Biography of Imam Yusuf al Nabhani (Rh) (1265/1849-1350/1932) : By Shaykh Gibril
Shaykh Yusuf Nabahani was NOT from ahl albayt. He passed away in the early 1900's. Doubt that very much as his works revolve around hadith compilation and tafsir, aswell as poetry. He does not have works on math etc
Sidi Chisti, I do not. First I am hearing of it. I would imagine though that the noble allamah and sayyid and imam would have written it all in arabic and so only an arabic reader (like AH for example) could answer your q. I personally have never heard that before. When did Sayyid Imam Nabahani live :ra: ? I ask as most developments in AI and informatics have come only since the WW2.
I have read somewhere that the great Imam al-Nabhani's - radiAllahu anhu - works had a considerable influence in the development of AI and informatics. do you know anything of this sidi NJ? (or anyone else)
Here is a youtube link to a series of lectures at MIT based on this book (highly recommended for people interested in mathematics and the pure sciences as well as AI and computer systems not to mention Bach etc.)
warning: serious nerd alert!! this book is famous for being mind food for those who really enjoy intellectual stimulation. I am going to semi-(re)read it (I started it when i was much younger but my mind wasn't developed enough then!) and will recommend it to others too (esp. abu Hasan!) so what's it about: