Durood Shifa ul Quloob, also known as Salat al Tibbiyah. Shaykh Sulayman Abdu Rabbihi al-Qalyubi رحمة اللّٰہ تعالی علیہ states that رسول اللّٰہ صلی اللّٰہ علیہ و سلم granted him his vision in a state of wakefulness and instructed him to recite Durood e Shifa with the following words: اللهم صل و سلم و بارک علی سیدنا و مولانا محمد طب القلوب و دوائها و عافیة الابدان و شفائها و نور الابصار و ضیائها و روح الارواح و سر بقائها و آلہ و صحبہ دآئما ابدا
Is the mentioned durood e shifa the one called durood e shifa e quloob, اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد طب القلوب ودوايها وعافية الابدان وشفايها ونور الابصار وضيايها وعلى اله وصحبه وسلم Or اللهم صل على روح سيدنا محمد في الارواح وعلى جسده في الاجساد وعلى قبره في القبور وعلى اله وصحبه وسلم ?
Dua e Barhati is attributed to Suleiman علیہ السلام and said to be in the Syriac language, and Dua e Zajar in Arabic. Dua Qarshia is also said to be in Syriac and attributed to ‘Isa علیہ السلام. All three Duas are mentioned and written in full in Jawahir e Khamsa of Shah Muhammad Ghawth Gawaliari رحمة اللّٰہ تعالیعلیہ They are also mentioned by name in the book Siraj ul Awarif fil Wasaya wal Ma’arif, of Shah Abul Hussain Ahmad Noori رحمة اللّٰہ تعالی علیہ، where he states they were part of his daily Awrad, so the above mentioned Duas are part of the Wird of Mashaikh e Barkatiyya. As for Hizbul Bahr, the Ijazat of the Deobandis is invalid, because Imaan is a condition of transmitting Ijazat. The link below is to a book containing the text of Hizbul Bahr, and its asnaad of Ijazat, from the Mashaikh and Ulama e Ahle Sunnat. https://www.noor-book.com/en/ebook-...d-By-Pir-Tariq-Ahmad-Shah-دعائے-حزب-البحر-pdf Generally speaking, the Ijazat for A’maal could be split into two main types: The individual receives Ijazat for a specific amal, such as Dua e Saifi. This Ijazat is also of two types: a. The individual was given Ijazat to recite the amal himself, he is not able to grant anyone else Ijazat. If he does so his own Ijazat will be considered nullified. b. The individual was given Ijazat to complete the Zakat e Kabeer of the Dua, after which he becomes Amil of the Dua and Sahib e Ijazat. He is now eligible to grant Ijazat to others, with the permission of the Shaykh. 2. When the Mashaikh bestow Khilafat of their Silsila upon an individual, this will include Ijazat in the Awrad o Wazaif, Zikr o Azkar, A’mal o Ashghaal, Taweezat o Nuqoosh, etc. of the Silsila. A Khalifa is therefore Sahib e Ijazat, regardless of whether he has performed the Zakat of A’maal or not. He can now grant Ijazat to recite a’maal to others. I would not give any weight to the ‘Ijazat’ from eShaykh, and it is highly likely that if anyone reads Dua e Saifi with this ‘Ijazat’, he will be afflicted by Ruj’at. There are several causes of Ruj’at: The individual read an amal without Ijazat. The individual read an amal with Ijazat but without correct promunciation. The individual read an amal with Ijazat and correct pronunciation, but did not read continuously, i.e., he skipped some days then continued reading. In the first case, he should stop reading the Amal immediately. For the other cases, the individual should continue reciting the Amal, but rectify his errors in pronunciation and not miss any days of the Amal. The Mashaikh have given many methods of curing Ruj’at. One method is to recite the following every night after Isha: 111 times یا شیخ عبد القادر جیلانی شیئا للّٰہ, followed by Surah ‘Abasa 7 times, and Ya Ghaffaru Ya Sattaru 1000 times, with Durood e Shifa 11 times before and after. Blow on water and drink. Another method is to recite the following Asma 313 times daily after ‘Asr: اللهم یا رافع الدرجات، اللهم یا عظیم البرکات، اللهم یا مجیب الدعوات And give Sadqah daily, or a minimum of every Tuesday and Saturday.
Is dua e berhati even an authentic dua? Is it not the one which is attributed to Prophet Suleiman(alayhis salam)? Dua zajar as well, could anyone be kind and provide the chain of transimission of these two duas? And what about the dua qarshisa? Supposedly from 'Isa( alayhis salam)? The brihati has some words which are rather unknown as I've been told, whereas others say its words has syriac origins and have proper meanings. As for Hizb Al bahr, its chain is known and widespread and most of it is simply quranic verses and duas from hadith, everything in pure arabic and known meanings. but from where did the origin of ijazat come from? Does the Ijaza from someone like the semi-masonic,new-age loving Naqshbandi- 'haqqani' mean anything, they give general ijazat for many duas, hizb al bahr included? Or what about deobandi pirs, or false sufis who give ijazat. Do they carry any benefit or is every mureed being fooled into a state of ru'jat by reciting with such 'ijazat'? For instance the ijazat to read dua e sayfi on eshaykh. Is such a mureed entering a state of rujat? Or is all harm reaching the false sheikh? Then again, how does one then leave a state of ru'jat and return to a normal state? Just curious since I have not been able to wrap my head around this ijazat aspect of tasawwuf.
بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم۔ It is true that in some Salasil e Tariqat the ijazat for Hizbul Bahr and Hizbun Nasr are a general Ijazat for all Mureeds. However, other Mashaikh place the restriction that their Mureeds must first obtain special permssion before reciting. The same applies for Qasida e Ghousia and Nad e Ali. As for Chehel Qaaf, you may have misunderstood it for a different dua. Chehel Kaaf with a ک is more well-known, but chehel Qaaf with a ق definitely does not have general ijazat and very few people will have even seen a copy of the dua. If you wish, I can send an image of the Dua. Dua e Haideri also requires special Ijazat and as far as I am aware no Tariqa gives general permission for its recitation. As for the ruling relating to Durood, I was referring to the practice of reciting any durood in a large amount (کثرت کے ساتھ) whilst walking about and conducting daily activities, this is what I have heard from some Mashaikh. There is a video on Youtube in Urdu about the Adaab of Durood Sharif in which this point is mentioned by the Shaykh, I can send you the link if you wish.
can someone who knows more about this ijaza for wazaif issue correct me if i'm wrong - but the duas highlighted in red are given general ijaza's for all as far as i know. i don't remember now about duae Haideri are you talking about specific awrad/wazaif that are Durood Shareef based, or as a mutlaq ruling for all times and places and all Duroods?
بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم۔ I realise that this thread has been quiet for some time, but I thought I would add some points of my own for the benefit of anyone who is interested in the topic of Wazaif and Amaliyat. As some members have already stated, the Awrad and Azkar mentioned in the Hadith are for the entire Ummah and do not require special permission. An example of a collection of Awrad with general permission is Ala Hazrat’s Al Wazifa tul Karima. However, there are some Awrad not mentioned in the Hadith because they are not for everyone to recite. An example of this is Dua e Saifi which was bestowed upon حضرت علی by رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ و سلم۔ The words of Dua e Saifi are not mentioned in any Hadith and that is because it is not meant for the entire Ummah, it is an extremely Jalali Dua that could have adverse effects if recited without permission. When a person recites Dua e Saifi or any such Dua as part of his Wird, the Shayateen that live in that area experience pain due to the Jalal of the Dua. In order to prevent any further recitation, the Shayateen try to attack the person. If he has permission to recite the Dua then they are unsuccessful, but if he does not then there is no barrier between him and the Shayateen, and they are thus able to attack him. This condition is known as Ruj’at, and is difficult to cure. Similarly, if someone decides to perform the Amal of Dua e Saifi without permission, then the chance of ruj’at greatly increases. This is because apart from the danger of Shayateen, the reader is now also vulnerable to the Mo’akkilat and Ruhaniyat of the Dua. If he makes even a small mistake in the Amal, the Mo’akkilat will attack him and he will fall into Ruj’at. On the other hand, when performing an Amal under the permission and guidance of a Shaykh, the reader is protected from a large amount of danger even if he makes a mistake, this is because of the Nisbat and Tawajjuh of his Shaykh. The same applies for other Jalali Duas such as: Hizbul Bahr, Hizbun Nasr, Dua e Haideri, Dua e Barhati, Dua e Bashmakh, Dua e Qarshia, Dua e Zajar, Qaseeda e Ghousia, Chehel Kaaf, Chehel Qaaf, Nad e Ali, etc. As for Durood Sharif, a person can also fall into Ruj’at as a result of its recitation. However, in this case the Ruj’at is not due to the Durood itself, but rather the manner of its recitation. Often times people make the mistake of reciting Durood Sharif whilst sitting, standing, walking and going about their day. This is wrong and contrary to the Adab of reciting Durood. When reciting Durood as part of the daily Wird a person should first choose a clean, quiet place where no one will disturb him, the best time is after ‘Isha. He should then apply ‘Itr and if possible also burn some Bakhoor. Ala Hazrat states in Al Wazifa tul Karima that he should then sit kneeling in the position of Tashahhud with his hands folded as in Qiyam, facing Madina tul Munawwara. He should then recite the Durood an odd number of times whilst visualising that he is in front of the Mawaja Sharif and رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ و سلم is listening to his Durood. Reciting Durood in this way will cause the reader to receive numerous spiritual benefits. Here is a Pdf of Al Wazifa tul Karima. The Durood is on Pg. 12-13:
Arshad Ul Qadri, most of the What relates to Ijaza centres on Adab. Even some of those Hizb for protection are not general but specific to a particular Elect of the Ummah. So if anyone not directly linked to that particular Friend of Allah reads the Hizb without permission it COULD have a reaction that the reader is not expecting. If you do not accept this argument then the other related thing on this subject centres around the Blessing that flows through different Chains and the Hizb that are affiliated with Their Chains. This is similar to when the Salaf would say "Mercy Descends when the Righteous are mentioned". Allah Knows Best
yes, seeing your post it is quite obvious. i posted two clips, the first one is an older print, and the second one is from DI. it is obvious that apart from your tiny aql you do not have any other proof. i will not respond to your more rants, i have other things to do.
