Revised - see attached file. On a side note, how can I remove the prior two PDF files that were uploaded? They're not required anymore and I'm sure they're taking up space?
"The friend of the poor, the orphans & the destitute" Please revisit this - one word (for 'Gurabaa') is missing.
Thanks for the suggestions. I used the Islamic Academy translation (with slight insertions here and there) for simplicity (although I personally prefer the translation from Shaykh Sadiq's book). PDF version attached (increased the font size and improved the spacing). I can't upload the MS Word version so if anyone would like it kindly contact me and I'll email it. Inshallah people find it beneficial.
the translation is available - may be of help to you
Then what about "say-yi-di-nā wa maw-lā-nā" - if maw-lā-nā is translated as our master, then what is say-yi-di-nā translated as? Our leader?
Then what about "say-yi-di-nā wa maw-lā-nā" - if maw-lā-nā is translated as our master, then what is say-yi-di-nā translated as? Our leader?
I've typed up durood taaj in MS Word / PDF format for use on smartphones, tablets, etc. It was intended for personal use but I thought it would be beneficial for others as well and so I intend to post a final version here (it's still a work in process....once done, it can be used for personal use and the MS Word version can be used even by Ridawi Press or Ihsanica Media for their own publishing purposes). It has the Arabic text with English transliteration and translation. The English translation is taken from (with a few adjustments) Shaykh Muhammad Sadiq Alawi's book “The Key to Arriving at the Door of the Messenger (Sal-lal-laa-hu `a-lai-hi wa sal-lam)”. The Arabic is also taken from said book as well as Indo-Pak panj surahs. The English transliteration is designed to help the reader with the Arabic. I would be grateful if knowledgeable brothers could kindly take a look at the attached draft version and provide recommendations on the English translation, specifically the following: 1. What is the (best) translation for "maw-lā-nā"? (page 1) 2. What is the translation for "Sad-ril-`u-lā"? (page 2) 3. What is the (best) translation for "raH-ma-til-lil-`ā-la-mī-na"? (page 4) 4. What is the (best) translation for "say-yi-dith-tha-qa-lay-ni"? (page 5) Also, is the following Arabic grammar correct: 1. kasrah on the letter mīm in the phrase "khā-ta-min-na-bī-yī-na"? (page 4) 2. kasratān on the letter ta marbūtah in the phrase "raH-ma-til-lil-`ā-la-mī-na"? (page 4) Finally, is the following English transliteration suitable (see bolded part) when compared to the Arabic: 1. "a-bil-qā-sim mu-Ham-mad ib-ni `ab-dil-lā-hi"? (page 6) Any other comments on the English translation or anything else would be greatly appreciated.
Bismillah... Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullah... In the Tariqah of the Saadah Aal-Abi Alawi, we recite this on Thursday nights after the Mawlid of Habib Umar as well as on Fridays... Its one of my favourites too
the deobandis are liars and it is proven because they keep changing their stances. regarding durud-e-taj, gangohi said: what does today's deobandi [taqi usmani] say: have ahlu's sunnah changed any of their stances with regards to such important matters as shirk and tawhid? why not? because we have always told the truth and sunni scholars like alaHazrat were right all along. our stance now is as it ever was. the deobandi stance now [at least for the internet deobandi] is far different to what it was. but, we still know that apart from the internet and in front of arabs, the everyday deobandi in the subcontinent still considers it shirk to say ya rasulAllah. who speaks for these lot?
Assalaamu Alaykum, The author of Durood e Taj was no other than 'Sayyidinah Sheikh Abu Bakr Ibn Salim (radi allahu anho). Please take a look at the link below. Wassalaamu Alaykum
alaHazrat's assertion in subHan as-subbuH about liars having bad memory's is so true. here, another imam e ahle sunnat, aHmad sa'eed kazmi raHimahullah, refutes another ignoble. we hope the wahabiya can see sense but as alaHazrat says: wa laakinna'l wahabiya laqawmun la ya'qilun
Darud Taj is my favourite darud. I love it. Aside from the magnificent praise of the Habib in it, the linguistic qualities are also mesmerising. Listening to it/reciting it is a pleasure.
As salamu alaikum, Shaykh Gibril Haddad offers his brilliant defense. In response to the Gangohi fatwa qoted by Sidi Aqdas, he writes "As to Darud Taj - quoted in full below -, it contains nothing except Tawhid and praise of the Prophet in obedience of the Divine command to the believers to {invoke abundant blessings and greetings upon him} in addition to a summary of his mu`jizat and shama'il, and it is a strange fatwa indeed to question its manifest pure Sunni character."
firstly, a few pages of al-amnu wa'l 'ula will help. my master imam ahmad raza says there are 2 types of haqiqi (1) dhaati (2) 'ataai so rasulullah sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam is the haqiqi helper with the 'ata of Allah. it can obviously mean he is the means of removing difficulties but he can actually remove the difficulties himself with the power that Allah has given him jalla wa 'ula wa sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam secondly and sadly, knowingly or unknowingly, a few points have been missed by ibn adam. he says i'm afraid this is wrong. ibn adam is trying to protect his deobandi masters. but the truth is: Gangohi Fatwas On "Darud Taj" [The invocation of blessings on the Prophet (saws) called "The Crown"] 2. Question : What do the 'ulama of Deen say in regard to the excellence, merits and proofs of Durood-e-Taj which is established among the majority of muslims especially amongst the ignorant, and in which the following words [=qualities] are ascribed to the Prophet ('alaihis salaam) : "One who repels calamities, epidemics, droughts, ailments and anxieties." Is the recitation of this Durood and accepting its excellence and merits is established/proven by the Shariah ruling or not? Or is it Shirk? or Bid'a ? Answer : Whatever excellence is attributed to Durood-e-Taj by the ignorant (jahil) is absolutely wrong. And its status is impossible to be defined, until outlined by the Legislator (Holy Prophet) 'alaihi salaam. And this Durood was drafted years after [him]. So how can the reading of this wording (seegha) of durood be declared worthy of reward? To disregard the wordings of durood which are established by sahih hadith and hope for merits in this (durood) and reciting it, is Bid'a Dalaala. And since there are shirkiyah statements (contaminated with shirk) included in it, there is a great danger of misleading the beliefs of masses. So the reading of this Durood is FORBIDDEN. And the teaching of Durood-e-Taj to the masses is like giving them lethal poison, because many people will become victims of contaminated shirk beliefs and that causes them to be destroyed. Source: Fatawa-e-Rashidia Lahore ed. page 162, Delhi ed. Volume 3, Page 98-9, Lines 9,10,11,12 and 1,2,3,4 hence, the fatwa that durud e taj is fine to recite is all good but trying to cover up the mistakes of that person who has lesser knowledge than shaytan [gangohi] is another deobandi trick.
it seem okay although one can still detects parts of deobandi bughaz in it. ala hazrat wrote a whole book saying it is fine to call the prophet 'dafi' ul bala' -remover of calamities with over 100 proof texts from quran and hadith. of course no one believes the prophet can help without Allah's will and this is just mean-ness on the part of the deo author to try to prevent people from reading it.
salam I was just browsing the internet today and came across this article on reciting Durood Taj. Is it correct?