Imam Mahdi

Discussion in 'Miscellany' started by Nawazuddin, Aug 21, 2013.

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  1. Nawazuddin

    Nawazuddin Veteran

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with quoting, the problem is with the unqualified quotation to give an impression not intended by the author of the quote. Of course, this is for an academic context, you may continue in that fashion...
  2. kattarsunni

    kattarsunni Veteran

    With that line of reasoning no one should quote from a hadith work unless their opinion or school is in accordance with that of the author. Hanafi's should not quote from the six books of hadith because the opinions of the authors are against their school in matters of branches!!

    Yes it does. And other works are filled with interesting narrations. Each narration is studied accordingly.
  3. AbdalQadir

    AbdalQadir time to move along! will check pm's.

    you (as in, personally) follow Sunni literature or ithna3ashari literature?

    do you believe Maula Ali is afdal over Shaykhayn or vice versa?
  4. Nawazuddin

    Nawazuddin Veteran

    Fine. Then present from there and not Bukhari who holds the opposite opinion about the report....bytheway, al-Fitan has a lot of other interesting stuff about Imam al-Mahdi(a) such as his afzaliyyat over Shaykhayn, Sufyani from the progeny of Abu Sufyan waging war against Imam Mahdi(a), etc.

    Preposterous to say the least.
    and out of interest, Does ink have urine in it? someone with knowledge about the matter should enlighten us. But to be honest, that comment is so bakwas, I can't believe it.

    as for Imam al-Mahdi ibn Imam Hasan al-askari...then in sunni literature we have that Imam Mahdi(a) will be either from Imam Hasan or Imam Husayn's progeny but there is no report prior to first hundred years AH about Ibn Imam Hasan al-Askari though a considerable number amongt ahl al-sunnah stalwarts have also held that belief such as Hazrat Khawaja Parsa, the Khalifah of Hazrat syed Baha al-din Naqsband Bukhari, the founder of naqshbadi silsila wrote that in his fasl al-khitab, etc. To my surprise, Shah Wali Allah Dehlavi in his Nawadir al-usool takes a sanad of hadith back to al-Mahdi ibn Hasan al-askari....

    The fact of the matter is that the existence of the person of Imam al-Mahdi(a) is certain but the particular details about some aspects of his life are a matter of probability but definately nothing like urine ink non-sense.
  5. kattarsunni

    kattarsunni Veteran

    The Euphrates drying before the appearance of Imam Mahdi has a basis. It is based upon the narrations of Nu'aym bin Hammad. This was the understanding of Imam Suyuti, Imam Barzanji and a host of others, It has validation within Sunni understanding.

    But seeing as you are extra cautious in your method and critical academically, what is your view on the following:

  6. Nawazuddin

    Nawazuddin Veteran

    I see and admire your point of view and earnest endeavour but one needs to be accurate in his presentation of the truth. Brother Asrar quotes the hadith from sahih bukhari but overlooks the author's intent and interpretation in the matter. This makes his case weak and actually backfires because it comes across as half truth. one cannot advance in the name of gospel truth a flawed argument.
  7. Ghulam

    Ghulam Veteran

    Look at who the Lebanese Shaytan is sat with here

    It's sad that Pakstanis with inferiority complexes like Pirzada Imdad from Retford invite idiots like this to their events.

    Pakstaani Maulvis should be careful who they promote
  8. kattarsunni

    kattarsunni Veteran

    JazakAllah brother Nawaz for your input and useful quotes. However what we intend to tackle here is the claims made which have no validity in the Quran and Sunna, or the ijma'. Example is here where it is stated that the Quran we have today is not one hundred percent pure as the ink has urine, and when Imam Mahdi appears he will re write it in saffron. This will lead to the Quran being comprehended completely and higher spirituality!! Listen to this from 31 minutes onwards:

    It is these unverifiable fables and claims to spirituality that have deluded people who have become members of these cults.
  9. Nawazuddin

    Nawazuddin Veteran

    I did. Please read my first post, it was about the drying up Euphrates hadith specifically.
  10. AbdalQadir

    AbdalQadir time to move along! will check pm's.

  11. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    did i say that?

    you need to read it again.

    you should have clarified that you were talking of mention of mahdi in a SPECIFIC hadith - not that you deny that mahdi is mentioned in ANY hadith; like the denial by the zindiq of aligarh, who claims that all those reports are lies and fabrication.
  12. Nawazuddin

    Nawazuddin Veteran

    Don't know.
  13. Nawazuddin

    Nawazuddin Veteran

    what I said about the drying up of Euphrates Hadith:
    You said:
    I said:
    you said:
    so what you are saying is that IF I believe in al-Mahdi(a) then why ask about the hadith.

    This seems to me that you are saying that to say that there is no mention of al-Mahdi(a) in drying-up-Euphrates hadith equates to not believing in Imam Mahdi(a).
  14. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    did i say they are?

    what question?
  15. AbdalQadir

    AbdalQadir time to move along! will check pm's.

    where do you believe Imam Mehdi is now, nawazuddin?
  16. Nawazuddin

    Nawazuddin Veteran

    Of course I believe in Khalifatullah Hazrat Imam Mohammed al-Mahdi(a).

