to epubs using calibre and it displays fine in android but pages that have both images and texts appear a bit garbled.

    jazakallah. wassalaam.

    * devices with small displays are not ideal for reading pdfs because zooming necessitates repeated scrolling
  20. AbdalQadir

    AbdalQadir time to move along! will check pm's.

    may Allah reward brother abu Hasan greatly for this.

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