What is the need to post photos of those brothers and sisters on this forum? Why not post a link to the photos instead? Would you want a photo of yourself posted on some random forum on the internet?
Yeah i thought that also, then i found the murid handbook "from above" which stated " Your brothers and sisters in the tariqa are your family and immediate community. " the word tariqa was placed in italics in the handbook for emphasis.
I see that sunniport is hurting these heretics quite a bit, and that's why you are probably here in spite of claiming that this website cannot be taken "seriously".
I find most of these posts ridiculous and replies to me for the sake of replying. I didn't say that anyone outside the Tariqa should be avoided... The facts and evidence is against you anyway - having anecdotal evidence here and there doesn't prove it's policy "from above". I'm not in any Tariqa so accuse me of what you want - it's expected Saying x y or x scholar should be avoided, and making personal attacks, while hiding behind an alias and having no scholarly credentials is pointless - just some advice, most people don't take you seriously. May Allah save us from the harms of our tongues, and guide us all. Ameen.
But many people who are in cults will be in denial and blind to the fact that they are in a manipulated and mind controlled. If cults showed their true agenda from the onset very few people will join them. It is only once you have committed yourself that you become a part of the workings of the group. When reading these questions, the reader should be honest to himself and firstly to his Lord. Whether he denies it to others he cannot deny the truthful answer to himself and especially to his Creator. The way to answer is yes or no. The result is given at the end. So here are some questions for them to ask regarding their group, themselves or their leader: AM I IN A CULT QUESTIONNAIRE FOR POTENTIAL SHEEP When you ask yourself "Am I in a cult?" you think straight away... "Of course not, I would never join a cult..." Have your friends or family commented that you have changed and that they don't really like the changes? (This includes beliefs, principles, opinions, attitudes) Have you noticed that the groups ideas have filtered into all areas of your life, work social, personal life? Do you find it boring or awkward spending time with people outside the group because they seem boring, or they don't understand the language of the group? (Sunnis that you have severed ties with solely because of the group) Do you believe that outsiders are not on the same level as you and other group members? (many 'sufi' cultists sound patronising, condescending and self righteous) Do you consider that the groups ideas and beliefs are the way forward in sorting out the problems of the world? (As opposed to the wider Sunni scholarship you believe your leader should lead the Ulama and they should go under his banner. In some cases dreams are reported that the leader was leading the Ulama of the world etc) Or have you thought that if only everyone knew this stuff the world would be a different place? (stuff that only your group leader knows as oppose to the general Ulama) Has someone close to you told you that they think you are in a cult? Do you sometimes feel like you know more than outsiders about life, about people, about the world? Have people said that you are pushy or obsessive about the group? Questions regarding the leader: Do you think the leader is always right? Do you feel very indebted to the leader and he or she is not afraid to remind you of this? Does the leader make all the decisions, is the final judge, and is answerable to no-one but himself? Does he change his mind whenever it suits him, and it usually for his benefit? Have you noticed that there is one set of rules for the leader or elite, another set for the group members? Do you ever feel bad or guilty for not behaving as the leader/group says you should? (when you know in some cases that the order is against shariah, or in other cases against your better feeling) Do you find that you have lots of very strong emotions, sometimes for no apparent reason? Do you sometimes feel alone when there seems no real need to feel lonely? Are you experiencing frustration because you can't seem to get the groups techniques to work for you? Is marriage only encouraged within the group, as well as trade? (as opposed to the wider Sunni community) Have you ever left a group meeting feeling angry and vowing never to return and you went back anyway? In some cases has the group leader held you back from things you wanted to do, like studies for instance, and instead used you for the benefit of his group or himself? (this may happen under the guise of tariqah, suluk etc) Can you write down 3 defects or faults of the group's leader? When you think of these defects are you trying to justify those faults or reason them away? If you cannot name 3 defects, or you justify any potential problems, the chances are that there is more going on in the group than you are aware of.... If you answered mostly yes, the chances are that there is mind control being used against you in the group. Some people dismiss this by saying this is only true for non Muslims. That is not the case. Brainwashing, mind control and other psychological methods have been used for centuries against Muslims by deviants. Read the history of the false prophets and how they brainwashed their followers who were formerly Muslim. Read on the false sufi guides and mahdi claimants in history and how they deluded their followers with trickery. The history books are replete with such examples. Only by understanding how cults actually trick and deceive people can you get to the point of realizing that you have been recruited into a cult. Rasputin was not only a Russian phenomenon, their have been many prior to Rasputin in the Muslim world. Subtle and obvious, but it is the more subtle ones that stay aloof from detection. Learn about psychopaths, mind control and cults and you will be able to detect a lot. The questions that can be added: Your shaykh sells his cult via miracles and visions. As far as you know these are claims, but have you experienced anything for real? If you claim you have, are you sure it was not your mind playing you into thinking you are experiencing something? Does your shaykh ever contradict himself? Does your shaykh use stories of service to the guide and defense of the guide in order to encourage the aspirants to serve him? Are you really sincere in the group or do you show off to other members? Is your reason for being in the group so you maintain or attain a position? What benefit are you getting from being in the group? Be honest to yourself, is it fame and position or some other worldly benefit? Are you really sincere for Allah or are you gaining something and fooling yourself that you are sincere? Why does the shaykh place 'muqaddams' who themselves are ignorant, arrogant and self righteous? If you joined such a group why were you propelled to a 'role' before you were spiritually prepared? Is there an over emphasis