Kanz Ul Huda Grand Opening - 17/04/10

Discussion in 'Events' started by Aqdas, Apr 19, 2010.

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  1. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

    from what i saw, it was a 3 storey building and it is massive. the gathering was on the first floor and ulama such as sayyid irfan mash'hadi were present.

    may Allah allow the team to use this building to serve ahlu's sunnah.
  2. Abu al-Nasr

    Abu al-Nasr Guest

    Sorry, I only transferred information about event and guests. It is best to contact Kanz Ul Huda administration for more details about the event.

    Phone: +44 (0)7969 590202
  3. Muhammad Ali

    Muhammad Ali Veteran

    Will this be relayed live? Is this confirmed, this was said last time for the mawlid gathering but it wasn't relayed, I think it might be recorded and relayed after, can you please confirm this?
  4. Abu al-Nasr

    Abu al-Nasr Guest

    assalam 'alaykum

    Grand Mawlid and opening.

    Please find full details on here:


    Pir Saqib Ibn Iqbal al-Shami

    Other guests -
    Munazir Ahl-e-Sunnat Sayyid 'Irfan Shah al-Mash-hadi
    Pir Fayyaz Ul Hasan al-Qadiri
    Ustaz al-'Ulama Mufti Rasool Bakhsh Saeedi sahib
    Ustaz al-'Ulama Mufti Yaar Muhammad sahib

    The event will be broadcast on Takbeer TV.
    Programme time: 6-11PM (Takbeer TV timing might be different)

    Markaz Kanz Ul Huda
    Unit 7 & 8 Adderley Rd.
    B8 1AW

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