and you are missing everything. Allah azza wajall commands us to ask those who know i.e. ulama; when you cannot accept allamah kharputi's statement then how on earth i can make you understand this. i have explained what i knew, you accept it or do not accept is your own choice, no more arguments. however, your argument of naql is pathetic because whatever knowledge we have is through naql, whether it is quran, hadith, tafsir, fiqh, wazaif etc. what is shari'ah? it is naql from elders which you do not accept, as for using aql - it is not enough to use aql alone without naql.
You missed my point. I read dua of protection as instructed by the Holy Prophet Peace and Blessings be upon him. I also read hizbs without any peers ijazah. Should I now be worried and doubt in the protection as foretold by our Nabiyy peace and Blessings be upon him? Why should I doubt his sayings? Because a peer told so? His saying is not founded by any of the principles. Nor does it make sense. Qasidah So you really believe Allah wont give the upmost benefit, even when one recites the Burdah with utmost love and reverence for the Holy Prophet Peace and Blessings be upon him, because you found some Naql ? Who did busiri ask ijazah from? Did he put this restriction upon it in order to get utmost benefit from did he order its readers? Did the Holy Prophet Peace and Blessings be upon him told him in his dream to read the Burdah with ijazah in order to get the utmost benefit? Use your Aql does this make any sense to you, does the Shariah tells this? Quran is much bigger and more powerful, but in order to get the full benefits from Burdah we need ijazah? What about the saying of the noble Messenger where he says I listen to the Salawaat of the Ahl Al mahabbah myself, or so did he say. But we need a peers ijazah to get full benefit? So its peer Sahib who gives full benefit? Did Allah put this restriction or mentioned anywhere? Dawate Islami? They are Juhala with good intentions. That is why Ilyas sometimes insults the image of Islam with his stupid behaviour. They do a lot of work for Islam, but their research or Nuqul in this matter are no proof. Besides that, most peers aren't even themselves Ahl to lead others, their Aqeedah is so week and mixed.SSo instructing people in this time to look for ijazah has no meaning. People are today better off without peers. Just see Hindi Khwanqaah, especially ashraf e Millat of kichochwi, that guy deceived millions of poor Muslims with Modi and tahir in their sufi conference. Even his nephew tavir used his lineage against matters of creed when attacking Saqib for pointing out the dispute in usul. Almost every other peer (who are deemed peers, uber Alim, Wali, buzrug, ruhani) kept their mouth shut where it was wajib upon them to refute in open. This is the status of Islam in India today all because of blind accepting peers acts and qawls. Khwanqaah are today a source of mawdu Riwayaat. The hakim should wage war upon them, they are the cause that Islam and the Ummah is being weakened. May Allah protect the Ummah from such deceivers.
no, it is not about dua or wazaif which are from quran or ahadith sharifah; as i mentioned earlier, you don't need to take permission for dua mathura or durood sharif. every person should try to recite wazaif and dua by himself as much as possible. but there are some wazaif, mentioned by early scholars, which are not for everybody and should not be done without permission. for example doing wazaif to control muwakilaat etc. the other aspect is that sometimes permission is taken to seek barakah through the chain of ijazah, otherwise wazifah is permissible; for example everybody recites qasidah burdah, but to get real benefit from it allamah umar bin ahmed al kharputi writes 8 conditions in his sharh a'sidat'ush shahdati sharhu qasidati'l burdath, the 7th condition is that the reciter should have permission from its authorized people. another clear version from dawat e islami
So when the Holy Prophet Peace and Blessings be upon him told his Ummah and instructed them to recite so and so dua for protection.. One should doubt in its protection because some peer told that if you recite this Wird (Quran and dua) you will be attacked get trouble etc. According to which Usul is it allowed to doubt the saying of the Holy Prophet because a peer told otherwise? The Usul of Khwanqaah and most current peers don't count because they even legalise Haram in their Khwanqaah, are a bunch of fussaq and have the ruhaniyah of shaytan. They invent such sayings to make mureed dependant and build their group. Almost every Khwanqaah have big enormous villas, thats where there iglaas went. Very conveniently the same persons ask a lot of money for taweez, let them do things excessively for them and let them be treated like they are some sort of ghaus. In reality they are a bunch of Juhala deceiving the Ummah. These qawls have no base in Islam, not even the Awliya who got those hizbs ever told these things. And even if there is some Naql, there is no proof that the Wali said so. Even if he did, it won't stand against the Qawl of the Holy Prophet Peace and Blessings be upon him in protection by dua mathurah. Rather most true peers encourage without restrictions to read Wird and hizbs, because that's what they are for. These fake peers should be killed by the hakim as zindiqs and kwhawidj. Believe in the Qawl of the Nabi the Holy Prophet Peace and Blessings be upon him, this faith alone will elevate you spiritually and protect you in both worlds.
