Hamza tzortzis - unsure of his 'aqida, can i listen to him?

Discussion in 'Aqidah/Kalam' started by Unbeknown, Oct 13, 2013.

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  1. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    all the internal veins are blocked, that is why there is a bypass on the outside. this heart is prone to suffer a massive heart attack.

    but upon reflection, i realised that it is a congenital condition - there is a ventricular AND atrial septal defect in that heart, and in an incurable condition.

    alHamdulillah ala niymat al-islam.
  2. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    since you are a follower of pir abdul qadir sahib, you are piping his dismay where he attacked imam bukhari of narrating from khawarij. my sincere request to you and your shaykh is to go and read ibn Hajar's introduction to bukhari which examines every such narrator in detail and the reason why imam bukhari narrated from them. it is known as had'y al-sari - do look it up. also, when you have time, paste the relevant portion from tadrib al-rawi on narration of ahl al-bid'ah and its rules.

    in one speech of PAQS, he extolled the book kifayah of khatib baghdadi, and termed it as an advanced book on usul-hadith; and came up with such fantastic conclusions as: "if it is a hadith of fazayil, take it even from a kafir.." or something like that...i quote from memory, but please correct me if i am mistaken.

    which actually proves your point of taking hadith from even kafirs.

    pardon my lack of knowledge, but there must be some difference between common people taking a hadith from anybody and a hadith scholar including the hadith of a person known to be a bidyi (i.e., non-sunni) due to certain reasons? also, is this rule of 'take from anybody' generic?

    on second thoughts, this could be a red herring. you must be hinting and seconding your zindiq buddy who runs that despicable forum in maligning imam bukhari - but unlike straightforward people like us, you guys have to use covert methods.

    Allah ta'ala knows best.
  3. Nawazuddin

    Nawazuddin Veteran

    Hamza Tzortzis is a salafi wahabi. I know this from wahabi tv channels where he frequents.
  4. Nawazuddin

    Nawazuddin Veteran

    actually, a hadith transmitter does not have to be sunni, for example, in sahihayn we find many who were khawarij. here is an excerpt from tadrib al-rawi about Bukhari/Muslim reporting from non-sunnis:

    أردت أن أسرد هنا من رمي ببدعة ممن أخرج لهم البخاري ومسلم أو أحدهما، وهم: إبراهيم بن طهمان، أيوب بن عائذ الطائي، ذر بن عبد الله المرهبي، شبابة بن سوار، عبد الحميد بن عبد الرحمن، أبو يحيى الحماني، عبد المجيد بن عبد العزيز بن أبي رواد عثمان بن غياث البصري، عمر بن ذر، عمرو بن مرة، محمد بن خازم، أبو معاوية الضرير، ورقاء بن عمر اليشكري، يحيى بن صالح الوحاظي يونس بن بكير: هؤلاء رموا بالإرجاء، وهو تأخير القول في الحكم على مرتكب الكبائر بالنار،عكرمة مولى ابن عباس، الوليد بن كثير: هؤلاء : حرورية وهم الخوارج الذين أنكروا على علي التحكيم وتبرءوا منه ومن عثمان وذويه وقاتلوهم، عمران بن حطان من القعدية الذين يرون الخروج على الأئمة ولا يباشرون ذلك، فهؤلاء المبتدعة ممن أخرج لهم الشيخان أو أحدهما
  5. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    i am not a genius, but anybody can tell that it is a diagramma ridiculus based on cognitio absurdus.

  6. Unbeknown

    Unbeknown Senior Moderator

    why do you say that the KCA weak? or are you saying that Craig's using a weak version of it?




    b.t.w this craig, for all his logic and reason, is a nutter nonetheless when it comes to the christian concept of God.


    any genius can explain the following figure to me?

  7. Unbeknown

    Unbeknown Senior Moderator

    IslamOrAtheism - Which Makes More Sense?
    Lawrence Krauss & Hamza Tzortzis


    well just saw this lecture where he quoted ibn taymiyyah as a great islamic philosopher who said that:

    -> the world must have a beginning and doesn't exist pre-eternally
    -> He musty be transcendent- distinct from the creation-
    for e.x if I 'create' this lectern do i become a lectern?

    although we all know that he's held views contradictory, at least in their implications, to the above mentioned beliefs. So whilst he could have quoted anyone else from the scholars of kalam, especially the Imams Asha'ari and maturidi or Imam Ghazzali, he chose ibn taymiyyah. clearly there's a bent towards the wahhabis in him.

    Secondly the title itself is so open, to the atheist atheism might well be 'sensible'.

    Finally the debate reinforced a very important lesson: It is Allah who guides. The professor sounded like one who has got a seal on his heart. I found that if an atheist listens to this lecture he'll become even more confident of his atheism.

    The purely 'rational' 'intellectual' path to truth is hopelessly long! There are so many involved concepts. Even if you're saved the scourge of atheism, you've still got a long journey ahead- you've to find islam - then sunnism -then the ahlussunah, taking care to bypass the 'modernist - interfaith dialogue' camp!!!

    And there are people who simply convert to the ahlussunnah in one go. And look at us, we're BORN sunnis. Oh its mind-staggering how BIG is Allah's (ar-Rahmaan - ar-Raheem) favor to us.
    Now if we don't value this by taking every care to stay on the straight path -by continuously taking knowledge, avoiding company of the heretics and the kuffar, avoiding the kabair and praying for a good end all the time . . . how ungrateful it is of us!

    Here a great thing i learnt:
    After wudu:

    1) raise your arms towards the sky and look towards it (even-if you've a roof or something blocking direct view of the sky).
    2) Say the shahadah
    3) Recite "subhanakAllahumma-wa-bi-Hamdika-lailaha-illa-anta-astagfiruka-wa-atubu-ilayk"
    4) Then the dua you normallly recite after wudu
    5) Finally recite darood on our beloved Prophet (peace be upon him) and his family.
    6)optionally, recirte surah Qadr, preferably thrice

    The Hadith says, one who does this, the angels will write it for him on a piece of leather which will be folded and sealed, then this deed of his will be preserved and never be lost.

    From this some scholars have concluded that whoever does this, he shall hopefully be safe from apostasy, for apostasy invalidates all good deeds and the hadith says that it will never be lost. Wallahu'alam.

    Just as Allah(azzawajal) has given us the beautiful gift of iman due to His benevolence and not our earning, may He make us die in the same state out of His benevolence and not bring upon us the effect of our misdeeds. Ameen.
  8. He uses the christian, weak, ripped-off from the sunni mutakallimun, "Kalam Cosmological Argument" of Mr. Craig, and at the same time is daring enough to condemn "Kalam" as a whole. This undoubtedly is a result of wahhabi influence. However, his good work cannot be denied.
  9. MrRational

    MrRational New Member

    Assalamulaikum everyone,

    I understand that this is an old thread, however, I was hoping someone could shed some light on a few issues I have with the conclusions reached. I've actually followed brother Hamza Tzortzis' lectures for almost three years now.

    I'm honestly not sure how it was concluded that he is a Wahhabi? In all his presentations and debates, he relies on philosophical argumentation, rationality, and the arguments developed by the scholars of Kalaam. He constantly emphasizes the need for critical thinking and reflection. As far as I know, Hamza is rather silent about Ash'ari/Maturidi vs. Wahhabi related topics. Although, another member of iERA named Saqib Sattar claims to be a "Wahhabi" on his facebook page under "religion": "Muslim - Wahhabi"

    I'm only raising these issues, because his works have been of great use to me in my discussions with many atheists. I feel he's a wealth of information, and it would be absolutely wrong to label him falsely without adequate information. This would mislead people away from him. He along with the iERA team went to the World Atheist Conference and single handedly engaged all the big shot atheists such as Richard Dawkins, PZ Myers in dialogues etc. On the other hand, if he actually has deviant ideas, I'd like to know!

