Books in refutation of imkaan al kidhb - the possibility of Allah lying

Discussion in 'Bibliography' started by Qasim Hanafi Ridwi, Jan 30, 2010.

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  1. The History of Imkaan al Kidhb in Hind

    The following books discuss the issue of imkaan al kidhb

    Tahqeeq al Fatwa fi Ibtaal al Taghwa by Shaykh Fadl al Haq al Kharabadi (Fazle Haq) rahimahullahu Ta’ala

    Imtinaa’ al Nazeer by by Shaykh Fadl al Haq al Kharabadi (Fazle Haq) rahimahullahu Ta’ala

    Anwaar e Saatiah dar Bayaan e Mawlud o Fatihah by Shaykh 'Abd al Samee rahimahullahu Ta’ala (Written in 1302 AH)

    Books written solely in refutation of imkaan al kidhb

    Taqdees al Rahmaan ‘an Kidhb wal Nuqsaan by Shaykh Muhammad bin Abd al Qadir al Ludyanwi rahimahullahu Ta’ala

    Tanziyah al Rahmaan ‘an Shaaibah al Kidhb wal Nuqsaan by Shaykh Ahmad Hasan al Kanpuri rahimahullahu Ta’ala

    ‘Ujaalah al Raakib fi Imtina’a Kidhb al Waajib by Shaykh ‘Abdullah al Tawnki rahimahullahu Ta’ala (published in 1308 AH)

    I will be translating more soon in sha Allah al ‘Azeez there is a lot more information that needs to brought forward and translated to understand this issue.
  2. Some works of Shaykh al Islam Mujaddid Imam Ahmad Rida rahimahullahu Ta'ala have been translated, alot more work needs to be done al hamdulillah Shaykh 'Abd al Haadi al Qadiri hafizahullahu Ta'ala has made a very good effort:
  3. Wadood

    Wadood Veteran

    Another thing, the deobandiyya too do not have any of their elder books translated into English and desemminated here in the west. No ones knows them either except through what Faraz Rabbani and his friends like ibn adam, mangera etc tell them.

    We Sunnis have a chance. Allah has still given us a chance. We can kill all the deobandits, and wahhabites by going first. Lets have 'ala Hadrat's works translated and disemminated as Shaykh Mustafa al-Badawi has done with Imam al-Haddad's works and Shaykh 'Abdal Hakim Murad has done with Imam Ghazali's works radiallahu anhuma. Every body admires these works and espouses their translators.

    WHERE ARE 'ALA HADRAT'S works in the bookstores in the west of the exact same quality. Shaykh Mustafa al-Badawi published his translation in Aligarh, India!!!
  4. Wadood

    Wadood Veteran

    Is it possible if we could translate this into proper-excellent English and publish them in excellent quality as done by Aqsa Publications? That is the only way we can get through to all those 'neutrals' out there. It is the only way we can make them read and understand.

    'Ala Hadrat is STILL an obscure figure among the VAST MAJORITY. I am sorry for being blunt, but this is the truth! It might hurt.

    If Shaykh Nuh has a command over much of the English speakers, its because his English and translations are of an extremely high standard and of some of his deobandi murids too. Quantity is irrelevant, it is quality that matters. I am sorry to say, I have been on the net for so many years, and I have not come across good English translation of 'Ala Hadrats works published in the west. I have faced this difficulty for years. Sunniport was the only way to access them and raza academy.

    If we can get them across to the arabs, we can also get them across here in the west.

    Why do not we all contribute and form a proper publishing house to publish 'Ala HaDrat's works into proper English in the UK? Sidi Asif could be the editor. I will contribute financially.

    It is awful that shouts of sulah kulli is being thrown out on people all over the place by fellow sunnis. Those sulah kullis do not even know they are sulah kullis, but thought of themselves as neutrals. This is great injustice. Internet forums has become a mouth piece for attack, not for constructive work. Sunnis attack other personalities. Not the issues. Internet forums are a place for demonizing others, attacking others, mud slinging on others. It is not a place for proper discourse and discussion. How many of the deviants we can win over to our side this true way? Has anyone ever gone through how Shaykh GF Haddad dealt with deviants on the net? Yes he did have the advantage of being a traditionally trained advanced scholar, but his way is not hard for all of us to follow. There is nothing wrong with the honest policy of 'spade for a spade'. But the current attacks are not as such. They are a shame upon us Sunnis.

    There are Sunnis out there, who still think deobandis are Sunnis. Its our failure! And we cannot term these Sunnis as Sulah Kullis and threaten them and intimidate them into accepting that the deobandiyya are actually wahhabis.

    We can never make an educated person listen to us, without showing ettiquette.

    The good people do the real work silently. They are the ones who work hard. The ones on the net, just blow their own nufoos, and waste a lot of their own time trying to save their own faces and making names for themsleves. For what? For cyber space? But its not even the real world.

    What if tomorrow all of the Data Centres overheat and a blackout happens, and our websites disappear for a couple of months. What will happen then? A siezure attack most likely.
  5. Another important Risaalah by 'Allamah Shaykh Sayyid Ahmad Saeed al Kaazmi Shah rahimahullahu Ta'ala :

    Tasbeeh al Rahmaan 'an al Kidhb wa al Nuqsaan

    Attached Files:

  6. It is very important for the person who wants to understand the issue of lying and other defects being impossible for Allah Subhaanahu to read all the three rasaail that I have posted above, very carefully.
  7. Another one of Shaykh al Islam Mujaddid Imam Ahmad Rida rahimahullahu Ta'ala's risaalah of the issue of the defect of kidhb lying being impossible for Allah

    al Qam al Mubeen liAamaal al Mukadhibeen.

    Fatawa Ridawiyyah Volume 15
    Published by Admin on 2008/6/22 (7479 reads)

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  8. Allah is pure subhaan means pure.

    No defects or negative attributes can be attributed to Allah Subhaanahu.
    Damaan e baagh e Subhaan al Subuh

    Shaykh al Islam Mujaddid Imam Ahmad Rida rahimahullahu Ta'ala mentions in this risaalah that the ganghohis deobandis ect and the wahhabis could not answer this risalaah (Subhaan al Subuh 'an Kidhb 'Ayb Maqbuh) and in sha Allah al 'Azeez they will not be able to.

    This Risaalah Damaan e baagh e Subhaan al Subuh is in answer to a deobandi mawlawi that said that a human can lie so if Allah cannot lie then the qudrah power of a human will be more than Allah, al 'Iyaadhu billahi Ta'ala this is in the 15th volume of al Ataayaa al Nabawiyyah fil Fatawaa al Ridwiyyah.

    Damaan e Baagh e Subhaan al Subuh

    Fatawa Ridawiyyah Volume 15
    Published by Admin on 2008/6/22 (6775 reads)

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  9. No defects or negative attributes can be attributed to Allah Subhaanahu.

    Shaykh al Islam Mujaddid Imam Ahmad Rida rahimahullahu Ta'ala has clarified this issue in his risaalah Subhaan al Subuh 'An Kidhb 'Ayb Maqbuh this is in the 15th volume of al Ataayaa al Nabawiyyah fil Fatawaa al Ridwiyyah.

    Fatawa Ridawiyyah Volume 15
    Published by Admin on 2008/6/22 (6770 reads)

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