i cannot provide such a list because i have never been interested in such wazaif, my wazifa is mostly durood sharif. most of what i wrote above was explained by a very pious person. i am myself a witness of his piety and uprightness, he has received ijazah of many such wazaif from awlia kiram but he is not a professional amil, and tries to stay away from publicity. however, for an example, wazaif in jawahir al kamsah of hazrat ghawth muhammed gawalyaari rahimahullah need permission, and if i remember well, the shaykh himself has mentioned it in the book; i read it few years back. one interesting thing i noticed was that the book was translated by a deobandi, and the wazaif in the book are in clear contrast to their aqidah. BUT, do not do the wazaif in it out of curiosity, seek permission from a qualified shaykh who has ijazah of those litanies in the book.
It is true, and it happens due to many reasons; 1) reciter does not take care of proper adab 2) some people are so excited to do some wazaif in the beginning and sooner or later their enthusiasm gradually dies out, and they quit in the middle which might have negative concequences. 3) they recite wazaif without proper guidance, or do not fufill all the pre-requisites for example not performing 5 time prayers 4) for some wazaif one has to remain in the state of purity as much as possible, because negative forces have higher chances to attack when the reciter is in the state of impurity 5) some wazaif involve jinns and other creatures, and they don't like to be controlled and always look for weak moments when they can attack back, a minor mistake can have a very serious impact 6) like pious and upright practioners (amils) of permissible wazaif, there are many those evil practioners who do dirty and kufriyah litanies. These evil practioners (sifli amils) don't like the good ones and they constantly look for such people and do their spells on them, the main reason is that such wazaif and their amils interfere in their dirty works by uncasting their spells from their subjects etc. Basirqadri's argument is rubbish, because many wazaif are from Quran itself. Yes, everbody can recite Quran and get barakah, and protection as well, there is no question about it, but doing wazaif of certain quranic verses to achieve something is different. Reciter has to recite it usually at a specific time, with certain conditions, and for a given period, not fulfilling these requirements can lead to problems of varying degree depending upon the litany and its purose. However this is for some special wazaif which everybody is not allowed to do without ijazah and guidance. As for wazaif of durood sfarif, there is direct permission from Allah azza wa jall and our prophet alaihi aFdalus salaat wat-tasleem, so generally there is nothing harmful in reciting for example dalail al khairat, the ijzah is taken to receive barakah from elders. Imam jazuli himself took the ijazah of salaat al beer from the girl, to learn that durood and receive barakah from that pious girl. Try yourself, recite salaat al bi'yr and spit in a well, unless you are a wali just like that little girl, water will not rise and overflow. So, taking ijazah is to receive a little of this barakah which we may not notice like an open karamah, but it does work in our life and have some positive effects. and Allah Ta'ala knows best.
The Hizb for protection act like a bullet proof vest. Hizb may be read for various reasons but the ones for protection still attract the dark side but the damage from these enemies of Allah is not the same or is neutralised (but like a bullet proof vest its still felt). I think this is not the platform for these discussions anyway as its not the Adab. But this is for private with Qualified Shayukh not fake peers either. As said its safer to get Ijaza from a Qualified Shaykh for certain Hizb and certain other reading. Those who don't obtain Ijaza run the risk of being attacked by jinn or going insane etc. if people don't wish to accept this then they just find out the hard way and then only have themselves to blame. HasbunAllahu Wa Nimal Wakeel
If hizbs are meant for protection or victory then how can they attract forces from the dark side? Wouldn't this be counter productive? I'm just interested in how this all works, not looking for confrontation or arguments.
all non sense that wirds need ijaza or attracts something from dark side no such thing all bogus fairy tales concocted stories by false pir and shaykhs running shops Quran Kalam Of Allah ultimate wird and very strong and powerful yet no one cares about Kalam of Allah but cares about ijazah idhn....