Are you now denying that u didn’t say Abu Hassan would debate Haroon and one of Haroon’s old teachers ( one who’s English is poor) would decide who was correct? Didn’t You tell me come on here with Haroon’s posts? I may be your source of entertainment here for you lot however nothing will change the fact that no one was qualified to accept his challenge which was made openly here and on other social media platform you only defence for the coward was he doesn’t do face to face n munazara is outdated. You shouldn’t talk about mind control at the end of the day you’ve been controlled by whoever is fashion at the time chopping and changing when it suits. It was you that introduced us to Haroon was it not? Best thing since sliced bread back then apparently but then he lost the plot- did u go warn the brothers To pushed in front of him to stay away? Or was it he simply didn’t agree with the current trend setting movlis u moved too?
Is this still the case? Raja was declared a Kafir for giving Mufti Yar Muhammad his P45, later Mufti gave Haroon his P45 for being a nut job.
harris this, harris that.... The tone of the post you dug out shows that abu Hasan and I don’t personally know each other. abu Hasan doesn’t have much of a sweet tooth, he didn’t want to meet for dessert or tea. please stick to the topic and stop playing hop-scotch. Haroon Sultan is not qualified in anything but abuse toward himself, his parents, his peers and his teachers. You are the current entertainment for the forum audience many others have came and gone whilst you are here I would suggest you read the cult mind control by Moriatry.
It is worth noting u lied previously about not knowing Harris so the bit of Sherlock home-ing was worth it.
You say I’m anonymous Israeli spy and could quite possibly be Haroon himself, I asked you previously to To clarify with Harris who I was as he would confirm that I am not Haroon but share Haroon’s posts. I could be an Israeli spy Then so could u be a Mossad agent like Simon aka Baghdadi who knows, who really cares as long as the truth comes out♂️
you are an israeli spy. anonymous israeli spy. 'most educated in islam' - who, you? so you accept that you are the guy who wrote the post on facebook? then use your name - you won't be anonymous anymore. --- as for the 'who is harris' comment, and the proof that i know him dug out by our sherlock holmes. i am not decided whether i should give him an award for being a good detective, or the award to understand an english idiom. israeli spy.
Listen don’t try and do word play here. Everything I wrote is out in the open. I shared Haroon’s post on contagion Harris has an issue even quoted Abu Hassan. I was even encouraged to join here by Harris. I came into hear to find an answer. Given that Haroon states what he had presented on the issue was correct and Abu Hassan claimed Haroon was wrong and he was correct. How else to resolve this but through a munazara And before Abu Hassan or anyone again claim never to heard of Harris here is a convo of Harris and Abu Hassan. It was Harris that openly said Abu Hassan will debate. When I came with the challenge Abu Hassan stated he didn’t know Harris and wouldn’t debate face to face. I could be an Israeli spy trying to cause fitna? Well if I was and ur imaan was strong enough You would debate prove me to be a farce, And i could drop that whilst you are not qualified in science nor are able to disclose and qualifications to support you howevee Haroon along with being the most educated in Islam is also a BSc (Hons) Pharmaceutical Chemistry And is qualified to handle such matters.
I could be an Israeli spy trying to cause fitna? Well if I was and ur imaan was strong enough You would debate prove me to be a farce, And i could drop that whilst you are not qualified in science nor are able to disclose and qualifications to support you howevee Haroon along with being the most educated in Islam is also a BSc (Hons) Pharmaceutical Chemistry And is qualified to handle such matters.