can you please give the proper reference, which no. hadith or which chapter; and jalal al-suyuti in which collection.
The Verses "Ya Ayyuhan Nas" and "Ya Ayyuhaaladhina Amanu" are general Ijaza for all mankind and Muslims. But certain things are not for everyone without having the capacity to deal with their effect, the power they bring or other things. The "Ilme Ladunni" is not entrusted to everyone is it so ask yourself why? The recitation of some Hizb bring about certain things and attract certain things from the dark side and only naive people neglect this and start all kinds of reading until they are either attacked by jinn or go insane. It is well known that certain of the Allah's names are very Jalali and large recitation of them has effects on people that they will not be able to take. Not everyone is running shops brother, but some have experience more so than others.
It is narrated by Bukhari and Muslim and mentioned by Jalaluddin as-Suyuti, from other collections, that ‘Ali bin Abi Talib (radhiAllah anh) said, “I asked the Prophet (salallahu alaihi wasallam) one time, ‘O Messenger of Allah (salallahu alaihi wasallam), guide me to the shortest way to Allah’s Presence, and the easiest way to worship, and the best way for Allah, Almighty and Exalted. The Prophet (salallahu alaihi wasallam) said, ‘O ‘Ali, you have to be continuously making Dhikrullah, silently and aloud.’ I replied, ‘O Prophet (salallahu alaihi wasallam), all human beings are making dhikr. Give me something special.’ The Prophet (salallahu alaihi wasallam) said, ‘O ‘Ali, the best of what I, and all prophets before me, said is, la ilaha illallah. If all the heavens and earth were placed on one side of the balance and la ilaha illallah were placed in the other, la ilaha illallah would be heavier. Judgment Day will never come as long as there are people on this earth saying la ilaha illallah.‘ Then I said, ‘How should I recite.’ The Prophet (salallahu alaihi wasallam) said, ‘Close your eyes and listen to me reciting la ilaha ill-Allah three times. Then you say it three times and I will listen to you.’ Then the Prophet (salallahu alaihi wasallam) said it and I repeated it in a loud voice.” I found this hadith. Can you provide an explanation as to what the purpose was of asking 'how should I recite' and the Prophet alaihissalatu wassalam showing Sayyiduna Ali a specific way to do it? Surely this shows that there are those litanies for which there is general permission and then those same litanies, when given with a special ijaza have a profound effect? Please explain.
in his compilation 'mufarrij al-kurub' imam yusuf nab'hani gives general ijazah for anyone to read the azkar; the below scans are extracted from this book.
pirs who run muridi shops say such things, if you can read Quran Kalam Allah without any ijaza then why can't something authored by scholars ?
These require special Ijaza, one who reads any of these Hizbs without Ijaza then he should beware of repurcussions that he may or may not be able to deal with and Allah is Sufficient as a Disposer of our affairs. Children who play with swords get cut.
You can find the English translation in "Emanations of Lordly Grace" (al-Fuyudat ar-Rabbaniyyah) published by al-Baz and translated by Muhtar Holland. Urdu translation can be found in Wazaif-e-Qadriya published in Hyderabad, Deccan (copies of which are available online) and also in several wazaif books.