imam mustafa raza khan barelwi raHimahullah names his fatawa al-Mukarramat an-nabawiyyah fi'l fatawa al-mustafawiyyah. imam mustafa riDa's, `alayhir RaHmatu wa'r riDwan love for RasulAllah Sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam shows even in the titles he chooses. by doing so, he partakes of the barakah of Rasul's mention. sallAllahu 'alaihi wasallam. the numerical value, i am sure, does not come to the year it was compiled.
imam riDa's love it is the same book. imam aHmed riDa's, `alayhir RaHmatu wa'r riDwan love for RasulAllah Sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam shows even in the titles he chooses. al-`aTaaya an-nabawiyyah, fi'l fatawa ar-riDawiyyah by doing so, he partakes of the barakah of Rasul's mention. among other reasons, adding up characters of the name gives the year of the first compilation. wallahu a`alam.
Assalamu 'Alaikum! Al 'ataa an-Nabawiyah fil Fatawa ar-Radawiyah and Fatawa Ridwiyah are one and the same, right? I saw one of the volumes today, it had the full title on the front cover but inside, when listing major Hanafi fatawa works, the two were listed separately. Wassalam