internet forums, anonymous sources

Discussion in 'Hanafi Fiqh' started by Abdullah91, Feb 9, 2023.

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  1. Noori

    Noori Senior Moderator

    very true, and indeed we know very well who we are taking our deen from, someone whose writings speak for his authenticity, reliability, soundness of arguments, and rigorousness; regardless we ever met him or not, or seen his photos or video on the internet.

    we turn our backs from those who defend themselves but betray our deen and manhaj of ahlussunnah. we don't measure their authenticity and reliability by the length of their turbans, expensive jubbahas, travelogs for studying, or long chain of ijazah. we don't care how well they are publicly known or well-received among charlatans.

    whatever you do against our deen and mazhab, we will reject you and refute you for the sake of this deen and for the sake of our generations to come. they will judge you by your work, better get to work if you want to be remembered.
  2. barelwi

    barelwi New Member

    Asad Ali just posted this on his story — seemingly an indirect attack on aH? The post is from October 2020 but has been edited 13h ago which seems suspicious given the timing of the repost / opening paragraph used. Allah knows best.

    It is vital to know about the person you are seeking knowledge from to ensure the person is qualified to teach you the sacred sciences.

    Read a short biography of Shaykh Mohammed Asad Ali ⁣

    His journey initially began from home under the guidance of his noble parents whom are both scholars, and have been serving the deen in Sheffield for over twenty years. He began studying at a very young age: he completed the memorisation of the Quran alongside studying other foundational sciences. ⁣

    Thereafter, after achieving exceptional GCSEs and A-levels, he left home to spend six years at Jamia al-Karam wherein he began studying the traditional sciences attaining an excellent grounding in all areas, ranging from grammar, logic, rhetoric, Islamic law, jurisprudence, it’s principles, theology, philosophy, psychology, etc; all the way to the culmination of studying the art of the issuance of legal rulings in his sixth year where he specialised in Hanafi Fiqh.

    He then went on to pursue further studies in Cairo with the teachers at Jamia al-Azhar, and then travelled to the Blessed City of the Prophet ‎صلى الله عليه وسلم for the same cause. ⁣He classically trained with the scholars there as a marriage counsellor, mentor and a life coach.

    Not only this, he has been granted a licence to teach, recite and pass on the Holy Quran from teachers in Egypt (Cairo), Saudi (Medina), & Pakistan (Lahore), which also qualifies him as a Qari (expert reciter of the Holy Quran). However, his accomplishments do not conclude at the formal education rather he is adroit in many other areas. He has been a public motivational speaker for the last 5 years and due to his multi-lingual skills, he has successfully been able to deliver lectures and seminars across the globe. He is very active on social media & aims to create an online platform for those who are unable to/feel uncomfortable to access teachers or their local Imams. All this augments his long term goal: to teach, inspire and shape the future generations with the love of this deen.

    He currently teaches the traditional sciences @imdadiyyah institute in his home-city of Sheffield & also travels around for the same cause. ⁣
    Unbeknown likes this.
  3. IslamIsTheTruth

    IslamIsTheTruth Well-Known Member

    The irony is that Shahid Ali contacted an 'unknown' Abu Hasan to vent his initial frustrations regarding Sheikh Asrar.
    Just thought I would refresh his memory.
    Seems like a course of 'badaam' is required, does wonders for the old nut apparently.
  4. AbdalQadir

    AbdalQadir time to move along! will check pm's.

    these nouveau riche tall poppies seriously annoy me. it's not just a state of mind with money, it's also with people who just newly wandered into some few crumbs of knowledge getting fascinated by reading a fatwa book or a dictionary or something.
    Unbeknown likes this.
  5. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    checked now. this is why i avoid FB.


    he conveniently ignored that it was i who asked the questions first.
    no wonder he seems to think that he is the only person who has seen fatawa qadi khan.

    i won't be answering his riddle - and i accept his explicit acknowledgement of defeat.
    Noori likes this.
  6. Unbeknown

    Unbeknown Senior Moderator

    So ghulam haleem sahib:
    1. did not mention his legal name (as on birth certificate)
    2. did not list the names of his teachers
    3. did not name the madrasah he had been to
    4. did not print any asaneed in the foreword
    5. did not mention his home address
    6. didn't mention his native town
    And yet people read his book and benfited from it without waiting to ponder if he was christian spy or a Hassidic Jew?!

    by any chance are you suggesting that an author can write a useful work without revealing his true identity and yet not be an anonymous coward?

    Isn't that against the teaching of Imam Abdullah ibn Mubarak - as expounded and explained by Anti-Privacy Advocate (and Facebook sensation), "M. Haadyi, Esq."?
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 15, 2022
    Aqdas likes this.
  7. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    - what does he know about abdullah ibn mubarak?
    - where did abdullah ibn mubarak say the above?
    - what is the sanad of the quote above?
    - in what contexts have scholars mentioned the above quote?
    - what is the implication of the quote?
    - does this apply in my situation?
    - assuming muhammad haadiy is a REAL PERSON and not a screen name, what is HIS sanad to this quote?

    - is he capable of answering all the above on the strength of his own research (i.e. looking up books) and not by asking someone?

    that was on saturday and the poor guy could not find answers. he is probably leafing through fiqhi paheliyan still...
    Noori and Unbeknown like this.
  8. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    i happened to see this few minutes ago.


    the man was unable to answer a straightforward question about his own quote, and to conceal his incompetence, he runs to riddles as if riddles and trick questions are a measure of knowledge.


    at least he has implicitly acknowledged that he is incapable of answering these questions and is only fit enough to prattle like a ten year old: "what goes up and never comes down?"
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2022
    Noori, Unbeknown and uk7866 like this.
  9. Alf

    Alf Well-Known Member

    Sheikh Ilyas Attar once said that some ulema refrained from mentioning their names on their books, for fear of riya.
    Unbeknown likes this.
  10. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    in some cases authors adopt a nom de plume to anonymously present their ideas for various reasons. a case in point is ghulam haleem and his tuhfah.

    let us see some activity now...try to find out more about him.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2022
    Noori and Unbeknown like this.
  11. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    one of the points i was about to make.

    those who read books are familiar with many names and many famous books whose authors are not known. we struggle to find information about authors of famous works even in history and tabaqat works of contemporaries.

    however, after examination by sunni ulama and approval, these were considered books written by sunni ulama and hence used to this day.
    Noori, Shahzaib, Aqdas and 1 other person like this.
  12. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

    When Shaykh Asrar was asked about aH and anonymity, he replied:

    Imam Bayquni wrote a hadith poem that has benefitted the world. Yet to this day his bio is unknown and nothing is known about him. That is my response to those attacking aH.
  13. Unbeknown

    Unbeknown Senior Moderator

    from the fact that he keeps repeating the same line like a broken record with minor changes - I guess it's shahid saab his self honoring our forums.

    @Ibrahim welcome hazrat.

    And the 'many people' who think this and that are just three - Shahid Ali and Shahid Ali and Shahid Ali.
    as is obvious - that is all they care about. fans, likes and retweets and shares.

    These unfortunate people did not benefit from the little they learnt (assuming they actually learnt something and didn't pass by cheating or with 35%) - the more they attended classes the more they fell into jahal!

    نسأل الله تعالى عافية
    Noori likes this.
  14. sherkhan

    sherkhan Veteran

    You're not making any sense whatsoever.

    So if aH were known by his real identity, then he would be shy of criticising? What kind of logic is that? You're assuming that aH is some well known UK based mawlana who's sniping at his fellow biradri members on the circuit, while hiding behind a screen.

    I tell you, 95% of the "sunni" mawlanas (that aH has criticised or justly called out on this forum) haven't met him. Even if aH were to reveal his name, they would all go "who?"


    It's not hard to construct aH's profile. His command over English and eclectic interests (including competently managing this forum) indicate that he holds a university degree (outside of Islamic science). His proficiency in Urdu suggests that he is from sub-continent. He can't be a Pakistani, since he's not a jinnah fanboy. So he has to be an Indian (esp if you notice that he restricts any political commentary to only the political/current affairs of India). If you dig deeper, you will even work out where he hails from. As you can glean from other concurrent thread, he has been "active" for over 20 years; so he must be pushing 40s. He can't be based in the UK, since he doesn't know many of the new crop mawlanas. If it were not for other forum members (who mostly appear to be UK based) posting videos here (or bringing to light shenanigans of this and that mawlana), aH would have no know way of even knowing who's who and who's what.


    @Ibrahim, it looks like aH has rubbed you (hiding behind this alias) or your shaykh wrong way. Did your parents name you Ibrahim? Or you go by another name in real life?

    Your logic is pitiably poor. Does being in public, make one meek or an ostrich? Only chameleons change colours. Despite Shaykh Asrar knowing aH rather well, latter hasn't shied away from criticising former for slips here and there (including most recently when Shaykh Asrar committed the folly of labeling jaahils as barelwis).

    If aH were to "come to the public", I assure you that it will not lessen his "vitriol" for charlatans. His motivation to speak out and method (of criticism) are same as his master's (you know who). He's not looking to upstage anyone in public. His "fandom" hasn't grown by a lot despite 20+ years of service!

    Rather, aH's anonymity should be appreciated by those he criticises (for the right reasons).

    If mawlana X were to be criticised in public by a known mawlana Y (esp if he operates in the same turf), then all hell would break loose. X will be at Y's throat, and lot of dirt (if not blood) would spill on each side (on twitter, on yt, on fb, and even here). Y's fans would be calling X drug peddler. Current Shahid Ali saga is an apt reminder. At least, when aH calls out as he sees it, mawlana X doesn't have to expend lot of energy posting videos on aH or challenging him to this/that munazara (other than ranting/tweeting about an invisible coward keyboard warrior).

    It's "quixotic" to tilt at windmill (an invisible giant)!
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2022
    Ghulam Ali, Noori, Aqdas and 2 others like this.
  15. Surati

    Surati Well-Known Member

    Is that so? Did you confer with your mate Shahid before posting this? As I recall, he has a particular proclivity for fallacious deductions.
    Unbeknown and Aqdas like this.
  16. hamza1

    hamza1 Active Member

    It is not Shaykh Abu Hasan who is trawling through comments on social media and is laughably passing it as “academic research.” He does not seem to care about personal remarks.

    It’s not AH or Shaykh Asrar who are deceptively editing videos, intentionally including some segments and omitting others of the very same lecture, in order to suit their petty narrative.

    It’s not AH who required several dumbing downs of Shaykh Asrar’s stance on prayer behind deviants, whose multiple comments are not even contradictory, because a person is not able to understand the message being conveyed.

    Perhaps it would be pertinent for the person who does fit into these to visit their local library and brush up on their English comprehension rather than throwing a tantrum over Shaykh Abu Hasan’s unwillingness to be convinced of poor argumentation and accusations of Sullh Kullism against another Sunni Scholar.

    Using your brain is not cowardice.
    Unbeknown likes this.
  17. shahnawazgm

    shahnawazgm Veteran

    You have spoken the truth Sir. Like you stated he will be deemed by a coward, so you just called yourself one!
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2022
    Noori and Unbeknown like this.
  18. Shadman

    Shadman Active Member

    I don't think the opinion of "many", or the fan base matter to honest intentioned scholars.
  19. AbdalQadir

    AbdalQadir time to move along! will check pm's.

    Your this comment being uncensored here is testament that rebuttals are welcome. Go on bring your best argument and best teachers and slaughter him, in writing. Not many people will give you written evidence against themselves.

    You can say but these guys can edit their posts, but the forum software will show you with timestamp when something was edited after posting.

    Go on. Steal the fan base. These childish blackmails and reverse psychology to pressure a person to do what you want are simply pathetic.
    Noori and Unbeknown like this.
  20. Ibrahim

    Ibrahim New Member

    As long as Abu Hasan doesn't come to the public he will be deemed by a coward by many. Thats a fact. He doesn't leave sunni port because he will lose the small fan base and he is open season to the public.

    Taking it out on Asad and demanding tawba because people questioned

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