You need to timestamp the original video. It's from around 1:40:00 where MH claims asrar rashid did says its shirk with or without the belief in independence. Although MH can't be trusted, I would point out
Note that i respect the shaykh - i just want to know if the position transmitted is correctly transmitted and if it is the sunni view See at the end Shaykh Asrar hafizahullahu ta'ala mentions tasarruf (sorry not takwin but tasarruf) Shaykh Asrar here mentions (hafizahullahu ta'ala) that Awliya have tasarruf Did Shaykh Asrar Rashid just deny mukhtar e kull and ikhtiyar of the Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم and the Awliya radhiyallahu anhum? Because here Shaykh Asrar says Awliya have takwin: