One buzurg only accepts another when they have noor e marifat. Hazrat said that when he saw Kotli Peer Sb, he said that if you want see the buzurg you read about in books, then see this peer. Kotli Peer Sb when Hazrat Zia Ul Ummat died said this was a pure humble person.
Hazrat was a judge but still saw murids. He gave them food from his own house. He told his mureeds that if you don't pray salaat, you are not my mureed. Mufti Taqi Usman admited he had differences with Hazrat but accepted that he was a maqbool person.
Many saab zadahs get spoilt. But Hazrat concerntrated on them to make sure they uphold the kirdaar and ilm of their father. Scholars of Azhar Shareef loved him too and saw him as great alim.
His sincerity was that he made his Daar UL Uloom on his property where he lived. He had karaamats. Hz Sialvi said that Zia UL Ummat his noor of his eyes.
Hazrat Sb opened a site for teaching girls and he personally taught them till the end of his life. His daughters and wife were given responsibilities there. He carried on teaching them after he stopped teaching boys. Sunni alimas spread over the world from here. Some of the founding scholars of Minhaj UL Quran were his students and he personally. He took part in politics. I'll keep updating.
Hazrat was a mujahid. He won 1 and a half laak rupies for writing a Seerat book. But he didn't accept it and said it should be donated to mujjahids. This a true wali and murshid.
Salaamz. Watch Ummah channel now. There is a program on right now live about Hz Zia Ul Ummat (rahmat upon him). Watch it now because he was the biggest Sunni scholar and murshid in the world. So he should be remembered.