fatawa alahazrat - 1

Discussion in 'Bibliography' started by abu Hasan, Dec 17, 2005.

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  1. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    i am sorry, the sentense was a negative and it slipped somehow by mistake. i have corrected it above. i will confirm it when i go back home, inshaAllah.

    and yes, makruh as in makruh tahrimah.

    Allah ta'ala knows best.
  2. Wadood

    Wadood Veteran


    I am highlighting the words of Imam Ahmad RaDa :ra:

    However, according to the unanimity of the scholars [ijmāá] certain heresies are not disbelief. It is mentioned in Khulāşatu’l Fatāwā, Fat’ĥu’l Qadīr and Hindiyyah: ‘Concerning the rafiđi, if he just elevates the status of Áli upon others, he is a heretic [mubtadiý] whereas if he rejects the khilāfah of Abū Bakr, he is a kāfir’

    jazakAllah khayr Sidi Abu Hasan for the post, it gave me a lot of solace
  3. :s1:

    thanks for this nectar! more more! THIS is the information type which sunnis need more of on our forums!
  4. Haroon

    Haroon Guest

    Jazakallah khayr for the post. I just have some follow-up questions though

    And the funeral prayer or the slaughtered animal of such a person becomes invalid and impermissible to partake

    Can you clarify if this means that such a person's janzazah prayer is not accepted, or if it means that and also that one is sinful for attending such a prayer.

    generally, if they are from the people of qiblah and who does not exaggerate his heresy such that he is ruled a kafir, it is even permitted to pray behind him though it is undesirable [makrūh]’

    Makruh as in tahrime?

    To curse [laánah] is a very serious matter and one should try to prevent muslims from falling into it; infact, it is not permissible to send curses [laánah] on even the kāfirs until it is proved from Qur’ān and ĥadīth that such a person has died as a disbeliever.

    Actually this is one of the major diseases of the times that we are so careless in cursing our own fellow muslims, never mind the kafirs. And it fits in very well with the internet muslims especially i think.
  5. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    Fatāwā Riđāwiyyah, vol.21, page 220 (27th Safar 1338 AH)
    Question 76:

    a. What is the legal ruling concerning a person who:

    - makes Taáziyah [1] with the belief that it is a form of worship and merits reward, and encourages others to do so.
    - who respects such objects and walks barefoot [as a mark of respect] and also recites elegies [2] whilst accompanying the táziyah.

    b. Shah Ábdu’l Ázīz raĥimahullāh says in his fatāwā [3]: ‘whosoever commits a bidáh with the belief that it is worship is out of the boundaries of islam.’[4] he reports a ĥadīth from Ibn Mājah [5] which is summarized thus: ‘the man of bidáh comes out of islam like a hair comes out of kneaded flour.’ What does he [Shah Ábdu’l Ázīz] mean by: ‘is out of the boundaries of islam.’ Does he mean that such a person is a disbeliever and an apostate or just a heretic rafiđi?

    c. What is the ruling concerning his dhabīĥah?[6] Is it permitted to eat such slaughtered meat or not?

    d. Is it permissible to attend the funeral of such a person?

    e. What is the status of those people who are the followers of a person respecting táziyah?

    f. What is the difference between such a worshipper of táziyah and a polytheist worshipping idols?

    g. Has any luminary from the chishtiyyah order made a táziyah or ordered a táziyah to be made?

    To make a táziyah is certainly prohibited and it is a bidáh; but certainly it is not disbelief. Let alone the funeral prayer or the slaughtered animal of such a person to become invalid or impermissible to partake. To hold an extreme opinion in favor or against is deplorable [7].

    Even if one passes over the fact that the ĥadīth mentioned is very weak, the explanation of the ĥadīth is that it describes bidáh that is kufr or is a warning that committing bidáh makes one belief incomplete. If it was meant to be absolute, then every vile bidáh would become disbelief; particularly when one considers it to be good. [In such a case] the bidáh of belief surely amounts to kufr, since that is its definition:

    [Bidáh] is that new belief which is opposed to that which we have received from RasūlAllāh şallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam and has been rigorously authenticated as it is reported in Baĥr ar-Rāyiq [8]

    However, according to the unanimity of the scholars [ijmāá] certain heresies are not disbelief. It is mentioned in Khulāşatu’l Fatāwā, Fat’ĥu’l Qadīr and Hindiyyah [9]: ‘Concerning the rafiđi, if he just elevates the status of Áli upon others, he is a heretic [mubtadiý] whereas if he rejects the khilāfah of Abū Bakr, he is a kāfir’

    It is also in Khulāşah [10]: ‘If he says that Allāh táālā has a hand or a foot like his slaves, he is a kafir; but if he says Allāh has a form unlike any other form, he is a heretic’

    It is further said in Khulāşah [11]: ‘generally, if they are from the people of qiblah and who does not exaggerate his heresy such that he is ruled a kafir, it is even permitted to pray behind him though it is undesirable [makrūh]’

    There are a thousand other articles that come to the same conclusion, then how is it possible to make an absolute statement? [that every bidáh is kufr]

    Yes, the actions mentioned in the question are wrong and it is not right to do bay-áh with such a person since it is among the conditions that a shaykh should be a true sunni. To curse [laánah] is a very serious matter and one should try to prevent muslims from falling into it; infact, it is not permissible to send curses [laánah] on even the kāfirs until it is proved from Qur’ān and ĥadīth that such a person has died as a disbeliever. [12]

    1. Objects used by the shiáh in mourning; some are mounted like flags on poles and some others are in the shape of a hand signifying the ‘noble five.’
    2. Marthiyah
    3. Fatāwā Ázīziyyah, vol.1/p.71
    4. dayirah e islam se kharij hai
    5. Ibn Mājah – bāb ijtinābi’l bidýi wa’l jadal
    6. Slaughter prescribed by Islamic Law
    7. ifrāţ o tafrīţ donoN mazmum haiN
    8. Baĥr ar-Rāyiq vol.1/349 [kitābu’s şalāh]
    9. Fatāwā Hindiyyah vol.2/p.264 [bāb aĥkāmu’l murtaddīn]
    10. Khulāşah vol.1/p.49 [kitābu’s şalah] : idhā qāla inna lillāhi yadan aw rijlan kamā li’l íbād fa huwa kāfir wa in qāla jismun lā ka’l ajsām fa huwa mubtadiý
    11. Khulāşah vol.1/p.49 [kitābu’s şalah]
    12. “laanat bahut sakht cheez hai; har musalman ko is sey bachaya jaaye; balkey layīn kafir par bhi laanat jaayiz nahiN jab tak uska kufr par marna qur’an o ĥadīs se sabit na ho.” It is obvious that it is impossible to send laánat on anybody not mentioned in Qur’an and Ĥadīth. Note that he means cursing a certain person by a name.

    Allāh táālā knows best.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2010

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