on money collecting? As a group member do you really know where all the money goes? Have you ever traveled and lived with your shaykh? Have you ever dealt in money with him? How much time have you spent with him and how close have you been to him? Does he stay aloof from the cult members and when he is in their presence it is a controlled environment? How much of his background do you really know? Do you know how he lived his life prior to becoming a cult leader? Is everything you know about him from himself or have you verified from his home city from third party sources? The people he claims support him as a cult leader, have you verified everything from them and do you even know who they are? Does your leader covertly discredit other scholars and when he meets them or they pass away he praises them to attain credibility from their followers? How many times have you been to his home? How does your shaykh earn a living and where does he get his money from? The above needs to be checked if he lives in a mansion with a swimming pool and flies first class to stay in five star hotels. Does your shaykh become extremely angry when anything is questioned? Does your shaykh have a pyramid style organisation, where he gives orders from the top which then trickles down? (this is done so no one can say it is the leader who is bad but the followers, if he gave direct orders he will be exposed) Does your shaykh leave certain things vague and leaves people confused until he can trust them? This will include beliefs and fiqh rulings. Does your shaykh have no certain direction and is abrupt in his choices? (Narcissistic Personalities tend to be like that) How does your shaykh treat his family? Is he abusive to women? (This last question maybe dismissed that 'it is his private life'. But that contradicts the teachings of Islam where we are told that 'The best of you are the best to their families' etc) The list to make people think can be expanded. Of course one or two things maybe found in an individual but if most of thhese things are found then alarm bells should ring. These questions are simply there to make people think... A few more for the cult member to think of: As an individual do you have self low confidence? Do you consider your own understanding as weak and irrelevant? By default then do you think that the only person who can understand religion correctly for the context of the modern age is your shaykh and everyone falls short? In effect does that make you more susceptible and easily accepting of any opinion that the shaykh puts forward even if it does contradict your former beliefs and convictions? In that case even if does contradict great scholars of the past? Since you have joined the group have you lost former friends based on their differences with your group or shaykh even though they are Sunni? Have you and others been told to shun other Sunnis but yet your group and its leader keep links with deviants? Have you changed your body language and the way you speak putting on a different persona since you have joined the group? Does the group try its utmost best to attract the rich, famous and attractive as opposed to the simple folk? Do many of the members have insecurities about themselves, whether regarding their race (like pretending to be white or Arab) or a strong insecurity oftheir religion (like not wanting to be seen as 'Barelawi')?
Wake up. 're read Harris's post. He said anyone who doesn't have a link or asks questions. You've interpreted that as something totally different. You've just demonstrated the very essence of cult mind control.
Anyone who says invasion of Iraq benefited Muslims or calls for the bombing of Muslim countries is a traitor and must be avoided. That is why you avoided my question. It is a disgraceful thing. Shameful. Yet your mind is so closed you do not think this affects your religion? I'm sorry but I do not think your brother is in this cult, you are. There maybe a time when you will snap out, when you see the true colours of the con, and you will look back at what you say now with a cringe of embarrassment.
so ANY one outside of a specific tariqa is someone who 'brings harm and doesn't benefit in deen'? the original comment by Harris786 was that tariqa members are advised to stay away from people not linked with the tariqa. what's wrong with asking questions to learn? (this is a hallmark of Islam, as opposed to christianity) ALSO, what's wrong with asking questions for the sake of transparency and justice in dealings? (this too is a hallmark of Islam)
Sorry but that makes perfect sense to me. And it applies to anyone, not just those in or out of Tariqa. We should all keep company of those that benefit us and avoid those that bring harm or don't benefit you in your deen. So the principle rests on this. If you are constantly attacking their Shaykh, or teachers in their Tariqa for example, I can see why this would be the advice. In all honesty, the amount of negativity on this forum from many members would make me want to do the same. You're not doing much for Sunni Islam, believe me. All they see here is hate, scholar bashing and sometimes really nasty insults without much substance. Take the nasiha or leave it.
To be told to stay away from people who are not linked with the Tariqah is not positive and to stay away from people who ask questions as they are affecting spiritual progression just doesn't make sense
Harris is saying that his friend changed four the worse. He cut Harris off and has been ordered not to talk to him. There are many cases like this and the orders are coming from the top.
My point exactly. I've seen people transformed positively too. Anyone who adopts negative traits is obviously not in it for the right reasons.
a person in my immediate friends circle got a personality transplant by joining the suluk crew, these things do happen i have experienced it first hand.
Why is their not an outreach for those sincere seekers of knowledge to be guided under truthful Ma'shaikh ul Tasawwuf. I am almost certain there were / are many sincere students who want actual tazkiya, tarbiya, and sulook to be tought. Now they cant help but searching for it through media platforms, as is the force of habit. Now people have optimized thier turuqs to be on first page of google and youtube, they put it a lot of work. If we want change we need to put in even more work, we need to have an approach that attracts the youth and won't compromise our principles (unlike those who just have the aqeedah correct and forget all about the fiqh).
@themuj4h1d: I think you are a cult member pretending to be neautral. If not just answer ONE question: Is it ethically or morally, Islamically right for Yaqoubi Sahib to condone the invasion of Iraq? Answer that one question and I will answer your queries even though you have backtracked on saying they are open on fudings and yet you refuse to answer where Yaqoubi Sahib gets his funding? It would be impermissible for us Muslims to trust a person who is for Western imperialism and sacking of Muslim countries, and then gives him money and trust him with our charities.