Janaab are back from Kotli. They can be seen serving the sanghis.
he had posted the image without any comments. the image had filled the page (am getting annoyed of this now). so i removed the inline attachment (meaning it appears at thumbnail and clicking on it shows the full picture). when i deleted the
I hope Shaykh Zahid is not twins with Habib Ali in thinking Why was Ghulam's post edited by a moderator out of curiosity?
If I'm not mistaken this is the same place?
Strengthening Families: The Role of Mediation and Advocacy Harrow Central Mosque, LondonLondon Above event pictures posted on Habib Ali's English Facebook - to the right of him at the front a woman with no parda at all... It gets worse and worse “I called the police because I felt intimidated.” Habib and his Hadrami Hoodies caused big rollay in Solihull. Habib Ali and his men should do some social tajdid like Robin Hood and take from the rich of Solihull for the poor immigrants
Hazrat Pir e Tariqat Sufi e Basafa Allama Sufi Javed - Sajadah Nasheen Astana Alia Small Heath Sharif with Habib Ali.
Sounds dangerous: Yesterday at 11:28 · Edited · Day 7 (Afternoon) 7th April, 2015 Birmingham, UK Habib Ali made a special visit to the Ghamkol Sharif mosque to read a prayer at the resting place of Shaykh Abdullah Khan. He was received by Shaykh Abdullah's eldest son and members of the mosque management. The rest of the afternoon was spent meeting students of sacred knowledge and discussing critical issues of contemporary concern, including atheism, extremism, religious renewal (tajdīd) and the sharia principles for understanding modern matters through the Islamic scholastic tradition.
What happened to the parda in these 'spiritual' gatherings - no wonder the sidis up and down the country are bringing down the barriers
You can probably get a Ibn Adam Nasarani to write a similar account after they have met him. The importance of unity and the Muslim /christian split would get discussed and a 'Common Word'. He would probably mention that it will be difficult for the elders of both communities to do away with their differences, thus it was the duty and responsibility of the younger generation to take on this important task upon themselves. It looks like Ibn Devbandi and his cohorts are no longer entertaining the Hadrami. Do not think the brother from Sensa is a Murid of Janab but is of his twin
its clear they don't know and they are being duped by Habib Ali. i can tell you 100% from the pics you are posting brother, that Habib Ali is a dramatist. He goes to different places duping people. This is his agenda.
That is very bad news. Scholars like allamah muzaffar hussain shah ridawi and shaykh asrar may allah protect them need to talk about to these people and try to explain it to them..its not too difficult. If they still do not accept that the differences are major and not minor them it should be a "name and shame" job done. Just because someone is a syed and from the arab lands doesnt meen that they can push major differences under the carpet.. I seen a video on youtube which someone has entitled "habib umar warns about shaykh asrar" some sunnis from birmingham have been sending this video and are beginning to say that shaykh asrar is a Doesnt matter if they from arab lands and they can speek arabic..if they try to mess with principals they gonna get it BIGG! There main role is to celebrate milaad, all the awaam think that they are ahle sunnah, when you try explaining they say "oh they do mawlid every week lol"