One of the best books like Ja-al Haq I've ever read is Haq Par Kohn. I cannot believe it has not been translated into english yet! Written by Allama Muhammad Zafar Attari, it provides simple evidences for various topics from; The Quran, The Hadith, The Salaf, The 4 Imams, The Khalaf etc. with Arabic quotes that include Tashkeel Here is just a snapshot of the cover, contents and content: Online PDF is finally available in highquality as well (~70MB): Pr Kon/WQ.pdf
I found one book by Allama Syed Shah Turab ul Haq Qadri Sahab, called "Rasool e Khuda Ki Namaaz". A simple, but very effective book dealing with issues such as: 1. Rafa'a Yadain. (Raising of Hands) 2. Mode of Prayer for Women 3. The history of ghair muqallid (la mazhab) sect 4. Taqleed (following a mazhab) 5. Raising hands up to ear-lobes to start Prayer. 6. Method of folding hands in Prayer. 7. Qir'at behind an Imam 8. Saying "Aameen" softly 9. Witr Salaah is 3 Raka'ah 10. Taraweeh Salaah is 20 Raka'ah 11. The Funeral Prayer 12. The Sahabah used to offer prayer, wearing caps & turbans
Aqdas, Shaykh Zayn al Sumayt wrote a very nice book that is suitable for people of ages. You should look at that.
Also if you go into the Permissible & Forbidden folder there is another folder within it named Tawassul & Istighātha this should also be helpful to you In-Shaa-Allah
If you click the Aqeeda folder in this library there is a another folder within that called Proper Sunni Belifs, it contains a book called: Traditional Scholarship & Modern Misunderstandings. I believe this may be a good brief work that should come in handy In-shaa-Allah The Voice Of Truth PDF Library Books By: Sheikh Abdul Qadir al-Gilani, Imam al Ghazali, Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh Ali Hajveri, Imam Ahmad Ridha Khan, Maulana Muammad Ilyas Attar Qadiri. And many others (may Allah bless them all) Download All Ahle Sunnat books for FREE by clicking the link below; Topics of books covering: Holy Quran Kanzul Imaan English Translation. Salah (Prayer) Wudu (Ablution) Ghusl (Ritual Bathing) Tasawwuf (Spiritual Development) Aqeeda (Beliefs) Fiqh (Jurisprudence) Shariah (Code of Conduct) Fatwa (Religious Verdicts) Plus various refutations of the Deviant Groups, Deviant Scholars and Deviant Beliefs... Share this on and keep checking back as more books will keep getting added ان شاءالله عزوجل
Faisla Haqq o Batil by Ajmal ul Ulama Maulana Ajmal Shah Very clear, to the point, Verses of Qur'an with its Tafseer, Ahadith and statements of Ulama. Fully referenced Go to link and click on download
jaa al-Haq is a lengthy work and I'm looking for something to teach about ilm e ghayb, istighatha etc. is there a work that covers all our proofs for such masayil but more brief?