Habib Ali at St Peters Church for tea and cake

Discussion in 'Bickering' started by Ammar ibn Yasir, Apr 15, 2015.

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  1. Ammar ibn Yasir

    Ammar ibn Yasir New Member

    I was unaware that this was the opinion of Imam al Shafi'i Radi Allahu Anhu, Jazak'Allah Khair!
  2. Musafir

    Musafir Active Member


    I don't think Habib Ali is was asserting any covenants - having tea with the christian clergy, before that calling the coptic pope 'holiness' and going to his condolence ceremony, greeting the christians with christmas greetings - what kind of example is this creating for the laypeople - ask yourself are these actions clarifying the uniqueness of Islam, it's exclusiveness in being the truth in the minds of the laypeople? Or opening the doors to attending the funerals of disbelievers, throwing Christmas parties, perenialism etc?

    As for the leniency in segregation inside these events is it calling to women to adopt the way of Sayyida Fatima radiallahu anha - the best of women is she who is not heard nor seen by a non-mahram (to the approximate meaning of her words) - or is it leading to free mixing in 'islamic' events?
  3. Wadood

    Wadood Veteran

    no bro, i am not sure. i was being facetious, repeating what admirers tell me daily in Canada. They say he is a faqih, since his teacher Habib Omar is a faqih, an 'alim. Habib 'Umar could be, but i dont believe Habib Ali is. i believe he is a pretender from jeddah.

    jeddah is the most "liberal" place in saudi arabia, liberal in the case for Sunnis, because of their strong links and habits with British colonialism. They are also ultra rich people. that explains the frequent flash news about personalities like kashghari and the recent facebook blogger being flogged or under death sentence. Tens of thousands of Jeddahites study in the West and take "liberal" thoughts back home. Most of them come from Sunni Hijazi backgrounds, and a lot of them are children of Ahbaab or Qurayshis or Sadaat.

    i think Habib Ali is a by-product of British Colonialism
  4. Wadood

    Wadood Veteran

    brother, protection of the life and property of non-Muslims in Muslim lands is a separate issue. The issue here is that it is illegal for a Muslim to enter an idol house like a church, where devils gather, and it is illegal to enter the graveyard of christians where they (the christian idol worshippers) are under 'Azaab. This is the Shafi'i madhab.
  5. Ammar ibn Yasir

    Ammar ibn Yasir New Member

    Assalamu'Alaykum respected brothers, what is exactly wrong with this? I am being sincere and not looking to argue as I was aware that Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam had covenants to protect the christians of St Catherine monastery in the Sinai, Egypt as well as Najran and Persia. Please correct me if I have made an error. Jazak'Allah!
  6. Musafir

    Musafir Active Member

  7. Ghulam

    Ghulam Veteran

    Are you sure he is a trained Faqih?
  8. Musafir

    Musafir Active Member

    It's described as a Church Hall so it may be a separate building owned by the Church but not a Church itself?

    However in 2012: resize_image (1).jpg


    In Leicester, Habib Ali spoke at the St. Philip’s Centre, a Church that is well renowned for it’s extensive interfaith work...
  9. Wadood

    Wadood Veteran

    so, it is true. Habib Ali is standing in a church!

    i believe the ruling in the Shafi'i madhab is that it is HARAAM for a Muslim to enter a church! because the church is a piece of hell on earth, where the shayateen gather. Habib Ali should know this because he is a trained faqih in the shafi'i madhab. But now i think he is violating the madhab of Imam al Shafi'i raDyAllahu 'anhu

    how can he stand in an idol house? where idols are worshipped? the cross is an idol. and it is a house of pure kufr!
  10. Wadood

    Wadood Veteran

  11. Wadood

    Wadood Veteran

    i think it is HARAAM for a Muslim to enter the graveyards of christians, who are actually idol worshippers. Their graveyards are considered pieces of hell on earth because the kuffar in the graveyards are being given 'Azaab. This is the ruling in the Shafi'i Madhab, please correct me.

    Please can someone confirm that Habib Ali visited the graveyard of the christians? I always make sure that these graveyards are never in my path, and i try to stay away from them as much as possible.
    Ghulam Ali likes this.
  12. Musafir

    Musafir Active Member


    In Leicester, Habib Ali spoke at the St. Philip’s Centre, a Church that is well renowned for it’s extensive interfaith work and which is located next to the Umar ibn al-Khattab Mosque. The topic was lessons to be learnt from the life the Prophet Jesus on being a good neighbor and coexistence.
  13. Musafir

    Musafir Active Member

    The handing over of the beads

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  14. AbdalQadir

    AbdalQadir time to move along! will check pm's.

    He walks out really happy. Did the priest baptize him and offer him the communion?
  15. Ghulam

    Ghulam Veteran

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