Please do. He must not have been made aware of this recently, as you have brought up this issue now you need to make it clear the Shaykh is not involved in this. With regard to the use of his name, it was a general comment highlighting that the Shaykh is often associated when controversial issues crop up. And this has lead to a false image of the Shaykh being created, so please avoid mentioning his name.
Please note Shakh Asrar was made aware of this and I'm not using his name and I agree with you that there are many Scholars of the Shadhili tariqa who can deal with this. In future I will refer to them.
Please refrain from using Shaykh Asrar regarding this matter. He has nothing to do with this, and unfortunately with anything controversial comes up the Shaykh is immediately associated, when in reality people like yourself just use his name. I can confirm he has not been approached regarding this matter, so please keep his name out of it. You have named yourself as 'Shadhili', and there are a few Scholars from that Tariqa who are just as qualified to deal with this issue, so why don't you approach them?
Alhamdulillah, Brother you have just confirmed the truth. @ Moriarty my points have been proven and your cheap talk is of no use. If you have any decency tell your Imam e prison to rectify these issues.
Surely you could have asked Imam e Prison, I'm surprised you've never read jummah there. Anyhow, Ive asked locals and its been confirmed around 3/4 years ago there was no Salaam being read. Issue was raised but nothing came of it. Also regarding the namaaz issue mentioned I can also confirm in the absence of the Imaam, Jamaat is lead sometimes by a sunni and sometimes a wahabi
You are a troll. Sh Asrar does not call himself 'Barelawi'. Where and which class do you study? You could easily be a hater attempting to stir trouble. In fact I think you are that and the moderators should take note as this type of behaviour makes the forum look stupid.
Troll as defined by Urban Dictionary: Being a prick on the internet because you can. Typically unleashing one or more cynical or sarcastic remarks on an innocent by-stander, because it's the internet and, hey, you can.
Your calling a sunni, hanafi, barelvi a troll just shows what manners you've learnt whilst growing up. With regards to Shaykh Asrar he is my teacher hence why i'm referring to his name. All the points I have raised are with dalail and cannot be answered by vulgar language used by yourself. My advice to you is keep quiet or answer the points I have raised.
I do not know why this troll keeps mentioning Sh Asrar's name as the former is not involved. Clearly whoever you are you have an agenda. As for the picture with a Shia that does not mean a thing.
Harris, Unlike normal situations on Sunniport, we actually have access to you. You are Imam Ijaz's best friend and a person who has assisted him in organising events and a person who has managed his bookings for events as you have stated many times on Social media . It is highly unlikely that you cannot get an answer for us. You are also responsible to get an answer for the Facebook world because you have been his main promoter in the UK. I also sincerely ask why you have not approached all of the scholars that you have questioned? or is just about satire and cheap entertainment?
Brother's the issues have been raised and Mr Shaami needs to address these in the light of Shariah. I don't think it's appropriate that we start attacking each other and deviate from the points that have been raised.
Brother they have been made aware of this on numerous occasions but due to nifaq e amli they continue with these corrupt practices.
Brother Nahim i'm amazed at your ignorance, the fact is Mr Shaami deliberately chooses not to recite salaam on Friday's due to his deobandi followers. He is compromising on the traditions of the Ahle Sunnah by bowing down to the deobandi's. Shaykh Asraar or any other scholar does not approve of Mr Shaami's actions.
JazakAllah to the brothers for the sincere Nasiah. I do not pray behind deobandis/wahabbis and I would not encourage others to do so. If you have personally observed deviants leading prayers in the Masjid why did you not approach the management or the resident Imams then? SunniSoldier and Shadhili123 why do you go not go and speak directly to Ijaz Sahib and his father if you are sincere and want to make amends. You have also mentioned the Ulama have been made aware of it, are you working with them to solve the issues?
Brother, please don't make assumptions talk on facts. Imam Abedin Shaami has prohibited praying behind Abdul Wahab Najdi and his followers.
Is reading Mustafa Jaane Rehmat after Juma is a pre requisition for being a sunni? Was Islam only created 100 years ago? No wonder scholars like Sheikh Israar are moving away from the brelvism cult.
Personally, I can think up of possible excuses for some the accusations against the Imam Sahib is question. However, the issue of deviants leading prayers and praying behind deviants is an extremely serious accusation and a serious blunder according to our beliefs. Though, at the end of the day, non of us are in any real position to force or compel Imam Sahib to answer (we must act in a principled manner and not use aggression, force or other such means) as members of the public, we do have a right to know. It is, after all, perhaps now in Imam Sahib's best interests to clarify this matter as swiftly as possible.
Imam Ijaz (or his admin) has read these posts and has liked this brother's post who encourages him to free himself from the shackles of brelvism and pay no notice to sunniport.