:s1: I have heard from a great contemporary Sunni scholar that Ibn Taymiyyah in his book "al Furqan" mentions that there are awliya of Allah who can change destiny [taqdeer] and he mentions Sayyidina Shaykh 'Abd al Qadir al Jilani al Ghawth al 'Azam :ra: specifically as being amongst such an elect group of awliya. There is a Wahabi English translation of this book al Furqan bayana awliya Allah wa awliya ash-Shaytaan and having skimmed through this book I could not find such a quote nor any mention of Huzoor Ghawth al Azam. Knowing the Salafui/Wobbie fame for tahrif (tampering with books) i'd like a copy of this book either in Urdu translation or in the Arabic or, if possible, could someone find that quote and put it up on here? Jazak Allahu khayran. Such inculpatory evidence from Ibn Taymiyya which proves our own aqidah would silence his modern day followers!!