    Are they mutually inclusive?
  17. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    but why does it matter to you shahjee? you don't seem to believe in mahdi.

    or if you do, why don't you state your beliefs and your stand upfront? if you believe in mahdi, why did you say this?
    and the arabic quotes - is it a trick question?
  18. Nawazuddin

    Nawazuddin Veteran

    there is considerable difference among scholars about the chronology of the event of the drying up of the Euphrates. In your argument it is clear that the hadith itself does not provide us with a clear time of its occurrence and that you think it will happen prior to the appearance of Imam Mahdi(a) because al-marwazi places the hadith in the chapter about the signs of al-Mahdi(a).
    There is nothing in the text itself to suggest its chronology hence, for example, Imam al-Bukhari places the hadith in the chapter of khuruj al-naar which suggests that the event will take place just before al-hashr. in other words, it is all about interpretation. Below is what a scholar states about the chronology of the event and what the ulama thought about it.

    بيان زمن حدوث ذلك
    و قد اختلف الأئمة في تحديد زمن حدوث ذلك ، فذهب الإمام البخاري إلى أنه يقع مع خروج النار ، و يظهر ذلك من صنيعه أي من صنيع الإمام البخاري - ، إذ أدخل حديث حسر الفرات تحت باب خروج النار ، و أورد حديث أبي هريرة و حارثة بن وهب و لفظ حديث حارثة هو : تصدقوا ، فسيأتي عليكم زمان يمشي الرجل بصدقته ، فيقول الذي يأتيه بها : لو جئت بها بالأمس ؛ لقبلتها فأما الآن فلا حاجة لي بها فلا يجد من يقبلها عقب الباب المذكور مباشرة تحت باب لم يترجم له بشيء ، مما يدل على أنه متعلق به ، فهو كالفصل منه ، و من ثم يؤخذ السبب في عدم قبول الناس ما يعرض عليهم من الأموال ، و كذلك سبب النهي عن أخذ شيء مما يحسر عنه الفرات ، و هو انشغالهم بأمر الحشر ، بحيث لا يلتفت أحد منهم إلى المال بل يقصد أن يتخفف منه ما استطاع . الفتح ( 13 / 81 82 ) .

    و ذهب الحليمي في المنهاج في شعب الإيمان إلى أنه يقع في زمن عيسى بن مريم عليهما السلام ، فإنه ذكر حديث حسر الفرات ثم قال : فيشبه أن يكون هذا الزمان الذي أخبر النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أن المال يفيض فيه فلا يقبله أحد ، و ذلك في زمان عيسى عليه السلام ، و لعل سبب هذا الفيض العظيم ذلك الجبل مع ما يغنمه المسلمون من أموال المشركين ، والله أعلم . المنهاج ( 1 / 430 ) .

    و ذكر القرطبي نفس كلام الحليمي و أقره على ذلك ، أنظر التذكرة ( ص 750 ) .

    و هناك حديث يؤيد هذا القول ، روى البخاري في صحيحه من حديث أبي هريرة مرفوعاً ، و فيه : والذي نفسي بيده ليوشكن أن ينزل فيكم ابن مريم حكماً عدلاً .. .. إلى أن قال : و يفيض المال حتى لا يقبله أحد . البخاري كتاب الأنبياء باب نزول عيسى عليه السلام ( 6 / 490 191 ) .

    أما ابن حجر فإنه لم يحدد لحديث حسر الفرات عن جبل من ذهب زمن معين ، لكنه ذكر ما ذهب إليه البخاري من أنه يقع عند الحشر ، و ذلك أثناء تعرضه لبيان الحكمة التي لأجلها نهى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم عن الأخذ منه ، و قد عد ذلك أي حسر الفرات عن جبل من ذهب صاحب الإشاعة ، من الأمارات التي تدل على قرب خروج المهدي . الإشاعة ( ص 91 ) ، و الذي دفعه إلى القول بذلك ما رواه ابن ماجة من حديث ثوبان مرفوعاً : يقتتل عند كنزكم ثلاثة ، كلهم ابن خليفة . ثم ذكر الحديث في المهدي ، فإن كان المراد بالكنز الذي في حديث أبي هريرة ، دل على أنه إنما يقع عند ظهور المهدي قبل نزول عيسى و خروج النار ، و لكن ليس هناك ما يعين ذلك . الفتح ( 13 / 81 ) .

    و يبدو لي والله أعلم أن الأنسب حمل هذه الأحاديث على محمل واحد و هو أن ذلك يقع بعد نزول عيسى عليه السلام ، حين تخرج الأرض بركتها حتى تشبع الرمانة الواحدة أهل البيت كلهم ، ولا يبقى في الأرض كافر ، كما جاء في حديث النواس . ( مسلم ( 4 / 2250- 2255 ) ، في سياق طويل عن قصة الدجال و يأجوج و مأجوج ونزول عيسى عليه السلام )
  19. kattarsunni

    kattarsunni Veteran

    And this is why I wrote:

    Based on those narrations the scholars have placed it as an event preceding the Mahdi...
  20. AbdalQadir

    AbdalQadir time to move along! will check pm's.

    they conveniently forget to mention that Imam Mehdi will be in the Masjid Haram doing tawaf, between Maghrib and 3Isha, during the month of Ramadan (i forgot which 10 days), when the various awliya will recognize him and want to do bay3at at his hands. he will resist, and angels will announce from the sky this is Allah's Khalifa/Mehdi, listen to him and follow him, this voice shall be heard in every corner of the globe (no one can ever claim he didn't get the memo). THAT is when Imam Mehdi will accept his full status and responsibilities. he will be 40 years old when all of this happens - as mentioned in the various hadiths and their commentaries

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