Ahsan, JTI and those who are supporting and promoting Ahsan are going to keep shtum and carry on. Mawlana Shahid Ali and those who supported him like Mawlana Hamdani, Mufti Aslam, Mawlana Aqdas, Qari Talib, Sahibzada Pir Hanif Raza and other Ulama will have to speak out
I dont know if you guys know this, as I don't know how old you are but sunnis always had these internal wars, which kept on dividing us and pushing people away, we have so many Pir wars, Moon wars, Aqeedah wars, Darbar wars, chanda wars. When people target you and corner you, a person becomes defensive and then makes more mistakes, then we have 100 people waiting in a queue for tauba so they can share it in every conference that we made this ulema apologise/do tauba. This type of mentality has destroyed us. If only ahle sunnat ulema had a Unity Platform where sincere, Allah azzawajal fearing ulema could sort out the problems behind closed doors, 1000s of problems would disappear, we be witnessing unity.
a stroll down memory lane... shahid ali should show this to iran shah's group... once upon a time iran shah could give the rawafid a run for their money
JTI should for transparency and maybe someone with legal expertise can comment if they have to publicly disclose this. That aside, the dismissal might also be related to his working ethics. And I’ll leave it at that. Shahid should absolutely take it up to court if he was dismissed solely for the Irfan Shah issue, but then would he want to work for those people again? Doubt it
they should give the reasons for his dismissal, with evidence. since Shahid is a lawyer, he should take it upon himself to take them to court for unfair dismissal or libel they were really stupid if they dismissed him for other reasons right after his protest against the rafidi iran shah. the whole organization needs to be named and shamed and made an example of.
Where are UK ulama? Apart from a few elders, why haven't the rest spoken out against JTI and Irfan Shah? Proper letdown. They should have come down on this issue like ton of bricks so that in future, no masjid ever dares do this. I'm very disappointed in anyone who hasn't clearly said Irfan Shah out. --- Some molwis may think why should we get involved? It's not happening to me! But if it can happen today in Bradford, it can happen anywhere tomorrow. --- And this isn't about Shahid Ali. Take him out the equation. This is about a Sunni imam being sacked for speaking against a closet shiah who was allowed in the central Sunni masjid. Naive Sunnis are still making it about Shahid and are unable to divorce the issues. And I feel sulhs are cheering from the sidelines.
The only reason they got rid was because he spoke up against a closet shiah sat on the minbar of the central masjid of Bradford.
I find it hard to believe that this was sole the reason he was ousted. Maybe Irfan Shah events precipitated it but he had it coming a long time back. Sorry for him and his family. Hope he finds another job.
They should be boycotted, and people should withhold from giving donations to them. Even if the replaced imam is Sunni, people should leave that mosque and expose the zulm of the board.
They've now replaced him with another imam. This is wrong. Sunni masjids should glorify people who expose heretics, not sanction them.
Protest outside Bradford Central Masjid against Irfan Shah Mashhadi who has attacked the superiority of Sayyiduna Abu Bakr Siddiq رضي الله تعالى عنه and insulted the Noble Companions عليهم الرضوان
Senior ulama of the uk have condemned JTI for supporting Irfan Shah Mashhadi even after he has been preaching shia beliefs. The senior ulama condemn JTI for suspending young English-speaking Imam, scholar and teacher Mufti Shahid Ali.
i don't think anyone disagrees that the time, talent and efforts of a generation or two have been wasted on watching these molvi soap operas going to and fro over issues that have been established and proven conclusively centuries ago; throw in some modern naatkhwani just for good measure and destressing. desis in general and desi Sunnis in particular are the most lagging behind in addressing newer problems - atheism, feminism, lgbt, drugs, alcohol, porn, feminism, families crumbling due to bad marriages, liberalism, secularism, perennialism etc. we can convince ourselves that we are the defenders of zaruriyate deen and zarooriyate Ahle Sunnat and so we're tackling the biggest problems but just about all of those modern problems attack zarooriyate deen and zarooriyate Ahle Sunnat directly or indirectly for example, in a utopian situation, this entire khata and jalali episode, which is where iran shah started coming out of the closet, should have been resolved in not more than 1 hour generously speaking! same for booting iran shah right after his first indicators of rifd came to surface, and they came to surface at least 2 years back. these molvi to and fros remind me of these pakistani news shows where the anchor gets three different fools from three different parties and they just sit and "discuss" their and other parties' achievements, actions, accusations etc. inconclusively so maybe Asrar Rashid feels he needs to stay out of this soap opera and only address any directly aqidah-related issue from the sidelines, without trying to herd desi cats; and hopefully other mawlanas and du3at will follow the approach, and maybe in next few years we'd be cleansed of this mess. in his case at least his work on ground attests to this this. i'm not sure if the same can be said for some of the other big names mentioned here address any directly aqidah-related issue from the sidelines: on this point i think he can make an additional statement that a person who disparages sahaba (or name iran shah directly) cannot lead Sunnis in prayer and needs to be sacked from Sunni mosques, even if he doesn't protest to the deaf ears of the JTI. Allah knows best
Yep and the likes of Pir Habib ur Rehman Mehboobi. They're senior, Hage influence and are in the locality.
Finally someone said it. But it wouldn't be right just to ask Shaykh Asrar. There are other ulama in the UK who have influence...
Groupism is banal among sunni communities everywhere - am yet to see a group of entirely unprejudiced sunnis. My advice to all is to read at least a few chapters from: "Mistakes were made (but not by me)" - to recognize our own blind spots and to become generally more self-aware.
I think both sides of the sunni table have a point. Though it is true that sh. Asrar need not speak out against every issue under the sun - it is equally true that the present issue is not about one or two individuals - like mawlana shahid or irfan shah - it is about principles and it affects sunnis in the UK (and indeed globally). I don't think that his voice is so inconsequential as to go totally unnoticed. It is also not as if sh. Asrar has no locus standi on the issue, since he is a denizen of the UK and being a scholar with a sizeable following it is his moral responsibility, if not a shara'yi obligation, to do nahyi-an-al-munkar, so long as there remains a possibility that it would have a positive effect. Hence it would have been good to have Sh. Asrar sb. issue a clear statement regarding irfan leading prayers in sunni mosques - if only to build pressure on the trustees. Sh. Asrar's students need to stop looking at this from the shahid-vs-jti lens. It has a much broader scope as what we are seeing play out is probably just the tip of the rafidi-influence iceberg floating adrift the sunni community in the UK. No one is asking sh. Asrar to support calls for shahid sb's reinstatement (although that would have been preferable - not just as a good strategy to win him - and his followers - over, but also as an exemplary act of futuwwah) - he can at least call for iran shah's dismissal and warn sunnis against congregating behind him in prayer. Allah knows best.
A public scholar should give a public yes or no, if and when asked: Should Irfan Shah be leading jumuah at a Sunni masjid?