    I await your further elaboration!

    Thank you and Salaam,


    PS: although, interestingly at the most recent lecture I attended he said something like: "...And remember deep thinking, reflection and logical reasoning is different from Kalaam which is like a dirty concept in Islam - speculative theology..." I wanted to approach him on this and ask if he was referring to scholars such as Imam Al-Ghazzali as well (even though he uses his arguments all the time). I'm not sure what he meant...
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2011
  10. I do not disagree with anyone here, but it is ineteresting to note that he often if not always uses the arguments of the Mutakallimun in his debates.
  11. SA01

    SA01 Veteran

    JZK bro. Knew I could count on my bros/sisters on here :)
  12. Last edited by a moderator: Nov 26, 2009
  13. SA01

    SA01 Veteran

    O gosh......OK. Any info u can give me (evidence) so I can pass to my colleagues pls?
  14. Hamza Tzortzis is a confirmed Wahhabi deviant. Stay away from him.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 26, 2009
  15. SA01

    SA01 Veteran

    Does anyone know any more on this individual.......have another invite to a lecture! LOL......or perhaps I should just go and find out for myself?
  16. SA01

    SA01 Veteran


    :)....that's exactly what i aimed to ascertain by posing my question. JazakAllahu Khayrun.
  17. SA01

    SA01 Veteran

    Thanks for all the comments. I wasn't doubting the person's aqeedah, just that I have never heard of him and was wondering whether anyone had been to any of his lectures.

    Just that an acquaintance posted a link for participation in the lecture and I thought best to enquire from more knowledgeable sources on here about him.

    Indeed, true Sunni aqeedah is something we all must strive to attain and maintain insha'allah.
  18. AbdalQadir

    AbdalQadir time to move along! will check pm's.

    Just to clarify my last post, I wasn't suggesting we take knowledge of the deen from this person or others like him about whom we are not sure - in case it appeared so.

    I spoke of him as someone whom we may not be sure of or indeed who may himself not be sure of his sectarian leanings.

    My point was to treat him (and others like him) softly as someone who can potentially benefit from the dawah and tableegh efforts of us Sunnis and hopefully insha Allah help in the cause of Sunni-ism himself - that is - we do not see him as an ustadh or authority we are unsure of and therefore shun him till we are sure but rather as a smaller brother who can be moulded into Sunni-ism, bi idhnillaah, through some hikmah, compassion and leniency (unless he already is a Sunni).

    They are two totally different paradigms and for the most part us Sunnis employ the former and it has set us back a fair bit and the wahabis employ the latter. As rude and obnoxious as they are to Sunnis who are set in the Sunni ways, they do bait less knowledgeable people and converts with the second attitude I spoke about.

    We really need to shift our perceptions and think laterally in some cases, so I feel.
  19. Noori

    Noori Senior Moderator

    الرجل على دين خليله فلينظر أحدكم من يخالل

    A person is upon the religion of his friend, so let every one of you look to whom he keeps as a friend (tirmidhi:2484)

    i am sure it applies also to whom he seeks knowledge from.
    Ghulam Ali likes this.
  20. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    one ought to investigate the person before taking deen from them. the principle of good opinion should be employed for all your dealings except when you take your deen, you just cross-check to be doubly sure.

    when a hadith is narrated, it is a foregone conclusion that the matn/text is undisputed as long as its narrators are sound. so we first investigate the narrators (of course, our elders did almost all of it leaving nothing or very little for us to do, thankfully*).

    we don't say, 'oh, let us have good opinion about him and take this hadith.'

    Allah ta'ala knows best.

    *'thankfully' is used in two ways: first thankful because we are not as capable and they took a huge burden off our backs and second thankful because they were so thorough and rigorous, they pre-empted false and corrupt analysis saving us a second task of defending it.
    Ghulam Ali likes this.

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