I am not trying to imply anything. I believe it. I actually say the same for Imam Ali(a): nubuwwat hi se tu `aatil hai Ya Ali!
Mujaddid A'azam radi Allahu Ta'ala 'anhu says: Uluhiyyat hi Ahmad ne nah paie, Nubuwwat hi se tu 'aatil hai ya Ghaws! Sall Allahu 'alaihi wa Aalihi wasallam wa radi Allahu Ta'ala 'anhu What are you trying to imply
I have heard Ulema dis-allowing such statements. It gives the impression that prophet-hood is a possibility.
subhanAllah! Ghaus e azam dastageer only lacked prophethood otherwise he had all the attributes and qualities.
Imaam Ahmad Raza says: Hain pusht panaah Ghaws e A'azam, Kyun darte ho tum Raza kisi se! Subhaan Allah